The wind was at its prime. The summer sun shone upon the head. The mango tree kept them under the shade.

To his eyes, she looked so beautiful. Her red hairs blew in the air as she threw pebbles that he bought in the lake.

He always wanted to spend all his time with her but that guy...Josh...he just wanted to knock him down for looking down upon at him and ordering Tinsley around.

"Why don't you throw??"

She questioned, tilting sideways to see him. He had grown so tall. It was hard to stare at him keeping her head up.

"You do it for me."

Kian said, handing his share of white pebbles to her and she gave him that bone-melting smile. He always wished to see more of it.

But Josh...

"Why do you listen to him?"

It made Tinsley look at him, not understanding what he meant. Kian sighed and tried to be more clear.

"Josh...why do you listen to that bastard?? He is always so rude to you..."

"...and also you..."