I heard the sounds of laughter as my consciousness returned to me.

I couldn't feel my body at all, so I must have entered the weird state where I can use my strange powers.

The laughing I was hearing came from Bug God, who was now monologuing.

"This shows just how weak humans are compared to monsters, haha! This human couldn't even see me attack!"

Bug God continued praising himself, along with the cheers of the other bugs in the crowd, it created the most arrogant image of a bug I have ever seen. If he had a nose it would be on his forehead; his ego was so large.

'Well he won't see this coming.' I thought of the ground turning into steel and trapping Bug God in giant maws like a massive shark.

Bug God was better than I thought though, as he narrowly dodged the surprise attack.

'This power is extremely versatile. Too bad it has to go along with physics to an extent.'

"Who was that!?" Bug God searched around after seeing the steel maw recede into the ground.

Might as well make myself known. After another surprise attack that is.

An opened Iron Maiden appeared from the ground and attempted to close onto the Bug God. Bug God, of course, dodged it.

Maybe this life or death situation isn't the best time to experiment.

Bug God also seemed to be connecting the dots, slowly as he looked at my unconscious body.

Before he could fully realize, I controlled my body the best I could and launched myself toward him. For some reason I couldn't make myself feel my body like I could before, but it was a lot easier to control now.

When I tried to control my body I tried to force myself to essentially sleep walk, which was extremely difficult with no sense of touch, but if I imagined myself moving properly, it was a lot easier to move.

It was more like controlling a giant robot, sci-fi style.

Anyway, I appeared beside Bug God, like he had to me and kicked him in the waist. His guard was down since he thought I was still a lot weaker than him, but my body listened to everything I thought of.

Which included how powerful my blows were, as Bug God was sent flying into the wall of the arena.

I also decided to actually stop messing around and try to deal with him as quickly as possible, as I feel a transformation coming on.

I closed the walls of the arena around him to lock him in place, and I was about to follow-up, but my thoughts can only go so fast, and I tried to imagine it fast enough, but he managed to break out.

"Fine then! Everyone, attack!" Bug God ordered, and all the bug monsters rushed down from the stands.

It was honestly really gross seeing all the legs crawl toward me. Unfortunately I had to see every detail because of this weird sense of vision I had.

I controlled the rock below into spikes and impaled everywhere in the arena. I had to imagine each one, so I am somewhat glad that I had the 360 vision, which allowed me to imagine everything in every direction so I didn't have to turn around.

Of course, actually being able to imagine the earth impaling all these monsters was a little hard, especially for the ones I didn't see since they were smaller.

After they started getting closer, I switched modes and started defending with the flowing-water crushing-rock instead. While my imagination was powerful, splitting my imagination was pretty much impossible, especially with all the little bugs attacking me from every direction.

It wasn't too hard to defend since my body reacted exactly how I wanted, and any attacks I did sustain could be healed, but once again, I would be a little distracted.

By the time I was done dealing with all the weaker monsters, the headache started coming along again. Well, it probably started a little earlier, but I didn't notice since I was dealing with a particularly large ant.

'Wait, where'd Bug God go?' I looked around and saw no sign of him anywhere.

'He ran away!?' I was surprised. For someone as cocky as he was, I never expected him to run.

I trudged out of the cave with a pain in the sides of my head. Not the average headache I would say.

I laid down just before the cave entrance. I wasn't going to make it very far, so might as well succumb here.

Before I knew it, I woke up again, with a headache still.

I wish the headache would go away faster, but that's just life I guess.

I got up from the cave wall where I had set myself in and noticed the ground seemed a bit, warped?

It was twisted a bit in certain areas, but maybe that was just my imagination, and that was already there.

I walked back home, with a stiff look on my face that warded people to move away from me. Not to mention all the dirt all over my clothes made me seem like a homeless person.

I washed up when I got home and went straight back to sleep. Hopefully I could just sleep this headache off like last time.

When I awoke again, I noticed something different about my house. Last I checked, my house's walls weren't twisted to look like a whirlpool. Nor was my night lamp made to look twisted like a tornado.

"What the hell?" The headache had gone away, but this brought a different type of headache. The figurative one.

I shrugged it off though. I was going to move out at some point anyway, probably to the ghost town after I check it out. Might have to pay for the damages, but I might be able to get away with saying some weird monster did it.

I assume I was the one who did it, somehow.

Tomorrow I am going to go to the ghost town. For real.


A/N: My brain was all over the place today, so sorry if the chapter feels weird.