A Full Recovery

It took three days for me to finally awake from my coma. It would have been longer if I didn't regenerate from my injuries before I fainted. Not to mention the blood loss.

The doctor assigned to me was surprised that I even survived, not to mention waking up a mere three days later.

That made sense though, I suppose. I had been battered around by an opponent much stronger than I was to the point where even I was sure I died.

I still have no idea how durable I became after that thrashing. Maybe I was as durable as the luster of the S Class hero Darkshine, or maybe I was just as durable as Saitama? Hardly.

I was already in my room in the apartment. Genos seemed to have a knack for cleaning since when I got back the destroyed area around the apartment was fixed up.

When I woke up I had a killer headache. It still hadn't resided at all since then, but I guess this is the price I pay for overusing my powers. I way overused them thinking back to the battle.

Reinforcing my body to take all those blows, all of my regeneration, my earth manipulation, healing Genos' metal somehow, and turning my own arms into steel.

I am still surprised I didn't straight up die, though it does feel like I am dying right now. It is impossible to ignore this headache, it's awful!

I have been fairly calm this whole reminiscence, but it's god awful! I can't even move it hurts so bad. Despite it being a headache, I feel like if I am poked at all it will hurt really bad!

So I was sleeping it off. I wasn't dealing with this pain. Thankfully, having a headache always makes it easier to sleep somehow.

I slept extremely often over the next two days, and when I was awake I would barely eat and then lie in bed for a few hours before going to sleep again.

Fairly peaceful but tiring. Yes, tiring, despite me only sleeping.

Sleeping that long makes you feel lazier. I also felt exhausted much easier, but I had to push through to start training again.

Being strong isn't like riding a bike, without upkeep, you'll get weaker no matter what.

After I had gotten a hold of myself with only a slight headache remaining, I heard a knock at my door.

Opening it, I saw Saitama in his signature hero outfit.

"What's up?" I greeted casually.

"How are you?" He asked first.

"Pretty good, I have a little headache but nothing to fret over." I told him. It wasn't anything that bad.

"How about taking the hero association exam with me and Genos?" He asked, after which he whispered, "I don't want to go with just Genos, he's kind of clingy."

"Alright, sure. Master Bang is already a hero, and I have always wanted to be one. I say now is as good a time as any." I said calmly.

On the inside, however, I was exploding. I had completely forgotten I could get paid for this! Money and my dream at the same time! Even if said dream is childish and naive, I don't care! It makes me giddy.

"We're heading out tomorrow, since the test is conveniently set as tomorrow and the next few days."

"Okay! See you tomorrow then! I am gonna go eat a decent meal for once." I waved him off.

It was truly inspiring that a hero such as Saitama hadn't registered as a hero, but perhaps he had gotten as caught up in his training as I did.

Of course, Saitama never told Fukui the real reason that he had wanted to be registered as a hero, but she didn't need to know that, especially considering the reason was to be popular.


"Woah, this place is huge!" I commented upon my arrival to the hero registry along with Genos and Saitama.

The testing area was an incredibly large dome that looked like it could encase an entire colosseum.

When we had entered, the men and the women were split off into separate testing areas, so I had to say goodbye to Genos and Saitama. Further is that when you got in, the testing was split into two, one physical and one written.

"Feels like middle-school all over again." I shuttered slightly, I used to have a... less than average physical and mental ability.

It wasn't even worth bullying me into doing homework for people since they could have gotten a better score on their own.

Enough about me, I need to focus on the exam. I was starting with the written one.

Thankfully it wasn't too hard, but I am pretty sure I got a lot of the questions wrong anyway. There were some morality questions, some what if situations, core subjects...

Why do I need to know math to be a hero!? I'm not good at math! Nobody is good at math! That's why calculators are a thing for christ's sake!

What I was really excited for was the physical examination. I don't exactly know if they have any tests based on durability, but I would ace those ones for sure! Probably...

I don't exactly know the required physical level, so I will try my best! Even if others are much slower than me, I'll stand out from the crowd!

I am not going to use my powers, however. That headache is haunting me at the moment, and since it hasn't entirely gone away, even though it's so miniscule at this point that I have to focus to feel any pain, I am not risking it.

When I go through another week of suffering is the day I could probably, might, maybe die.

Anyway, the idea of the physical exam had pushed me through the written one! I was very glad I wrote that first, because if I exhausted myself trying to show off on the physical and then was too tired to think completely, I may have failed the written portion...

I stood in line behind over a hundred other girls, while what must have been a few hundred others behind me.

I am honestly surprised that there were this many women trying out, but after getting a good look at them I understood.

All of them worked out hard.

And I mean harder than me, and I have started working out a metric ton lately, not to mention the physical boosts I have gotten from my powers.


A/N: I absolutely despise summer...

I am Canadian, I ain't made for this heat.......

That is one of the reasons I haven't posted, but it was mostly because I just straight up didn't want to.

Might post two, because... obvious cliffhanger that I don't like, but I hit my personal chapter quota already so another chapter it is.

(Don't get your hopes up I am currently melting like the shitty snowman I am)