[4] Training Pt. 1

Act 1 | Prologue | Training Pt. 1


Zack smiled wryly to himself as he looked at his two adult guardians we were gushing at him and continuously praising him as they talked to each other.

"I can't believe he did that! And that at such young age?! Simply monstrous!" Esther beamed.

"Of course! Whose nephew do you think he is?!" Eve bragged as if it were her own achievements.

'I don't know but... This guys are more enthusiastic than me about my powers.' Zack sighed to himself but then decided to intervene before they drifted off further. "Ladies, I think we have more concerning matters than discussing about my 'greatness'."

"*Sigh* I guess... Sorry I lost myself there for a moment." Eve said with an apologetic smile.

"Me too." Esther followed her.

"It's quite alright. I understand my abilities are not the norm but we should focus on how I should train to learn about my abilities and master them." Zack suggested and the two women nodded.

"That's right." Eve said and she rubbed her chin. "Let's see what we have so far and what we should be able to do. Large reserves, which means you will be able to dish out spells that consume much magic without running yourself dry. Insight and understanding, from yesterday's stunt it's easy to deduce that you will have it fairly easy to understand the concept of magic and it's spells and with the unfair amount of control you have mastering them also wouldn't be an issue as long as you put great effort into it."

"So, I have already come up with a solid schedule for you and we can just improvise it as you advance or we discover more of your magic." Esther said as she passed them a paper.


Monday: Transfiguration, Spellcasting(Charms, etc)

Tuesday: Magic Theory, Dark Arts and it's Counters(Curses, Hexes, Jinxes, etc)

Wednesday: Herbology, Potions

Thursday: Astronomy, Basic Muggle Studies

Friday: Arithmancy, Ancient Runes

Saturday: Weekly Assessment

Sunday: Independent Study (Off-Time)


"Hmmm, Not bad. These are also the subject that will be taught once you enter a wizarding school and some of the subject are advance that can only be learned later on. So, I guess learning these will certainly be advantageous to you in the long run." Eve hummed to herself then turned to her nephew who was in a deep thought. "We can also hire specialized teachers and make them take an oath to not disclose any information about your abilities to any party. What do you think?"

"I think that would be excellent. I just want ask you to give me permission to research and experiment on my own." Zack said with a pleading look. 'As I study under these teachers I'll be able to explore more of my abilities and play with magic.'

"I guess we can allow you, but you have to promise us that you won't do anything remotely dangerous." Eve said with a sterb expression to which Zack nodded eagerly.

"I promise!" Zack exclaimed but he had his fingers crossed behind his back. 'Obviously I can't promise you that!.'

"Good." Esther said. "Conveniently tomorrow is Monday, take rest today while me and your aunt go and write some letters and cash in some favours from some old friends."

"Okay!" Zack said. Grabbing a book from the library he skipped to his bedroom. "Tomorrow, my training as a wizard will begin! Man I can't wait!"


Training was everything and more than what Zack had desired and expected. True to Esther's words, his teacher were truly experts in their own field and under their teaching he grew and became more powerful than any of them had expected. To say that his teacher were shocked would be an understatement. They at first outright denied to accept that there was someone like him existed, even after witnessing his learning capabilities. But after teaching him for a month and witnessing more outrageous things that he did they became numb to it and his guardians even more so.

'Hmph! Calling a cute little kid like me a monster! How rude! Everyone of them! Hmph!'

And so six months passed in a blink of an eye and so we see four individuals other than Eve and Esther sitting in the Eve's study room and their topic.

"I think we should advance his training." A grizzled man his late 40s said. He has black hair slicked back in a wild manner, a nice beard, black eyes and a scar across right eye. This guy is Max Madford, a renowned German-American Battle-Wizard. He is in charge of teaching him Transfiguration and Dark arts and its counters. He had a wild grin plastered on his face as he rubbed his beard. "My disciple has already mastered the basics long ago and has been working on his own to improvise his knowledge."

"What do you mean your disciple?! He clearly likes me, the beautiful extraordinaire, madame Lalisa Monrovia the most!" True to the her words, Lalisa was a very beautiful french half-veela with blonde hair, emerald eyes and a buxom figure. Asides for her beauty, she was known for her prowess in achievements charms and for her knowledge in Arithmancy. She teaches Zack, Spellcasting and Arithmancy. "But I'll have to agree with him with this brute here. We should increase the intensity. Little Zacky is quick to learn spells and even improve them. He's so dedicated he even started to study Muggle-Mathematics to help him in his research."

"Mind you tongue old had!"

"Make me mangly barbarian!" Lalisa stuck out her tongue. "And I'm just 26!"

"Leaving the bear and shotacon aside-"


"-I think we should also introduce more subjects and more practical lessons into Zachary's schedule. His thirst for knowledge is unquenchable because tho his basically overworking himself, I've seen him with books of different types and branches of magic." A stern lady in her 50s with noble aura said with a nod. She is Marina Silvia, an expert of Ancient Runes from Brazil and is also a part of research team of Nasa so she is very formidable in Astrology too. "Runes are like a second nature to him and in this fields he has shown the fastest progress so far. It can very well be because one of his ancestors was a Grandmaster who mastered runes and has contributed a lot in this field."

"Yes, Abe-No-Seimei was a monster in that regards too as well as my ancestor but after the first three lords no one had an affinity towards rune untill now." Eve nodded, while Cairns were able to access runic magic it was limited and no progress could me made as none has an affinity after the first three lords.

"Yes, the boy has many talents and limiting him would do him no good. Don't you think so too, Lady Camilia?" Marina asked as she looked at the girl besides her with a gentle smile.

