The First Day

Wally stands In front of the 14 students, slightly nervous and anxious. Tayer brings out a box filled with wooden sticks and sets it on the ground near Wally. "Alright. Um, kids, go grab one stick for yourselves and then we'll begin" Wally says to the crowd. They all clump up near the box, trying to get a stick before the other. Just this exercise show's character for the students. Jasper purposely grabs a stick that Tobias was going to grab. Linn purposely grabbed the stick that Jade was going for. Most kids just waited patiently, James grabbed two, one for him and his brother. The students lined back up to how they were after about a minute of getting the equipment. "Alright, the first lesson I'll be teaching is what your stance will be, and how to angle your future sword." Wally explains. Jasper raises his hand and asks "When do we get real swords?" Wally replies to him with "Well, in a couple years when you mastered basic training and basic techniques, you'll make your own swords. But because you're new, it may take quite a while. It'll be a long time before you're deemed good enough by me for swords." Jasper just looks at Wally with a disappointed look, dreading that he has to wait a few years.

Wally positions himself in the same way he did earlier when fighting Morte. "Okay so there's two different stances you should know. When you're in the offensive, hold your sword out forward like this, and have your dominant foot up front, It's subtle, and an easy way to get the upper hand in a fight. Now defensive on the other hand, bend your knees a bit, and hold the hilt with both hands to keep perfect balance, and steadiness. Now you all try. Do the offensive first." All the kids then try the former of the two stances, and they all get it fairly quick, James helps Chris of course, Cyrus awkwardly gets this stance, but has to move back behind everyone because of how much bigger he is than them all. Interestingly, Eric holds his stick with great force, making it crack a little bit, and he looks forward with a determined glare, meanwhile Jasper and Linn are full of themselves, thinking they're perfect while not having the correct foot placement. Jacob shows great potential, he has a nearly perfect stance, and perfect grip on the stick.

An hour goes by, and new forms and placements are learned. By this time, most of the students are still independent for the most part, besides James and Chris who stick with each other, Jasper and Linn have shown chemistry already, London was quite outgoing, but he hadn't had a chance to talk to many people yet, so he and Brittain were just with each other so far. Other than that, everyone's independent. "Okay, I think that's enough sword practice for today. I'll give you about 30 minutes, and then you'll go with Thanian to learn basic knowledge and history about Alpha Humans." Wally says, then followed by Jasper saying "Ugh, finally!' with a smug look. Wally shows no attention to it, only rolling his eyes. Wally walks into the house with the rest of the staff. "So you think you can handle 'em for another 11 years?" Thanian asks in a comedic light. Wally just exhales and says, "We'll see." Ruby walks up and says "They seem pretty well behaved, at least from how I was looking at it." Wally replies with "Yeah they were good, that Jasper kid has some nerve, I'll just get used to it, I don't really know how to teach kids stuff like 'say this and don't say that.'" Tayer adds in, "Just wait, you'll have it all figured out in only a year. Trust me, I have plenty of experience in this department."

Meanwhile outside, the kids are congregating, running around, and just being themselves. Cyrus is sitting on the ground, pulling at grass, when Dex walks up to him. "Hey. why are you so tall?" is the first thing said in this future friendship. "I don't really know, but I get this cool looking chest thing because of it so I'm happy with it." Cyrus then stands up next to Dex, towering over him at five feet. "Wow! If I stand on your shoulders, could I see over the wall?" Dex asks, they both look up, but realize they don't stand a chance. They just laugh it off, and start running around playing tag. About a minute into their game, Cyrus notices Eric trying to climb a tree that's tall enough to look over the wall. Cyrus walks up to Eric with Dex following, Cyrus looks up and asks "What are you doing?" Eric looks down at him saying "I'm not leaving, don't worry. Even if I did I wouldn't have anywhere to go. I know that the closest city is like 100 miles or something." As Eric finishes he continues climbing as if nothing happened. Cyrus and Dex awkwardly look at each other and Cyrus says "Umm okay, I wasn't really thinking you were leaving anyways." Shortly after, Eric reaches the top of the wall, and he looks outwards, then at the ground Cyrus and Dex are standing on, He says "There's fake grass in this little square that the school is on. Everything around us is desert, except for a gross little town about two miles away." Cyrus and Dex then confusingly look at the grass, picking at it to see if it's fake or not.

