We will wait

She did not even greet him and proceeded to immediately ask her question. " Please tell me what the internet is saying is true son!Please!" The woman's voice could be heard in the whole room apparently and Ian could clearly hear the excitement in her voice but he knew the truth was complety different.

"No mom, I am so sorry but whoever took the video speculated his own things. Mary and I were busy talking about something else and whatever she told me really excited me and I think that is the time the video was taken." He calmly explained even though he knew his mother was heartbroken on the other end. Mother Mo on the other end was completely dissapointed but she quickly gathered herself.

"Ohh...I see.. well in that case we will just wait for one as you guys clear the rumours. Good day son." She immediately hang up and being her son, Ian knew how dissapointed his mother was but there was nothing he could do to console her.