Still lying in a comma

Sunday came by in just a few hours with headlines of Liam's and Jane's official engagement splashed the internet but that right now was not the families concern.

Liam had just woken all of them up with an important call informing them that they were all to assemble at the Lu mansion by 2pm.

He did not give them much information except for the fact that they were all supposed to be there since they were going to be meeting a very important guest.

On the other hand, Daniel (The underworld king) had already prepared his second in command, (Rick) who is also Mary's mentor by telling him where they were going to be at 2pm scaring the man because he kind of had an idea on what was going to happen but he was in no way going to stop anything because it was high time for his boss to meet both of his daughters and for him to know what happened to his woman.

Rick was mentally prepared for everything as they pulled up at the Lu mansion that afternoon, the exact time for the meeting.