I am ready to try

"Come on love, I told you I was going to come today to see grandma and grandpa today." Ian replied back loud enough for the elders to hear but Mary was busy facepalming herself inwardly because she knew what the man was upto.

"Hehe... grandma, grandpa we'll be going for a little walk." She spoke immediately pulling the man rushing towards the garden leaving grandma Huang busy clapping like a kid who had just received candy. "Ohh honey, young love.. sigh..." She said as she admiringly watched the two go to the garden unbothered.

"Come on Ian, what was that?" Mary asked once they got to the garden, glaring at the man who seemed not to be bothered by anything.

"Come down Mary, if I am to marry, I have to gain favour from your grandparents you know that our marriage is different darling." He replied back making the girl nod after realizing that he had good reasons for what he just did.