All the student's attention is grabbed when Thanian comes out of the house, saying "Okay, everyone, my time to shine. Come sit around this area and I'll begin." Eric climbs back down the tree and lands hard on his feet, and walks with Cyrus, Dex, and all the other students to Thanian. They all sit down, ready for the next part of their teachings. When the students sit, Jasper yells to Thanian saying "We didn't even have a long break! What's the deal?" Thanian just rolls his eyes, ignoring the brat. Inside the house, minutes go by with Wally, Alth, Tayer, and Ruby laughing and watching Thanian attempt to teach. "Hey Ruby, you think you can go outside and get a better look at Thanian for us?' Wally says wearing a fake smile. Ruby can tell that Wally's just trying to get her out of the room so he can talk to Tayer and Alth, but she obliges and just says "Sure." and walks out.

The light comedic atmosphere in the room switches to dark and secretive real quick when Wally's smile goes away just as she leaves. He looks at Tayer and Alth, and both Tayer and Wally start to talk at the same time, but cut each other off. Wally signals for Tayer to go first, and Tayer says "I was just going to ask if you did the research I suggested yesterday." Wally adds in the information he gathered. "Yeah, so I found out there are these gas deposits way underground on Anfang (The planet we opened in on), which have these really strong chemicals in them, and when the chemicals escape to the surface, they're actually what makes the sharp looking clouds over there. I've only ever really seen it used by magic users who only really used it for tricks, and even they don't dare to go get it because of how dangerous it is to obtain." Alth somewhat reluctantly asks "Did you find out anything that he could have wanted them for?" Wally replies with "Well, that's the thing. This gas is one of the most substantial gasses, It has so many possible outcomes if you were to mix it with almost anything. I even researched a few of it's common mixtures and none of them seemed too dangerous." Wally then looks at Tayer, expecting him to provide some sort of solution. "Oh. Umm well I don't really know. We might have to play the waiting game with this one. Find out what he wants after he attacks more and more people. And yes I know it's wrong, but people are going to be dying from his hands anyways, whether we know what he's up to or not." Wally sighs, knowing he doesn't have a choice in this situation. "Fine. We'll have to put together the clues as he goes, and hope we can act fast before he does something drastic. But he was on Anfang for two days, searching for the gas deposits and, in turn, harming the few people that lived there. When he lands somewhere else, I'm going. And I'll try and take him out before long." Tayer looks slightly disappointed by this, and Alth almost looks angry. "Wally, you said you're done going after Morte after yesterday. You and I both know how much stronger he is than you. You're obsessed with this, Wally. You don't want these kids to lose a father figure, do you? They already experienced that!" Wally retaliates with "Alth they don't even remember! Plus, you heard what he said to me when we first went after him. He basically told me, 'Don't try, because I have plans so insane you won't stand a chance'. What does that mean? This guy could mean serious shit, I have to at least try whenever I can." Alth just looks out the window to distract himself from Wally's reckless ideology. Tayer just finishes this conversation with "Wally. Do what you need to do. Just don't die." Wally nods, and looks out the window, and we cut back to Thanian attempting to teach the students.

