The Kingdom of the Kashians

[Tragedy Strike Countdown: 2 Days]

The following day, after Wally, Thanian, and Alth are done with their lessons, Wally says to the students "Alright everyone, we'll start loading up the bus, and we'll be going in about 20 minutes." Wally walks inside and up to Thanian and says "You want to stay here while we go? Not all of us can go since some of the students are staying." "Oh uh.. Yeah I can stay. You're only gonna be on the trip for what, an hour or two?" Thanian asks. "Yeah, probably. But I'll let you know when we're on the way back." As the staff is getting ready and the students are waiting, Chris says to James, "James. Let's stay here. I can't see anything anyways." James is insulted by this request. Being asked to miss out because of a problem that isn't his? If this weren't his brother, he'd say no. And he knows this isn't the first time Chris has had such a request. But he doesn't want to be mean to his own flesh and blood, and says "Um..okay.." James and Chris walk up to Wally and James says "Wally.. Can me and Chris stay here? Chris won't be able to see anything, so we should just stay." "Uh.. sure? I guess." Wally says, and then continues what he was doing before. "Alright, everyone who's actually going, get on the bus, we're leaving now." Wally, Tayer, Ruby, and Alth get onto the bus, with Jade, London, Brittain, Violet, and Tobias following suit. The bus pulls forward, lifts up into the air through it's powerful back thrusters, and flies off into the distance towards the same jungle that the Quarter-Star truck was coming from the previous day.

Only five minutes pass for the bus to reach the jungle. This new environment is like nothing the students have ever seen. Lush green trees towering above them, large beautiful mushrooms, with a rainbow of vegetation below. The students admire the views they pass by, seeing infinite types of wildlife. Until they close in on a section of the jungle that seems to have been burned to a crisp. The trees and fungal life charred to black, with a tunnel in the ground in the center of the charred plants. "Here, right?" Tayer asks. "Yeah. Here." Wally says. Tayer lowers the bus, extends out the wheels, and parks next to the tunnel. "Alright everyone, We're going through the tunnel over there, and then we'll be at our destination." Wally. Tobias raises his hand and says "Wally, sir. Why is everything around here burnt up?" "That's what we're here to find out." Wally says. All the students and staff exit the bus, and begin walking into the tunnel with Wally leading. "This tunnel's short, so we'll be there real quick." Wally says. Ruby walks up to Wally and whispers "You aren't really here for the sake of a fun trip, are you?" "No, I'm here to check on these guys. They haven't seen me since I first helped set up this place, and yesterday was the first time they were attacked in years. Just wanna see how okay they are." Wally explains. Alth jumps in and says "Wait you don't know? We might be walking right into a bloody scene and you don't know?" "Oh please, the Quarter-Star guys weren't interested in killing anyone here. They wanted as many...captives as they could get. Maybe one or two casualties here, but definitely not a massacre." Wally says. "Are we almost at the end?" Violet asks. "Yeah, the end is here as a matter of fact." Wally says, as he moves a sewer drain from above them. He climbs the ladder out through the hole, and so does everyone else one after the other.

Although there are small buildings destroyed, and smoke coming out of tall buildings, the students and staff look in awe at the hidden utopia that has resided so close to them all this time. There's a tall spike shaped building in the center of the city, which has bright energy radiating out of it, which creates a dome shape around them in a large radius. "What.. is that?" London asks, pointing to the central tower. "That is what keeps this city hidden from the world. You can't see this place at all if you aren't inside the dome. So no satellites see it, no cameras, it's completely hidden. At least it was, those Quarter-Star guys must have been really searching." Wally explains. The class walks further into the dome, and into the wrecked up city. The closer they get to the city, the more 'odd' things they all notice. Some spots have abnormally tall grass, and others have completely dead ground. There are large empty armored suits either torn to pieces or halfway buried underground. There also seems to be pieces of statues scattered about, presumed by the staff to be broken petrified victims. On the edge of the city there stands tall newly built walls, with large beasts holding rifles aiming at the staff and students. "Don't take a single step closer! If you do you die!!" One of the armed beasts yells. Wally and Tayer put their arms up, and Wally says to the others "Just do it, we got to make them trust us." Alth, Ruby, and the students raise their arms as well. "Now slowly walk closer!" The same person yells. The staff and students do as instructed, and slowly walk forwards. In the city, another one of the beasts goes up to the blockade to see what entered their hidden area, and when he sees who it is, he yells "Officers! Lower your weapons! These are friends, not enemies!" The officer that was previously giving orders to Wally says "Your lordship! Are you sure? We don't know who these people are, they could be more invaders!" The person of high authority says "Nonsense. I know the man in the front. Now let them in." "As you wish, your lordship." The officer says.

A few officers move their portable walls meant to defend the city, and allow the staff and students to walk inside the city. Wally walks up to the man that let them in and begins to say "Thanks, Te-" but is cut off when the man hugs Wally so strong that it looks like he's going to break his back. "Wally... when the attack came we were so lost. We barely had any preparation for something like that!" The man says. Wally breaks out of the hug and takes a step back and says "Yeah.. that's why we're here. I wanted to see if I could help you rebuild this place a bit." "Thank you one million! By the way.. Who are these people you've brought?" The man asks. "Oh. Remember that school I told you I was starting? These are some of the students attending. And these guys are Alth, Tayer, and Ruby. Guys, this is Teether. He's the king of the Kashians here in you would probably expect." Wally explains. As the staff and students walk into the city, Teether hugs them on their way in. "Hey, my brother can give a tour of the city to the students while me, you, Alth, Ruby, and Tayer talk." Teether says. "Yeah, sure, we weren't planning on being here for a long time though, so just take them by the center tower and back and we might be done." Wally says.

