Chapter 1- Mellifluous.

Time spells different for everyone, for some it passes by as the so called bad time and the present becomes the good time for them which is normally just the cycle of life and then for some there would always be a part in past that stays as the good time, even though just saying good would be an understatement in my situation. It's like if I could I'd relive the moment I lost in past to maybe once again feel my heart again as I did back then and perhaps feel alive. Love is the same as time in my opinion, we have a different unique definition for it the same as we do for time but this time the definition depends not on the people we share this word instead but that one person who flips your world upside down. "Yes I've reached the city you don't have to worry, tell pa that I'm fine. Seokjin will be here by the weekend to check up on me anyways" I comforted my mother for what seemed like the hundredth time since it's the first time I moved out to permanently work away from home as now a twenty four year old.

Finally ending the call a breath of relief escapes my lips as I stood up to stretch my stressed out limbs from all the moving. My parents were quite worried knowing that I'm not the most out going or expressive person. If this was some overrated novel then people would have called my character cold and dry. "I need a coffee for god's sake" I signed grabbing my keys and wallet before walking out of the house offered by the company I started working in a week ago.

It's not like I wasn't offered any of these opportunities before but maybe it was the thoughts of him which stopped me from staying away from the warmth of my home even though the city is the place which reminds me the most of him. Locking the doors of my apartment I look around the tall buildings which seemed a lot less familiar and disturbing especially when my eyes were used to something else, finally making my way across knowing that I saw a cafe earlier around the corner while driving in yesterday.

Gushing wind playing with my hairs which had the roots dipped up in a bright shade of blonde creating the perfect combination with my earlier black strands, just within the past five years my appearance switched around drastically but the heart is still the same. Thinking about him whenever it can even though I'm sure he doesn't remember me because if he did he'd keep his promise or perhaps fight for what happened. His insecurities got the best of him I guess, pushing open the door of the cafe the very familiar scent of lavender rushes through my senses. "Welcome mam! What would you like?" the young excited girl cheered up reminding me of my past self not by her personality but more by the look of innocence and the thirst of proving themselves greeted with a gentle smile.

"One black bullet coffee please" I mumbled out before passing down a bill knowing the price since it's the same all around, maybe the difference of a buck or two but mostly the same. She immediately called out for the order before passing me back the change which I asked her to keep as a tip taking her by surprise but maybe I just wanted to reward my old self through her. I take my seat by the ends as I open the novel I bought along to continue where I last left it at. I could feel some eyes on me but that didn't bother me, it seemed normal now even though the harsh part was that the only pairs of eye I wanted admiring me weren't thier any more.

"Cause I'm lost in translation, like a foreign movie in black and white" I mumbled the words mentally feeling my focus soon getting sucked in by the white pages. "Mam your coffee and thank you so much for the tip" the same girl interrupted my thoughts as I placed the book aside before passing her a soft smile and mumbling a little your welcome as she walked away to help other customers. A young male at the other corner seemed to be staring at me more intensely than ever which resulted him being embarrassed and flustered once my eyes meet his.

He looked like he was in his twenties the same as me, his hairs the same as coal but felt like the softest I've ever seen. He had stretched pale skin that didn't seem to need any extra expensive care but still remained healthy and smooth which would have definitely triggered down some females around. His face was carved out with proper utilised time as there was something very attractive about him in general even though that didn't seem to get me interested in any way. I pull back my book once again not paying attention to the other unknown faces before finding the page I previously was roaming through just before the coffee arrived,

"Y/n" the book slipped away right on my lap. It was his voice, even between hundreds of unknown voices I could still make out his voice no matter what. The same voice that changed my life, the same voice that played with my life and the same voice which pulled me back to the past I dreamed about to make me feel alive once again.


-[5 years ago]-

Sunlight breaking through the shades of the leaves, sun chanting down it's own random hymn, birds chirping around for no particular reason I believe and the wind brushing through my thin strands. I pay attention to the way thin laps of water overlapped over each other in the most mystical way I've ever seen so far, something peaceful and more alluring. As if the nature itself challenged my eyes and tickles it down to desire it's fine beauty.

