When Tinsley walked up to them, she realized how they were staring so lovingly at Ava, who was busy chewing on her thumb, stuck in her own world.

Josephine noticed it too. How her aunt and uncle could not part their eyes off from the little baby.

She could see that although her uncle was so against the idea of what her brother had done and even scolded him about it, but he would not be able to stay away from this little angel.

"Welcome back...it means so much that you have come back for us..."

Melinda started. She was a very kind woman and it emanated from her entire posture, Tinsley nodded in approval.

"Is this little Ava?"

Melinda could not help herself and tap on her nose making Ava look in her way with her big eyes, the same coloured as Ross's.

Melinda's eyes watered. And Tinsley could understand why. It was inevitable. Ava was their granddaughter and she could not erase it, just like she could not do it with Ross.

"May I?"