An Even Bigger Beetle-borg

As I readied myself, Kabuto up and disappeared.

Or at least that's how it appeared. Thanks to that strange sixth sense I have gained, I knew he was right behind me.

He aimed a rather lazy punch toward the back of my head.

Now is when things got serious.

My eyes seemed to glow against the white background, much like Genos's. I shifted my body to the side, allowing the arm to pass me.

Then I tried something risky. I grabbed his arm, and flipped him over. The best way to get through armour is by vibration. Or just being more powerful than it, but I currently am not.

Using a throw similar to that of one in Judo, I managed to flip the big beetle bastard over me. With his own heavy weight coming crashing down, he got rather irritated, since it had actually hurt him, and quite a bit.

He flipped himself rather quickly, surprising me with a flip kick to my back sending me tumbling forward violently.

Now, this was a situation where I was screwed. I am pretty sure that in one kick he had broken all of my ribs.

Unlike Genos, I happen to be fully human, and, unlike Saitama, I don't have ridiculous levels of endurance. I may be strong, but I take hits like a window takes baseballs. I am able to handle lighter hits, but 70km/hr or above breaks me.

After my body finished tumbling, I coughed up blood. Last I checked, internal injuries are REALLY bad. I was in extreme amounts of pain, but not enough to knock me out.

I should have used my reaction time to my advantage, but not only did I lose focus, but I got cocky about my skills.

I roughly stood up. If I laid on the ground, I would be dead for sure. I don't think I have much strength left, but I'll try my damnedest. (A/N: What is that word btw? The n and e are silent)

"Still getting up, eh? Like a filthy cockroach." Kabuto taunted me. No matter what, I would never get as cocky as him.

Maybe I should have forced Saitama to come with us. That sale lasted nearly the whole day anyway.

"At least I don't look like a bug. While you look like the grossest beetle I have ever seen." I shot back.

I ain't taking that sitting down. Though sitting down seems to be a good idea right now.

Genos seemed to notice my plight, but he was struggling to stand up himself.

'It's fine. I got plot armour in the form of my dream powers. I just got to activate them somehow without getting knocked out.'

Maybe that last comment didn't sit well, because I could see Kabuto getting visibly angry. Veins popped up everywhere, and he... he was not that big before.

And he's purple now.

"Oh wow, I made him actually mad then." I had already realized that this was a transformation.

Some monsters had them, and it made them tons of times stronger. I hope this was at most a doubling of his power, but that didn't seem to be the case.

As he was transforming, I noticed the doors closing with an alarm going off, which pointed to this being a worst case scenario for me.

"You've pissed me off, for such a goddamn weak bug!" Kabuto yelled.

"It was just a joke buggy-- I mean buddy!"

"I am gonna annihilate you."

'Oh god, I have to figure something out right now or I am absolutely dead!'

I loosened all my joints to try to make my body fall asleep on its own. It was the only thing I could think of.

As I crumbled to the ground, I felt a weird tingling sensation wash over my body.

I felt the rest of my body loosen along with it, then the numbing of my whole body. It was a weird feeling.

"Carnage Mode!" Kabuto yelled.

He saw my body unmoving on the ground but charged at it nonetheless. Anger is a hell of a thing.

Knowing I wouldn't be able to control myself out of the way in time, I imagined myself taking the hits. Of course, I had already regenerated fully, with blood being left over, yet to dry.

"No, Kabuto! You'll be rampaging for a week!" The black-haired guy from earlier had entered at some point. I don't know when.

The entire room had turned black, with the grey lines now glowing red. The floor gave the illusion that it went down forever.

"URAAAAAAH!" Kabuto gave a battle cry as I felt a large impact hit me in the stomach. He had kicked me upwards like a child learning how to play soccer.

It was a lot stronger than I thought I would, so, out came the blood again. Thankfully I can regenerate my body with a thought, but splitting my thoughts to also make me more durable is difficult.

Before I could think of better durability I was hit again, with a punch.

I was volleyed around, regenerating in an endless cycle of pain, and then less pain as I fixed my durability. Adaptation really is one of humanity's best tools.

I was sent flying from wall to wall by the angry Kabuto, bits and blocks being blown everywhere. Genos had tried to help a few times but miraculously failed to do so, getting blown away by the debris that I was sent flying into.

Eventually, the pain lessened to the point where it would only bruise. I honestly didn't want to get hurt anymore so I started using my dream powers in full.

All the debris sent everywhere suddenly collected itself around Kabuto and compressed. It looked like a meteor wrapped around Kabuto as I fell to the ground, barely controlling my body to land properly.

I had lost a lot of blood, as exemplified by my everything being covered. I don't even know how I am still conscious.

Oh wait, I'm not.

The debris exploded outwards as Kabuto escaped, a little confused, but still enraged. His eyes even went pure red.

This was going to be annoying...