"Why do we smile? Why do we laugh? Why do we feel alone? Why are we sad and confused? Why do we read poetry? Why do we cry when we see a painting? Why is there a riot in the heart when we love? Why do we feel shame? What is that thing in the pit of your stomach called desire?" I read the lines as my head leaned back against the rough surface of an unknown member from plant kingdom. There's something about reading novels, it makes you feel complete. It allows you to create your own world with only what you want. Imagine having the ability to create your own universe just with the power of words that grabbed upon strong emotions, emotions beyond our understandings and control.

That's a real gift in my opinion, books have more patience than any of my kind either way. It's like I can read whatever I want, I can turn it into my likings without a war unlike what happens in the real world. It almost pushes me to just imagine that maybe one day this real persona could also be the same as the ones I find in books. Even though that's not possible because one of the most important elements that these little pages don't hold is the ability to talk back or take it's position as a dominant or submissive because apparently that's how our society works. Some people say they talk back but isn't that just the voice within you that makes the book talk back? it's basically as stated earlier making your own imaginative world with no boundaries.

"Seokjin the student is here! Go help him with the luggage while I call your father" mother yelled out as my older brother rushed towards the gates as I peaked from my position, not bothering to just stand up and walk up to the new one. Wasn't expecting anything, he's here for his education and that's all so I don't think he deserves any special treatment from my side.

My father is a well known professor of philosophy and that being mentioned students from all over the world share thier researchers or thesis in hopes that they could get his personal guidance. Getting his personal guidance was a dream come true, a recommendation letter from someone like him would surely be enough to assure your future father in law that his daughter is marrying a settled and well educated man. It's rare though, dad has always been very centered and specific towards what he likes and what he hates so him selecting this very particular students paper and ranting such good things over the dinner table made everyone curious especially Kim Namjoon.

Kim Namjoon, the perfect example of a successful youth in our town. Handsome, charming and always had multiple women running after him in hopes to get his attention. I mean who wouldn't want a well settled man that too at such a young age, who's knowledgeable and well mannered. He came as one of the selected and well deserved students years back and obviously due to his commendable talent in academics, he soon achieved a position in the same university as my father.

He's still in the process of learning but being one of the youngest professor around the town and the personal favourite of my father sort of catalysed the entire process. He also became very close with our family in general, treating me and Seokjin as his own siblings which established him as sort of our counselor in tough situations and soon our parents treating him as our elder brother because due to an unfortunate incident he lost his whole family quite a long time ago. Despite of all that even Namjoon was looking forward to meet the new student since he didn't fancy the fact of being replaced as the favourite student from Dad's heart.

Personally I found it funny but brushed it off. I've seen multiple students coming and leaving, only Namjoon was the one with whom I had a proper conversation with since the rest of them didn't seem to have a click of mind. All of them are well known all over the globe, it's sometime overwhelming to see them acting like a perfectionist when it felt like it was just yesterday when I saw them getting scolded by my father for some dumb mistake.

"No sir the pleasure is all mine" I place my book aside knowing that mother won't be happy by this kind of ignorant behaviour especially with a guest around, getting up I turn around to finally meet the so called new genius. There he stood still, dressed up in a white shirt which wasn't as thin as I've seen multiple times before. His muscles were well drawn all over, each and every curve of his prominent enough without a mere effort. Legs dressed up in simple black pants that seemed to be stitched just for him, nothing fancy but yet everything looked beautiful. He made the simplest detail around him lighten up as if he was made to make this dull world of colours a better place. Hairs were light brown but I could see multiple strands of black here and thier, the sunlight was at fault I believe. But then my eyes stop at his face and oh Lord when I said I could feel my heart on the tip of my tongue.

He was the most ethereal creation I've ever seen in my whole life even though I'm just nineteen. Doe like sparkling eyes which squinted down just a tiny little bit every time he smiled, his smile contained the whole world within itself especially when it peeked the little bit of his pearly sets of tooth, cheeks blushed with dimples stretched across the ever so dusty pale skin and a little mole settling right beside his lips that somehow made one's eyes notice it just at first glance. Even from the distance I could make out a little scar over his forehead, maybe the sweat from the troubled temperature allowed it to be more specific to my eye.

