The Queen

A/N: Author note at the start this time.

Not a chapter starting with A, so that's cool and new.

Anyway, I was gonna post yesterday, but I was drawing this>

I ain't good at drawing so I pretty much copied the Fubuki one in the manga.

Enjoy the Deep Sea King getting his ass beat :)

(Important Author note at the very bottom)


Every punch into the fish man was violent. Each thud resounded and echoed through the rain, each hit drawing blue blood and inflicting wounds that regenerated quickly with the rain.

The crown on the Sea King's head somehow held on, despite each blow causing the Sea King to flinch wildly in response.

"Enough!" The Sea King was tired of taking the blows and managed to get a punch of his own in.

With the punch he pushed me off of himself but after I planted myself to the ground, his fist wouldn't move any further.

"I am the Deep Sea King! I will not lose to some monkey!" He screeched.

He tried to pull his fist back, but my grip tightened, my hands dug into his fist, creating a hold that I kept on him.

With a large swing, I threw him over my body and smashed him into the ground. His weight mixed with the strength of the flip cracked the concrete with ease.

So I continued. I kept a hold on his hand and flung him around and around, smashing him into the ground like an angry child throwing their stuffed bear.

Having enough fun with that, I threw him away toward a nearby building. His body smashed through the building and lodged itself into it.

Angry could be seen exploding off of his face like a burning building.

Maybe it was like a burning building because the building he was in was burning somehow, but who am I to say?

Before he could get out of the building, I was already launching another attack. My teeth had sharpened and my jaw widened, and like a dragon, I had started to breath fire but instead of spreading like a flamethrower, it was a concentrated flame much like Genos'.

The blast had completely destroyed the top of the building, cascading into the sky, which temporarily blasted open some rain clouds in the distance.

Continuing with the dragon persona, my arms and hands turned large and scaled in black, ending off in sharp black claws.

I could tell where the Deep Sea King was, and, in fact, he was already behind me. The flame blast seemed to dry him out again, so now was the opportunity.

I turned and slashed him out of nowhere, and since he thought he had the jump on me, I was able to get the jump on him instead. My claws created three gashes in his chest which sent him stumbling backwards.

If his regeneration wasn't so ridiculous that move would have taken him out, but it was like water healed him. Not that I was thinking of getting rid of the rain. I wasn't really thinking of anything else other than killing him.

Since I caught him off guard, I continued hacking and slashing, until I realized my claws weren't doing as much as before. I had been doing it for a little while, trying to pressure him somewhat, but I couldn't beat his regeneration. Especially not now when he was fully hydrated.

Each gash was light and healed nearly instantaneously.

What kind of Demon level threat is this strong?

With a punch much stronger than earlier, he blasted me away, sending me through two separate buildings.

Before I hit the third building however, I stopped myself by creating two draconic wings. Might as well go all in with the aesthetic now that people have seen me use my powers.

While I could fly without the wings, I feel like just using the wings would be easier, as I wouldn't have to constantly be thinking about flight.

The wings seemed to come as second nature, even though I had never had wings before. I reinforced my claws and sharpened them as well before heading back at an extremely high speed.

I know that I mentioned keeping an aesthetic, but I was not really thinking about that. I just wanted to be stronger to take him out, and a Dragon is the strongest thing I could think of.

The Deep Sea King was about to turn around back toward Genos.

Was he... still alive?

Upon the realization that he wasn't going to be for much longer however, set me into motion and I collided into him like a meteor into the Moon.

I was able to think somewhat rationally now that I realized that Genos was still alive, so the black around my eyes disappeared and I could fight properly.

Though, whatever state the black sclera had put me into also seemed to suppress pain, as I could now feel a killer headache. Not as bad as when I tried to stop time or after fighting Kabuto but it did hurt.

Like waking up sick.

Seeing me wince, the Deep Sea King realized I had to trade something for the power I had. He was quite smart, and decided to take me out before finishing off Genos.

Someone sitting on the sidelines also realized that.

