Good quality

"If course you are Ma..wait what???" Mrs Ling shouted on top of her lungs as she stared at a Mary who wore a pleasing smirk and behind her, a pale mother Mo.

"My dear daughter... Is it.. Are you.. I.." The woman was even having a hard time coming up with her words trying to convince herself that her daughter in law was telling the truth.

Upon hearing her mother's words, Mary turned around and smiled at the woman before nodding.

The crowd gasped, Rita shocked but a certain man at the back wasn't feeling shocked by the fact that the girl at the centre of the venue was painter X, rather, he felt some weird feelings he couldn't describe at all.

The first time he felt this feeling was when Mary revealed her pregnancy. He found himself staring at her still flat stomach but he didn't know what these feelings he was feeling were. Connection maybe?