Multiple piercings the same as mine occupied his ears, in this age piercing wasn't really something people appreciated but still I just loved how alive it made me feel. In some way or the other maybe these minute common details between us made me feel connected to him. I walk closer before placing the blue novel across the wooden bench made out of one of the fallen trees due to the monday winter storm. "Oh for sure please be free with us, you've already met my wife. This is my elder son Kim Seokjin, he's an artist with the dante institutes of fine arts, just launched his new collection last june as the glass eyes" dad initiated the introduction, as expected the male already knew about my brother since he's well known all over the world as a matter of fact.

"Kim Namjoon, you must already know him. He was also in the same position as you years ago but now he's my son" with a proud look Namjoon hugged the new student as they he soon verbally offered him a private tour around the archeological sites around the town as expected which he gladly accepted.

"And ah! Where were you bee? This is my youngest daughter, Kim Y/n. She's been studying music and literature, the petal just turned 19" Dad chuckled while wrapping his hand around my waist as I bowed slightly which he did back. "It's a pleasure to meet you Miss, I'm Jeon Jungkook" up close the man was even more breathtaking. It's like magnetic forces surrounded him from every possible corners, pulling anyone close regardless of the gender or sexual preferences.

"Okay now please Alejandro take Jungkook's luggage to his room and Seokjin show the boy around while I set up for lunch. Y/n baby come with me" Mom interrupted as we all followed her instructions but before I could leave to follow my mom something caught my attention, turning my head around I saw Jungkook staring at me but immediately looking away flustered like he's been caught and pleads guilty this very instance. Cute, I thought as I passed a soft smile towards him before walking away knowing that now Namjoon wouldn't be the only student I fancied a proper conversation with.

"Sweetheart I forgot to hand these towels and sheets to Jungkook, he has to get fresh from all the travelling so can you please pass it down to him? all the maids are busy right now" Mom basically ordered even though it was supposed to sound like a request as she walked away to continue her work with the preparation of lunch. I sighed knowing that I wasn't really looking forward to be around him especially for now. But giving in I started to look around for Seokjin which he soon did come under my surveillance but unfortunately he was conversing with someone on the telephone with a serious look plastered over his face meaning that me interrupting him just for passing down some stupid necessities is the same as him playing tic tac toe on my lonely novel pages.

I lead myself up stairs knowing the only guest room just reserved for the students very well but something felt much odd as I walked closer to it. Strong scent of paint filling my senses while I walked inside to only find Jacob painting the faded walls, "Oh mam Professor just called this morning to paint this room since it's not in the best condition at the moment" he said before placing the big barrels of pink and blue's aside.

I stood thier analyzing the entire situation, confused and still troubled from the strong scents. "Then where is Mr Jeon staying?" I questioned hoping that they shift him to the common hostels instead, he could always walk by for meals and his studies since it's just worth ten minutes either way. "I beg your pardon Miss?" Jacob questioned a bit confused and as troubled as me but perhaps with only the intention of helping me, "Um sorry the new student" I clarified my previous statement.

"Oh he got shifted to the empty room beside yours, the one with attached balcony as yours I believe" he replied before excusing himself to get back into painting. Why was this happening to me all of a sudden? I walk out with a panicked look both with nervousness and confusion. Nervous because he's an attractive and smart male who's going to see me being embarrassed sooner or later and confused because of the fate.

Since Jin moved out to further complete his education, he's been only over here for one or two vacations or maybe weekends. My parents are settled with thier rooms in the down floor so the biggest room upstairs was mine but just connected to my room stayed another medium sized one which held my novel shelf that I was done with but couldn't part myself away from and the one's that didn't fit my main shelf for the moment. It had all the required necessities as well just in case we might need to provide someone close a room but I never in my wildest dreams thought that a student of my father would be staying in thier.

Knocking the doors I stood still with a surprisingly calm heart, soon the door creaked open as the familiar male stood thier with a flustered smile. "Here's the towel and sheets, sorry for the delay. There was a storm earlier so the maids weren't able to dry them at time. If you need anything please don't hesitate to call either of the workers around or us" I offered the things which he gladly accepted leading the door to now completely open as my eyes wander around to see nothing yet moved. He just walked in so obviously there wouldn't be any changes, "Thank you Miss Y/n and it's no worry. If you don't mind me asking are these your novels?" he questioned with interested eyes as I hesitantly nodded in response.