"And then, he cracked his knuckles one last time to get to full power, and defeated Morioah!" Thanian says, finishing a somewhat long and confusing story, then noticing how he's been boring the students. "What? C'mon every Alpha Human loves that story!" The kids continue to not care, which makes Thanian think hard about what we wants to tell them next. "Ooh! How about the origin of Alpha Humans? That sound interesting?" Every time he talks he's followed by silence. "Alrighty then... I'll tell you. You need to know it anyway. So back a long-long-long time ago, maybe a few hundred thousand years ago, some insane nut took over the planet Evon." Thanian then points to James and Chris to add "Y'all two's last name." James smiles a bit, showing interest in the story, but Chris continues to show no emotion. "This guy ruled the planet for a hundred years, and during that time, this scientist experimented on humans, and even himself. He rewrote the cellular code of ten humans, creating the first Alpha Humans! And the powers received when you unlock them are just called chemical powers, as lazy as that is. The original scientist who created Alpha Humans and chemical powers created the terms himself." McJ raises his hand and asks "Did they defeat the nut guy?" Thanian answers by saying "Oh, and I thought you guys didn't like stories. But yes, one of the Alpha Humans and a few other individuals overthrew the 'Nut Guy'. Also, back when those were the only Alpha Humans, they didn't have a flowing colored aura like they do today. They originally just had a dense glow, and their veins would bulge and would cause pain to them. It wasn't until they had kids with normal humans that they had a flowing aura… like this!"

Thanian clenches his fists, and a gust of wind shoots off his body as a mesmerizing beige aura flows around him, allowing his hair to flow with it, and his clothes swirling with the pattern of the wind. The kids' attention is grasped, and look at Thanian's glow with aw. Even Ruby has an impressed look on her face, but then looks into the house, knowing that Wally won't be okay with this. Wally walks out of the house, points at Thanian and says "Thanian! Cut it out!" Thanian gives Wally a look, but then reluctantly disables his power as he rolls his eyes. "Didn't I tell you not to do that until I said you could?" Thanian adds in "What's the harm? I'M the one teaching them about Alpha Humans and powers and whatnot, this was a teaching experience." Wally puts his hand on his face in frustration, saying "Activating your chemical powers is supposed to be an amazing experience that you live your whole life to see, don't desensitize them to it!" Thanian replies only to fuel his frustration adding "Well they would've asked anyway! So I'm just showing them 'cause I know they wanna see." Wally ends it with "There was absolutely no need for you to do it, just don't do it again. End of discussion. Are you still teaching for today? Or do you want Alth to come step in?" Thanian fumbles over his words at first because of the sudden change of the subject, but he eventually says "Uhh yeah sure, Alth can come take over." Thanian just mopes back into the school with Wally following, and Alth walks out to the students.

"All right, all of you stand how you were earlier when you were with Wally." The students then stand up, and line up in a blob like shape, with everyone being about two feet apart. Alth looks and regrets expecting them to know how to line up. "Okay never mind, Dex, Linn, James, Tobias, Brittain, Violet, and Eric all stand in a line." Alth says as he points at the named students and aligns his arm to signal where they should stand. "Chris, London, McJ, Jasper, Cyrus, Jade, and Jacob line up across from them." The students are now halved, in two different lines. "Okay. all of you use a fighting posture that you believe to be the correct one. I'll see how you do, and correct you if it's bad." The students take their poses, and Alth walks around them, correcting most of them, when he sees Eric's pose, he's pleasantly surprised. Eric has his feet lined up good, and his fists are above his face, and arms in front of his body. He keeps walking, and the biggest surprise yet is Chris. The blind boy is clenching his fists so hard he's almost bleeding from the palms. His feet are placed hard into the ground, and his arms are angled good. The last pose worth noting is Jacob's. His feet are spread apart, and arms open like he's about to hug someone. "I've seen postures like this, not traditional but there's nothing wrong with it." Alth says in his head. "Alright. I want you all to spar. Don't hit too hard, just knock the opponent to the ground." Thanian hears this from inside the house and adds "Oh, okay. He can do THAT? But I can't-... Y'know what never mind."