"Okay. BIRRAH!!" Teether yells, echoing across the city, forcing everyone near him to cover their ears. Another Kashian runs around the corner and to where Teether, the staff, and students are. "This is my brother, Birrah." Teether says. "Hello, I'm Birrah." "Now give the students a tour of our…pretty messed up city." "I'll do it, but sheesh this is an awful day for a tour." The groups split up, Birrah and the students going on a tour of the city, and Teether staying with the staff. "Okay, so how many people were taken yesterday, Teether?" Wally asks. "Oh...I don't know. Maybe ten? But...unfortunately a few people did die on our land, be it they were petrified and broke, or just blatantly murdered. Did you see the truck that took my people yesterday?" Teether asks. "Um… yeah, I did. The guardians caught the gang members, but accidentally killed the petrified people in turn. I'm so sorry." Wally explains. "Oh.. wow.. Do you think Quarter-Star will be back?" Teether asks. Wally is silent for a second, and then says "Most definitely. But that's why we're here. I can talk to the people that work with the guardians of Oxys, and try and get a better military guard for you guys. But for the meantime, I think it'd be a good idea for you, your brother, and the rest of the royalties to come with us. We don't want the influential figures to be in danger." The staff all have shocked looks on their faces. Ruby loudly whispers, "Wally. We never talked about this beforehand, you didn't even mention this place existed, much less that you want new people to live at the school!" "I'm used to it at this point." Alth says. "Oh shut it, you knew way more than I did at the beginning of this." Ruby says to Alth. "Don't worry, we got room in the living room for them to sleep." Wally says. "Me and my brother can go. But unfortunately, my mother was among the ten that were abducted, and subsequently killed." Teether explains. "Oh man.. I'm sorry, Teether." "It's okay, this disaster is a tool to move our people forward, and hopefully become equal amongst everyone else!" "That's the spirit I like to see." Wally says.

The students are a little ways into their tour, but all they can feel is sorrow for how wrecked their surroundings are. "I'm sorry you had to come to the city under these circumstances. I promise this place is usually beautiful." Birrah says. "What was it like before?" London asks. "There were people everywhere, walking the streets, farms flourishing, businesses filled with people everywhere. It was just really lively in general" Birrah says. "Why couldn't the guardians of Oxys protect this place?" Jade asks. "Well according to everyone besides us and your teachers, this place doesn't exist. From their perspective, there was no city to protect." "There should be someone protecting it from the inside! If I could, I'd help hidden away places like this. It'd be cool!" Brittain says. "I really wish we had someone like you on this planet. Wally is our best bet 'cause he's one of the only people that knows this place exists. But it's our fault as well, we weren't prepared and we hadn't had to protect ourselves like that in a long time." Birrah explains. "Birrah, what were those robot things on the outskirts of the city?" Tobias asks. "Well, way before this hidden place existed, our species was hunted and captured for sport pretty much, and we had to hide ourselves somehow. So we all made robotic armor suits to wear, and we'd roam the planet to not be recognized. Then this place was built, and we didn't need the armor anymore. So some people abandoned the armor around the city. Most of it is buried, but some of them are still exposed." Birrah says. The students stay quiet for a moment after he explains, all feeling sorry for the mistreated race. "Hey, don't let any of our history keep you down. I'm sure Teether and them have a good plan to keep us safe. And I think they're done discussing whatever they need to discuss, let's go back with them, okay?" Birrah says while trying to keep the students from getting too upset.

Birrah and the students reunite with Teether and the staff, and Wally says "Alright, here's the deal. This place is unsafe for royal figures, so Teether and Birrah are going to stay with us at the school for the time being. Your classes and lessons are still going to be normal and the way they've been, just with two new people present. I know this was a short and fairly upsetting trip, but this is all to make the city better and safer. Now let's go home, and I'll just re-explain it all to the other students."

About ten minutes later at the school, Thanian is watching movies on the TV while the students just lazily lay about, except for Cyrus, Jacob, McJ, Eric, and Dex are on Wally's laptop, researching Quarter-Star without permission. "No, click that one! It might lead to more stuff." McJ says as he points to the screen of the laptop that Dex is holding, but are stopped when they hear the engine of Tayer's bus fly near the school. "Crap! Put it back!" Jacob says, as they all run upstairs, put the laptop back in Wally's room, and run back down the stairs to the living room. They pass by Thanian, and he says "What are ya running for?" but is ignored as they all run outside. "Damn." Thanian says. The bus parks behind the school, and everyone walks out. Wally walks into the school grounds through the front gates and says "Alright everyone! Our trip is over, and we got some new roommates." Teether, Birrah, and the rest of the staff and students walk into the school grounds. "I'll just let you guys get to know each other, and I'll be inside." Wally says as he walks inside to Thanian and asks him in a comedic tone, "How was the babysitting?", which Thanian replies to with "Ehh, pretty quiet. How was the trip? I see you brought new roommates" "It was alright. We got a whole thing going on now with the Kashians so that's nice." Thanian stays silent for a second, he snaps out of his trance like state from watching the movie and pauses it to say in an annoyed tone, "Oh! Wally you won't believe it!" "Won't believe what?" Wally says. "Okay, so since I took the day off today to stay here, my boss called and he's mad at me because I didn't 'ask' him first!" Thanian while doing air quotes, he continues by saying "So he's making me work full time tomorrow or I'm fired. I have to go at like six in the morning and work till nine!" "Yeah that's fine. The students can skip out on Alpha Human history for a day. By the way, why do you work there? You live here for free." Wally says. "Well yeah, but I'm only 24, I don't wanna work here forever! No offence. I gotta make money though." Thanian explains. "Alright, do what you gotta do, Thanian." Wally says. Teether and Birrah walk into the house after Thanian's rant ends and Teether says aloud "This is where we're sleeping? Neat!"