"Hope you don't mind them here, I didn't know that the guest room wasn't ready yet but rain really did trouble the entire town this season. There's more novels in the store room besides and even more in my room still" I spoke feeling bad that the books might trouble him even though they were neatly dusted and arranged in proper arrangement.

"Oh my, please don't apologise. I'm actually very pleased to see all of these masterpieces here, might as well give them a little read when physiology starts to overwhelm me" he joked as I chuckled finding his expressions funny. "There's more so please don't hesitate to have a look, now I shall take my leave. Hope to see you at lunch" I softly smiled as he mumbled another little grateful thank you while I made my way inside my room. A part of me was relieved to know that he enjoys literature as much as me perhaps but then another part of me was just scared for some odd unknown reason that I wasn't ready to know.


"You know Jungkook, don't spend all your time studying. Especially in a place like this you should stroll around for a bit, Y/n or Namjoon can show you around since Jin is a house bug" Dad laughed out as we all continued to eat. The lunch was going well so far but unfortunately Jin had to leave in between due to some work call which happens quite often now that even a single mistake is barely tolerated by him. With growing popularity people also tend to get jealous of his work and that results in them finding out mistakes even in the littlest corners but Jin takes it in a positive way as always. "Definitely sir, this place is like a mental therapy" Jungkook said while enjoying my mom's hand made food while I decided to not participate in the conversation since it's better to enjoy food rather than presenting your opinions either way.

"It indeed is but dad we need to look through Mr Albert's paper before tomorrow's board meeting so if you don't mind can we please analyze the situation once again and check on the report's before tomorrow itself?" Namjoon questioned a bit worried that the work won't finish before the given date even though it wasn't his fault but people tend to take advantage of his age as most of the board members are old enough to be his grandparents so a chaos is much expected and anticipated. "Oh then you two work, Y/n sweetie take Jungkook for a walk through our garden. It'll refresh his mind" Mom suggested as we all agreed even though I was a bit hesitant but then how was I even supposed to reason with the women who carried me for nine months, mom guess what I'm scared that I'll embarrass myself because this guy is not only ridiculously handsome but much more mature than I am? that's like an ultimate defeat to my face.

After the lunch I found myself walking towards the garden with Jungkook, he was awfully quite the whole time maybe due to his mind occupied with admiring the beauty of nature which is a rare site to city eyes. I'd trade the whole world for this view either way, "This is where we have blueberries, peaches, cherry tomatoes, pomegranates and some flowers around the the whole area" I explained as he stood thier with an awe struck expression. Pulling out some juicy and healthy blueberries I place it in his palms as the sparkle in his eyes puts the stars in shame, he truly admired what he was being offered perhaps it's also been a while for him to have visited a place silent and pure as this. I let him have his moment and admire the hard work of Sophie which was fancied by many.

Sophie was just 16 when she was married off by her parents to some stranger but yet she tried her best to adjust in the situation she faced. She tried her best to support the so called husband of hers who used her for sex and money and soon left her for another women by the time she turned 35. It still upsets me, the fact that Sophie never cursed the man because according to her when the parents who created her didn't take a chance to save her from drowning in a toxic marriage or even understanding her pain then how come she would have expected love from a total stranger.

Maybe she's right, her kids soon abandoned her after labelling her as a burden so she left the village in search of a meaning to her dark life. All she knew in her life was domestic work and gardening which she learned from her biological mother at a very young age, at the age of 40 my mother found her at Mrs Swan's house searching for work and since we were in need of a maid at that time my mom gladly accepted her at our place. Now she's 55 years old, it's been fifteen years of her working and living with us and it would be definitely safe to say that Sophie is an irreplaceable part of our family which we all are blessed to have.

I chew one of the blueberries as Jungkook does the same, his eyes widening at the sudden unexpected burst of natural flavours making me chuckle. I take a seat on the center wooden bench which faced the little fountain Alejandro set up last summer to refresh the minds of tired wanderers even though it's only me who uses it.

"Oh god this taste so, I don't know how to describe it. The one's I've had before were all very much artificial and fake" he exclaimed excitedly before sitting down next to me as I make sure to have an appropriate distance between us, I don't appreciate sudden intimacy with strangers or people I've just come to know. "You must thank Sophie for that, she's the one who works here all the time" I replied before tossing away the little leaves that I accidentally pulled out while holding onto the plants earlier. He nods in acknowledgement, "If you don't mind me asking how old are you? All the students I've seen before are just" he interrupts me with a little playfully giggle as if he was expecting the question sooner or later from me. "Old, boring and dumb I know. I'm 29 years old, ten years older than you unfortunately" he clears the confusion out with a sad smile, maybe hoping me to consider him lame just because of his age.

