Yang Ming stepped forward

Yang Ming looked at Qin Tian in surprise, but Qin Tian didn't say anything more after that.

He then looked at the people who were fighting on top of the stones.

The competition didn't actually have any rules. Anyone who feels strong can step up to challenge the winner. And whoever survives until the end until no one challenges anymore will be deemed the winner.

And Qin Tian waited for that person to appear.

Since that senior disciple dared to set up such a competition, he clearly had a henchman he could count on to win the competition so he could take all the prizes for himself.

But Qin Tian won't let that happen.

It wasn't that he was a kind-hearted person so he didn't let the weak be oppressed, but seeing that there was an opportunity to take advantage of someone like that senior disciple, he naturally wouldn't miss that opportunity.