The students go at each other, some punches not doing anything, but some knocking the other back. When Dex and Chris fought, neither one of them could knock the other down at first. Chris planted his feet, and wasn't able to be moved, and both the boys threw good punches, but eventually Dex hit Chris hard in the stomach, and sent him down. Interestingly, every time Dex hit Chris, Chris' body would light up for a second, activating his "glitch reflex". Linn and London had an even fight, until Linn knocked London to the ground. London didn't have a very athletic build to begin with, but him being knocked down boosted Linn's ego through the roof. McJ and James were similar to the former of the two previous matches, they had a hard time moving the other, although McJ had odd behaviors like quick and nearly unnatural looking reflexes, like the way he dodged and the way he threw punches was noticeably different than the others. But alas, James was knocked down like his brother before him. Also like his brother before him, James would have a glitch every time he were to be hit. When he was knocked, McJ reached out to pick him up, being the kind natured boy he is. For Tobias and Jasper, Jasper had an easy time taking down Tobias, considering Tobias is slightly overweight. Jasper's ego is even higher than before, as he laughs off his victory. It wasn't even a fair match for Cyrus and Brittain's fight, Cyrus gave one light punch to Brittain and sent him down. Violet and Jade's fight was fairly surprising, Violet was a great kicker and very quick, however Jade was good at timing her blocks, if you could tie in a fight, they were doing it, but eventually Violet took down Jade. Finally, Eric and Jacob. Jacob's blocks are a little off, and Eric's punches are hitting their mark with great force. Jacob maneuvers his arm through Eric's attacks and hits him hard in the face, sending him to the ground. Jacob lowers his arm to bring up Eric, but Eric rejects his kindness and gets up on his own. "That was very good. All of you. Since I know how good you are to begin with, I now know exactly what to teach you, and we'll build from there." Alth excitedly explains.

Another hour goes by straight of Alth lecturing the students and teaching them new basic things about fighting. "Alright.. I think you've learned enough from that department today. I think you're all done, unless Wally thinks of something else to do." Alth walks back into the school, leaving the students to themselves. Dex walks up to Cyrus, ecstatic about how strong his friend is, saying things like "You got him out in one punch oh my god!!" "I know! I didn't even go that hard on purpose, but I got him!" Eric walks up to the two, still mad about Jacob taking him out in front of everyone. Eric says "He thinks he's so perfect, what a loser." as he gives Jacob a poker face. Dex and Cyrus also look at Jacob, and see him talking to McJ, talking about the fights they had. "I think he seems pretty cool." Dex says this, right before starting to walk over to Jacob and McJ. Eric has a confused look on his face, and says to Cyrus "Why is he going over even though I just said I don't like him?" Cyrus looks down at him saying "I don't know, he's just friendly like that. Plus you don't REALLY know him, all you know is that he's stronger than you." Eric takes offense to that, but just keeps quiet because Cyrus and Dex are his only friends at the moment.

Dex walks up to Jacob and McJ, saying "You guys are pretty strong! You fought good!" "Thanks! I'm just glad I didn't have to go against him!" McJ says to Dex, as he points at Cyrus. "Where did you even get this strong? Wait, how did I get strong?" Jacob, Dex, and McJ all think about it for a second, and they either have vague, or no memories at all before the school. All they have is their personalities. Cyrus and Eric walk up to them, which snap them out of their daydreams of trying to remember something. Jacob looks at Eric and says "Hey, sorry. I didn't mean to hit you that hard, haha." and laughs it off, Eric didn't expect him to apologize, and just mumbles an "okay.."

Inside the house, Alth walks in and says "What a day. I'd say we're done teaching for the day." Thanian then looks at Wally and says "Whatd'ya think? You like this gig?" Wally thinks about it for a minute, and then says "I like it. I was expecting the kids to be destructive and not understanding of anything, but they weren't that bad. Jasper was a brat, but overall nothing really went wrong. Also, sorry about overreacting when you activated your powers. It wasn't that big of a deal." Thanian just smiles and says "No sweat, haha." Ruby then adds herself in saying "So what next? Do you just repeat this cycle every day until they're 18?" Wally then looks out the window saying, "Well, not this exact cycle. I have plenty of friends on this planet, so they can meet them and see more of what it's like. Also, Tayer! If you can, you should get some kind of bus so we can take them around to look at the city, and a bunch of stuff around the world." Tayer smiles and says "Well I'll see what I can do!"