"Age is just a number in my opinion and ten year gap isn't even a lot, you definitely aren't old or boring but maybe dumb" I tried to comfort his smile since for some odd reason I didn't fancy the fact of him being upset. He seemed like he was insecure regarding his age, perhaps people who met him before made him feel uncomfortable even though in my opinion he didn't look more than 21 years old physically but definitely through his actions he seemed way more mature which complimented his age.

"That makes you the first one to say that" his smile widened a bit as if he wasn't expecting what I just said but then I shrugged it off thinking it's his way of expressing his emotions. "Wouldn't change it" I said before looking up at the way sun seemed extra mad at the earthly beings for the day meanwhile Jungkook simply closed his eyes to relax down with the atmosphere, the soft rattling of leaves against each other acted as the music to one's years meanwhile the way each little drop of water clashed against the other could be a whole another story in itself. "What do you do around here?" he questioned as I turned my head to finally look at his honey gazed skin underneath the golden light.

At that moment even the little scar of on his forehead seemed seductive on it's own, the seductive element was dominating over the peaceful environment as I felt my hormonal rush balancing itself on it's own creating the situation a little uncomfortable for someone like me. "There's a lot to look around, Namjoon can take you for sure. He's into travelling" I offered my idea knowing that it's better for me to maintain my distance even though what I said was the truth, I don't personally enjoy going to the same crowded places over and over again especially when I can just take a seat here at home and continue my work.

Maybe after he told me his age I didn't really want to seem childish around him, our age gap would also differentiate not only in terms of experience but also the acquired maturity. "You don't enjoy travelling?" he questioned while peaking at me for a bit with a surprised look as a shrugged my shoulder in response to let him know that I don't, I enjoy travelling alone not with people and definitely not with someone who's not only ridiculously handsome but better than I am in everything so I'd rather not embarrass him in public. "Don't get me wrong but I'm enjoying your presence, it's calming and subtle" he confessed.

I stared at him not knowing what to reply even though it's not the first time someone found my presence calming, it's something I've heard often even though I clearly still enjoy being alone. "Don't sit here for too long you might get dehydrated from all the heat, I'll take my leave now so if you need anything else please don't hesitate to reach out" I spoke while getting up knowing that I've stayed around him for longer than I thought I'd last but the fun part was that I didn't even realize how the time just passed out around him which is only possible when one enjoys or feels themselves in the moment too much. It scared me, the fact that I was starting to get attached or wanted to get attached to someone I've barely known and just met today but at the same time it also felt perhaps exciting to know that he held the power to attract someone like me effortlessly. "Hey wait" I felt his hand around my wrist which he pulled back soon after as I must have spaced out in my thoughts and ignored his calls.

"Can you please stay here? I-i'm sorry but I don't know why it's just better to have a company around" he looked at me with his doe like eyes that were now splashing with hope and sort of pleading. Sighing I walked away towards the wooden table where I placed the book I was reading earlier this morning and grabbed it back.

A little disappointed look took over his face which he didn't know himself why but still a part of him wished for me to stay back which lights up as I came into his view again with my book. Taking the same seat as before I realized that he was a bit closer this instance which was maybe because of the fact his position changed a bit when he moved ahead to hold my wrist to grab my attention. I didn't feel uncomfortable though and he simply went back to shutting his eyes down just like he was before after passing me a soft gentle smile that screamed his gratitude.

I opened up my book once again even though it was a struggle to pull my eyes back to focus on the lines instead of his angelic face. His soft breathing was the music to my years instead of the natural sounds that I once found my heaven in. I found myself matching my breathing pattern as his or just counting the breaths one by one instead of focusing on the crucial part of the story. It was a weird feeling, I've never felt this way before and I didn't really appreciate all the feelings I was feeling. It was as if I wanted to leave but I couldn't because my heart didn't let me even though my brain begged me to do so. At that moment I felt myself getting confused and lost: was Jeon Jungkook the start to the new chapter I've been waiting for?