A Wake-Up Call

'I feel like it's time for me to teach Fukui some of the more advanced techniques, she has worked hard over her time here, after all.' I fiddled with my mustache as I arrived back at my dojo.

I just dealt with a monster to protect some young kids who needed help. I am glad I could get there in time.

Opening the dojo, as expected, it was empty. Most of my students would be training outside during this time.

I walked to the other side of the dojo and opened the door to the outside. To my horror there were many bodies of my students and a burnt-up Garou standing in the center.

Even the one I treated as my own daughter, Fukui, lay there covered in her own blood.

"Garou! What have you done!" I angrily yelled.

"Hmph." He snarled at me.

"Leave! You are never to return to this dojo!" I could have reported this, and have him arrested, but I couldn't do that to him.

He was one of my students, and no matter what, he was already like one of my own children. I couldn't bring myself to lock him up like any old criminal.

He glared at me before leaving.

All of my students would leave after this incident, I was sure of it. Fear, anger, those were two emotions that would persuade them to leave, but I didn't care. As long as I would be here, then my dojo will fall with me.


I woke up, for real this time.

I was in a hospital too. It seems that Bang returned and called an ambulance, or several, but I still had a killer headache.

The first question I had was, 'What kind of power was that?'

The second was, 'Was any of that real?'

The only answer for both of them that I had was to try to do it again, but I don't even know how to do that.

I decided to leave that for later when the headache went away, since I assume the headache came from overusing the ability somehow. I don't think I can double overuse an ability since that would be weird. Or would kill me, so I don't even want to test it.

Once again, not that I know how to test it.

I looked around me and noticed that other than me, there was no one else in the room. I thought I would be put into the same room as the rest of the victims of Garou, but now that I think of it, I am pretty sure that I am the only female student of Bang.

Not the only feminine one, but the only female one. There are a few... effeminate guys that kind of creep me out. They're nice and all, but it feels weird hearing that stuff coming from a guy...

Back on track!

'I should probably rest for a while.' I thought to myself.

I laid back down on the hospital bed, leaving me with only my own thoughts.

'I can't believe I lost to Garou. He was only learning under Bang for a few months and he's already stronger than me.' I sulked.

I felt like all my hard work meant nothing in front of talent. Though I knew I had talent myself, I didn't learn nearly as fast as Garou did.

That would only mean I would have to work harder. I'll also need to figure out how to use that power. That could pull me ahead despite my slower growth speed compared to Garou.

It's not cheating if its something I already have, though I would like to try beating him with just my skill, I won't hesitate to use my resources. I might hesitate a little bit, but that doesn't matter for now.

I fell back asleep soon after, I think, because you never really notice when you fall asleep, it just kind of happens.

I woke up again, with no feeling in my body, my eyes felt heavy and I felt like I wasn't awake. At the same time though, it felt like I was awake. Like, my mind was awake but not my body. It doesn't matter how I explain it, all you'd need to know is that it felt weird.

I heard someone talking in the room around me, and I noticed it was Bang talking to another student by the name of Charanko.

I remembered him because he was known as the laziest student in the dojo. He did next to nothing, only using the fact that he was a martial artist under the famous Bang to get clout.

"Charanko, I'm afraid after this incident you may be the only student I have left." Bang said solemnly.

"Huh? What, are they afraid of Garou? One little incident and they all leave?" Charanko said as if he wouldn't have had his ass handed to him then.

My eyes were still closed and I was technically asleep, so I couldn't voice any opinion in this situation.

I could try imagining me talking to them telepathically or something, but that would probably make the headache worse and it still hasn't gone away yet.

"You weren't there, Charanko, but it was brutal. Garou had broken all of their arms at least, and others were beaten within an inch of their life. Human nature would lead them to all naturally fear my dojo. To them, if it happened once it could happen again." Bang shook his head.

I saw Charanko's expression twist slightly, but even then his cocky attitude prevailed, "I can't believe they would run away because of a few broken bones. I'll avenge this dojo by taking Garou out myself!" He announced.

I wouldn't let him take Garou out, not that he could. I was going to take Garou out, not as revenge or anything, but to show my improvement in the future.

First though, I'll become a hero. Just like my master, I want to actually be paid for once. I wasn't sure I was ready yet though, so I would try to take out a few monsters first before I do anything else.

Before I could try and get up, my mind fell asleep again. I wish I could control this blasted power, or whatever it is.