A Strange Cave

'I suppose I'll take a detour on my way to the ghost town.' I stared at the forest the caterpillar was headed towards.

I walked toward the forest, letting authorities take care of the aftermath. I hope some other hero claims credit for this, I don't want to be dragged into the association because they see promise in me.

I have seen enough of those stories and don't want to be a part of them just yet. King, for example, was taken in not too long ago for his feats against large and powerful monsters, making him known as the strongest man.

I sprinted toward the forest, on the now empty street. The announcement for a monster probably happened while I was fighting it, but I wasn't really paying any attention.

Since the forest wasn't that far away, I had arrived fairly quickly, and simply looking around didn't net anything, so I would have to search the forest much more thoroughly.

I wandered the forest and lifted a few larger rocks to see if they were blocking anything. I also looked around every tree carefully. The entrance would have to be quite large in order to fit that rather large caterpillar monster after all.

It took over an hour, and I was really mad that it took so long, because I came across a cave closer to Master Bang's dojo, but embedded into the side of the mountain. It was a gigantic entryway, and it was on the complete other end of the forest.

I had gone through the whole small forest completely for no reason, all of that time wasted!

I walked into the cave, making myself as silent as possible. I didn't really want to get caught in the middle of multiple monsters, because no matter how strong I am right now, I can't handle too many monsters.

Or at least I assume there are multiple as Steam Caterpillar referred to himself as 'one' of the insect kin. I just hope there aren't too many, I hate bugs.

Walking for a while, I eventually came across a large set of steel doors.

How they got the doors here is beyond me, so I won't be questioning it.

I slowly opened the door, hoping it wouldn't creak and give me away to any monsters. I don't exactly know why I was going into the base of what could be hundreds of monsters. I guess curiosity DID kill the cat.

Thankfully I have no cat genes to my knowledge.

Getting the door open just enough I go through and close it as slowly as I opened it to prevent it from being too loud when it closes.

A light clang still happened when I closed the door, but I prefer not to have my fingers jammed between two large metal doors.

I just hoped that none of the monsters heard it.

I walked ahead in the now pitch black cave. The doors prevented any light from coming through, as if designed like that on purpose.

Probably was knowing monsters.

I say that but I know nothing about monsters, or, sorry, "Mysterious Beings" as they're called officially.

I wandered forward as the cave seemed to open up vastly. I wasn't about to walk into an open space in the dark, so I kept to the walls as I went around.

"Hm?" I noticed something unusual as my hand passed over the wall.

"Stone brick?" I muttered. It echoed through the large cavern with no obstacles to stunt the echo anywhere.

I heard slight shuffling from somewhere above me, which sent me into immediate alert. Following that, torches flared to life all around me. I don't know how that worked, but I wasn't going to think about it since weird powers, while rare, weren't way out there.

After my eyes adjusted to the new light source, I realized why I felt stone brick. I was in the middle of a large arena, surrounded by a decent amount of bug-like monsters.

Feeling something dripping onto my head I looked up and saw the grotesque face of some beetle monster. I was not about to sit under that thing, so I quickly retreated to the center of the arena, slowly moving my body around to keep an eye on any possible movements.

"Welcome, human! To the Insect Arena!" A large humanoid bug announced. He wasn't any exact type of bug, something between an ant and a buff knight, with his carapace that looked like armour.

"I am Bug God! The leader of this underground arena for foolish humans who are lured here!"

"Not exactly too creative are you." I mumbled, to which he didn't hear me, since the echo of his own voice still dominated the room.

"Now, who was the one who lured this one here!?" He asked loudly, hoping for any response.

His echo faded away as none of the monsters responded. By the tone of the bug god's voice, he would give a reward to them, and no one claimed it either.

"If you're talking about bug monsters, I think I killed one, like a few blocks past the forest." I explained.

"What!? Who?" The bug god seemed to care greatly.

"Uh, the caterpillar train, what was its name?" I had already forgotten. I wasn't exactly good at remembering things I cared little about.

"Steam Caterpillar!?" He yelled, shocked.

"Ya, that was it!" I was proud that I remembered.

"Alright, it seems today we have a cheeky one. Alright, we're putting this one through the championship gauntlet!" Bug God announced, clearly pissed off.

"Huh? A gauntlet?"

"That's right, we are going to send our champions of murder-past to cut you down in revenge for killing one of our prized fisher-bugs!"

'Well, one at a time makes it a hell of a lot easier than fighting a lot at once, might as well. I doubt they would just let me leave.'

I loosened up a bit as I waited for the Bug God to continue.

"Well, it won't be much of a gauntlet, since our first champion is going to tear you apart."

At that call, a large moth landed, throwing dust all around the arena.

"Introducing, Rahmoth! Thought to be a descendant of Mothra!"


A/N: My thoughts just kind of connected today. So here is one of my better chapters.