Coming for revenge

He calmed himself before rushing to the hall to actually end the party, leaving his parents wondering what was wrong with him but they were unable to question him because the man got into his car and left the venue in the presence of all the guests and reporters.

On the other hand, the big five had each gone their separate ways as soon as they left the venue.

"Chloe, how are you feeling?" Ryan asked Chloe once he was sure they were alone because the man was sure that she was not okay.

"I am okay Ryan, Just some dizziness abd before you say it, no, I don't need a check up, just take me home."

She replied back in a tired manner prompting the man to sigh but she realized that he had instructed the cab driver to go to a different direction. Feeling too tired to argue out, Chloe just shut her eyes close because she was in the presence of a man she trusted without her own knowledge.