Can I ask for some donation of small gifts? Show some love to this book? 

And a handful of readers who have been reading my work to please go and rate the fantasy romance, since it is my first time. I really need it. 

The Battle for Power: the Vampire Princess and the Lost Werewolf Prince! 

Let me know what you think about it in that urgent request! 

Thank you! 


How foolish he had been to doubt her love or question it?

She could go to the extent of even giving up her own life just to bring the baby that they have created together to live...

A line of tears rolled down both his cheeks as he could not help but beg for the return of his wife back to her lively health.

It was very clear that he could never think of living a full life without her being in it.

What was the happiness of the family if she was not going to be in it?