While I removed the claws and wings to try to get back some energy or whatever my power ran on, I wasn't sure still. Anyway, bike chains approached.

"Justice Crash!" The bike collided into the Sea King's back, doing literally nothing. I don't think that would even do much on the average criminal, but I didn't own a bike anymore, so I don't remember.

"The Cyclist for Justice, Mumen Rider is here!" The man introduced himself to the monster.

I knew who he was. The number 1 hero in Class C. The man with unyielding bravery and a sense of justice that would put any anime protagonist to shame.

The crowd, recovering from their stupor of watching me fight, saw Mumen Rider.

Mumen Rider tried to fight but was thrown to the side like the wrapping of a chocolate bar.

"I am pissed off already, so don't make it worse." The Deep Sea King spat.

I had to help, but I was already tired. Body-wise and mind-wise I wasn't looking too good. I didn't even know my body could get tired when it was asleep, but I suppose I wasn't actually sleeping now, was I?

Stubborn as he was, Mumen Rider tackled him, to no effect. It worked to make the giant monster even angrier, but not much else. With a rather exaggerated slap, Mumen Rider was sent flying toward me.

I caught him, but barely. I stumbled after catching him and we both fell.

I could get past the headache, but it seems my whole body was tired.

At this point, the rage faded from my eyes... literally. They were green again.

"Thanks..." He mumbled to me, before stubbornly getting up off of me.

"No one expects much from C-Class... or me. They think we wouldn't be much help." Mumen Rider started a speech.

I wasn't about to stop him though, at this point I was too tired to care. I think I did even more against Kabuto, but I suppose I also never changed my body parts completely or added new ones then.

"I know that better than anyone! I'm not good enough for Class B, I am too weak! I know that much... No one needs to tell me I can't win this, I already know that!" Mumen Rider seemed to get riled up.

I wonder if I could help someone else become stronger? I don't think I have tried that, but now seems like a great time.

What better hero than the hero most famous for his bravery.

"What are you babbling about? Begging for your life?" The Sea King mocked. He was a titan compared to Mumen Rider.

"And yet, I must try. It's not about winning or losing! It's about me, taking you on, right here, right now!" His speech moved the crowd, and honestly, even me a little.

I definitely would not regret this.

"Enough of your rambling. Time to finish you off."

"You can do it!" A supporting cheer from the crowd.

Despite Mumen Rider not showing a damn thing that he could do, he received support. A lot more than I had, and only one person spoke.

The cheer of one, turned into a cheer of all.

Including myself. I couldn't let a hero as strong as himself be left behind by others gifted by talent. Especially not when his own talent soared.

"UuuuuUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH" Mumen Rider gave a battle cry as he psyched himself up.

And with a large swing, Mumen Rider's fist collided with the Deep Sea Kings.

I had made him stronger, if only temporary. I don't know if it was enough but I gave him the last of the strength that I had in my own body, which caused me to collapse.

I had tried to do other things, but none of them worked out before I settled on giving him the stamina and strength that I had.

With the cheers of the crowd, Mumen Rider's fist collided with the Deep Sea Kings. Despite his increase in power though, it wasn't enough. He was pushed back but he didn't give up.

Finding his new power he went in even harder, finding blow after blow, and taking one himself.

He realized as he was fighting, however, that this incredible power was temporary, but he was doing what he could with it anyway.

I was laying on the ground, proud of myself for keeping up morale.

Saitama would be here any moment.

I didn't want to rely on him but it seems I'll have to let him take this one. I'll get stronger though.

Strong enough to fight my own battles.

And with that thought, Mumen Rider's battle came to an end. His final punch used the rest of the power I gave him which made the Deep Sea King take a step back, much to his irritation.

I didn't have that kind of power left though.

That came from him.

The Deep Sea King punched Mumen Rider up into the air, to the sorrow of the crowd.

With a thud, Mumen Rider was caught in Saitama's arms.

And... well. You know the rest.