"Ah! Well... Umm... I think so too." A soft voice replied. The owner of this melodious voice is a young woman who looks no older that 15. She has silvery hair and sapphire blue eyes. Her fairy like face had a light blush as she played with her hair that were styled into a long-ponytail. This is Camilia Ser Brea and despite her youthful appearance she's actually 82 years old and that's because of her unique lineage. A hybrid between a high-fairy and an elder-dwarf. She is very famous among the wizarding community not as 'Lady of Forest', for her achievements in Herbology and Potions but also as a master Alchemist who is on par with the Flamel Couple. "Zack is such a good boy, obedient and attentive. Always eager to learn and improve his art. He is the only one I deem worthy to inherit my knowledge and so we should not hold him back."

Hearing her words the other nodded. Esther and Eve had been in charge for Magic Theory and Muggle Studies and there was no issues there too.

"That's very true. Thank you, Lady Camilia. So, I believe everyone is on the same page regarding this matter?" Esther asked and the four nodded.

"Alright then. From this Monday we will advance his training." Eve said.


Four days flew by and it was monday and Zack was given his new schedule.


Monday: Transfiguration, Spellcasting, Duel (with Lalisa)

Tuesday: Magic Theory, Dark Arts and it's Counters, Duel (with Max)

Wednesday: Herbology, Potions, Alchemy

Thursday: Astronomy, Legilimency and Occlumency, Duel (with Esther)

Friday: Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Duel (with Eve)

Saturday: Weekly Assesment

Sunday: Independent Study (Off-Time)


And just like that his hectic life became more hectic.

And painfull.

"Stupefy!" Zack quick ducked down under the spell only to get nailed in the face by a minor-blasting spell that threw him away.

"Argh!" While the spell itself only stung a bit the force at which it threw him to the ground was enough to give him shallow scratches and bruises.

"Try to predict what spell is comit next and where if you are going to dodge in such a predictable." Lalisa said as her wand glowed preparing another spell. "Now get up! Stupefy!"

Zack quickly rolled to the side and as he did that he quickly transfigurated the ground to for a baricade to hide behind.

Zack breathed against his new cover trying to calm himself. He frowned as he looked down at his hand. The wand was his grandfather's and he wasn't at all compatible with it.

And while the wand did help him cast spell efficiently by reducing the casting time and doing minor focusing for him, it severely decreased the output of the spell and he didn't like that one bit.

Wands were crutches for wizards and while they did help them walk first but in the long run a wizard is handicapped without a wand.

Zack grinned as he suddenly got an idea. Flicking the wand he pointed it at himself.

"Corpus Confortans." A golden wave engulfed his body and Zack felt a lot better. His ears twitched as he quickly jumped to the side as the dirt wall exploded. Zack flipped to feet and grinned at his teacher who was looking at him with raised eyebrows.

"Did you plan to hide all day?" Lalisa mocked.

"I wish I could and I would if I could." Zack rapped as if not bothered causing Lalisa's eyebrows to twitch. "But alas that's not possible, so here I come."

"Stupefy!" Lalisa quickly fired.

"Bombarda Maxima!" Zack casted simultaneously as he dodged. Lalisa panicked not expecting him to use such a lethal spell and raised a powerful shield but her worries were for not as the spell landed on ground a bit infront of her location causing dust obscure her vision.

She stayed vigilant for a while but there were no signs of movements as she sighed in relief and dropped her shield which she regretted instantly because not even a second latter she was assaulted by a chain of spells.

Stinging hex - Stupify - binding hex - stupify - Expelliarmus - Stupify

The chain was tightly jammed as she was forced to move in a particular direction. Lalisa kept ducking and dodging to the left side and suddenly she felt the ground below her left feet become soft and soon it was shin length in the ground. As she tried to pull it out hastily the ground hardened and once again she was forced to raise a shield as two another Bombard were cast, on at the ground near her and one directly at her.

As the second one hit the shield she realised that it was very weak. But she before she could do anything the ground began to suck her leg in deeper and she frantically tried to pull it out.

"Renodo!" She cast the unbinding charm and sighed in relief as she got her leg out but it didn't last long as she felt the very familiar wooden tio of a wand against the back of her neck. Her eyes widened in realisation.

Sweat formed on her forehead as she gulped nervously before turning around. True to her speculation it was a fuly healed Zack smiling while looking at her.

"A-hahah! Zack! What a surprising turn of events! You managed to defeat me huh? Very good! Very good! How bout I take you out on a date." Lalisa said as she batted her eyelashes trying to act as innocent and cute as she can.

"Yep. Surprising for you true. For me it was calculated." Zack smiled gently. "My dear lovely Lalisa you should know that your charm has no effect on me but whatever I'll take you on that offer."

"A-hahaha! T-That's fantastic! How bout we go now? I have vouchers to-"

"Na-aa-ah. Not so first though. How about I trear you first?" Zack smiled his eyes glowing scaring Lalisa. "You have taken such good care of me past two hours. My life's most painfu-I mean pleasant hours. So, I'll have to repay this eternal gratitude of mine. Please accept it teacher."

"N-Nonono! There's no need to be so g-greatfu-!"

"Titillando Maximus!"

"Kyaaaaah! Ahahahah! Noooo! Ahaha! S-Staph! Ahah! It! Kyaah! No-ahha!"

"Life is too good to me sometimes."


A/N: Edited XD

Corpus Confortans - Body Strengthening (I came up with this. :D)

Titillando Maximus - Tickling Charm (Thought it would be funny.)

Bombarda Maxima - Exploding Charm

Stupefy - Stunning Charm

Expelliarmus - Disarming Charm