Feel defeated

Ryan immediately snickered the moment Jane's direction of anger turned from him towards Liam and he couldn't help but equally turned to Liam as he gave him a look of provocation, as if telling him he was going to see how he was going to get out of the situation.

Liam had actually flinched because he didn't expect Ryan to bring up such a sensitive topic, and as soon as Jane shouted his name, the man had immediately leaped and was by the side of her bed, holding her hand as he pampered her face with kisses.

"Baby, I already told you, that's not it. You know how much I love you. How can I give up on such a beautiful, intelligent, wonderful, fantastic woman? How dare I?"

"Baby, don't you see? Ryan knows that you're not feeling well, and he's still bringing past sensitive topics. He's still trying to hard to hurt you and yet he is your brother! Baby. I feel bad on your behalf."