
On December 12th, 2034, In a lab somewhere on Earth, A redhead scientist exclaimed: "Yes! This is it. With this, Earth would be transmitting signals to over 2000 light-years in the Universe". In the same month the next year, a large spaceship enough to cover the entirety of America hovered above Earth, which people only saw in fiction. Some were terrified and terror-stricken but some were exuberant.

The spaceship declared in a robotic voice. "Greetings, primitive humans! This is the Hatshepsut District. We found your Solar System, thanks to the signal which reached out. Earthlings, you will be given three choices: Either become a part of us or join your planet in the Alliance or deny them both and get ready for a war."

These words gave a chill to the spine of every person on Earth. These words confused all the humans on the planet and everyone were asking for answers from their respective governments. Later, the spaceship was described to the public as an alien aircraft trying to communicate with earthlings.

Humans succeeded in finding extraterrestrial beings in a different solar system from ours. Every earthling anticipated the new "aliens" to be giant bugs or octopus-headed freaks but to their astonishment, the so-called "aliens" were but humans!

These extraterrestrial beings were way too technologically advanced than earthlings. A huge gap that could not even be filled after a century of research. Nuclear weapons, earthlings used to jut about were nothing but fireworks for the humans of the 'Hatshepsut District of Planets' located in the Milky Way Galaxy. Earthlings would have been destroyed by other planets if not for the laws and rules set up by the Multiverse Alliance (an alliance created by Universe-Kingdoms to stop newfound planets to be destroyed).

We had to register Earth with the alliance to keep it safe from collisions by the different planets or civilizations as Earth was one of those planets with a peaceful atmosphere and abundant resources.

But registering Earth with the MA wasn't an easy task as we had to pay a hefty amount of resources for the protection from other planets or terrorist's organizations.

After getting recognized by the MA, Earth had undergone a complete development technologically, politically and socially. The hierarchy system was developed, where nobles and royals used to plunder their social advantages. Only the strongest prevailed and the weak forfeited.

People gained superhuman abilities by altering their DNA from the biochemical ability cells of different races and beasts found on other planets and thus they were called awakened or BC users. But not all people could gain BC ability cells as only a handful of people were worthy enough to awaken them.

This new ability proved to be helpful for the awakened as well as the unawakened as it gave them new job opportunities. Most of the awakened people used to hunt different kinds of beasts for money, and the unawakened used to do odd jobs for the awakened people.

Earth became a totally different place in a short amount of time, a utopia to fiction lovers as people could experience things they could only see on the screen. Earth was connected to different galaxies and planets through teleportation portals, people could travel hundreds of miles just by passing through the portal.

We also found out that the different races which we used to read in fantasies all do exist! Elves, dwarfs, nymphs, demons, etc exist and were thriving on their own planets. There were all kinds of diverse races on Earth after the invasion, humans interacted with all the races without prejudice and discrimination.

All the countries that existed before the invasion were taken under the wing of The Earth Federation which was under the control of the Human Alliance. The government started to give importance to the military to gain power, and thus children were taught under the military regime from a young age.

Children with high potential were given special privileges and the others were not given any importance. This lead to a hierarchy system and the society being ruled under the strong ones.


CURRENT DATE: 12.12.2050

TIME: 18:00


At a random forlorn street, a teenager who looked around sixteen years old was beaten to a pulp and was thrown in the trash container by some hoodlums who happened to dress the same as him.

The tallest of the four, a blonde in a blue battle suit shouted after throwing a jab at the frail teenager,

"It feels so satisfying after beating the shit out of you, I wanna kill you, but I will get in more trouble so I think it should be good to debilitate you of walking.

Now live in pain as a cripple, you arrogant a** b*tch!"

Saying those words, the tallest who looked like the leader of the other three left with a satisfying expression on his face.

Later that day, a trash collector machine found a body in the container which seemed to be grasping for life.

The police were reported about the body and the boy was sent to the hospital immediately. After undergoing the treatment, the boy was declared to his family by the doctors a cripple as he had lost the sense of his legs and arms.


This incident happened left Otsuka's life inane.

He thought of killing himself but to his demise, he couldn't even kill himself. He had become a cripple who had to live on others which he hated the most.

Much had happened with him but he didn't feel remorse or vengeful against his assailants, what had happened in the past which left him in this situation?