Chapter 5 Hai Kingdom

The king of Hai was almost universally recognized to the other kingdoms as a slight dictator. All amongst the nation of Muu disproved of him. He was unapproachable due to his high tempered attitude and was a major threat to hid own kingdom for that reason. He wouldn't communicate to any outside his nation making him a target to all other kingdoms. Of course some kingdoms didn't really mind this. However what's kept every nation from completely annihilating him was, his people. He had the 3rd most people of any kingdom, but also had some of the strongest troops ever seen. One blue haired boy and a tall messy haired man. If you were ever unlucky to be found outside their walls, and see people who match those descriptions, then you would not make it out alive. The kingdom of spirits foolishly declared war on them. The kingdom of Hai only sent two people out. And there wasn't a trace of spirit soldiers left. The people who existed within the walls of the kingdom of Hai, were peaceful. From their perspective they were being kept safe. They couldn't even see how bad they looked outside the kingdom. They had terrible schools, and there were very little jobs for you. All of the knights, and Julius realized that their king was dooming everyone. All wanted to stop him. But couldn't. He still had something that weighed over them. It was called the mirror house. A library of infinite knowledge. It allowed his kingdom to continue advancing quicker then any. Some people think he's even on the verge of immortality. As long as he had that, he would be invincible.

Yori managed to completely clear out all rouge knights in the kingdom. After which, we headed to my apartment. We got there. And saw it perfectly ok. If you didn't look outside you wouldn't even know the anarchy that was happening at that moment.

I needed to make sure Hikari got out before I could do what I really needed to do. We went inside. She was still there asleep. Yori picked her up and we rushed back outside. We jumped off the ledge quickly and landed to the ground.

Mayumi was there waiting for us. She had cleared out the knights in one section of the kingdom we didn't check on. "Give her to me". Yori handed Hikari off to her. "You're going to be alright now, my dear sister". Me and Yori rushed to the capital.

There were 5 guards in the capital. 3 of which guarded the entrance. All three were surprised to see Yori back. And asked if he had just took care of the threat. Yori raises his sword. "Not yet".

Now then, I have a few questions I would like to ask of you...

In total there were 8 people in the room. The first two were myself and Yori, 3 were priests, 2 were knights. And the last one was the king himself. The last priest who was unaffected by my zōkyō tried running for it. Yori immediately used his sword to cut his head off. None of them would leave this room.

My first question is, is it true you are on the verge of immortality? "No...". Yori had was visibly annoyed by this. My second question is, where and what is the mirror house? "The mirror house is located in my secret room over on your left. And what the mirror house is, is a library with knowledge of the entire omniverse. There is too much knowledge in there. 100 people could live without eating, for 100 years and they still wouldn't be close to done. You can also search for books in their by using a person's name or by saying the title of something". So it is true then, it's a library full of infinite knowledge.

My third question is, how did I end up there when I fell from the Shinigami realm? "You just appeared there one day. We left you in there for a while, before you were 5 years old we took you out. We sent you to a house that we just called the mirror house". I see so my drop took me there.

My last question is, how do you access the mirror house? "You just need this key and you insert it into the wall over there on your left". He gives me a key and I am about to leave when suddenly.

"WAIT!" The effects of my zōkyō wore off. It only seemed the king was awakened. "I have a question for did you do this!?".

"You see, I started planning since the 26th, the day I found my little sister and reawakened my zōkyō. You see when I regained my memories I remembered that, Mayumi and Julius, were my half siblings. I needed a way to contact them so on the 27th I used the students council to put envelopes for the principal to give to 4 people. 2 of which were Mayumi and Julius, Which explained my school bombing plan. 1 of them was sent to one of the departments across town. Saying the king wanted to kill off certain citizens on the 28th. I had a picture and their info all printed out including my own. These people would only target them. The last one was sent to you. So that you would know someone was going to attack the kingdom from the inside. Then I commanded the principal to give Julius he's message immediately, and after Mayumi. I then gave the principal an envelope full of words to reply to me with as well as the reactions and tone he should have.. After Julius received his message he wrote on the board during my class 13 5 5 20 13 5 9 14 20 8 5 2 1 3 11 1 11 9 20 15, which was a secret message telling me to come meet up with him. After school Julius assigned Yori to be my knight. All three of us spent the whole time hiding deactivated bombes everywhere in the school. Then I had Hikari help me kill an bad banker. Then I dropped off clothes into my locker account, inside the vault. I also took 1,000,000 yen to avoid suspicion from Hikari. On the 28th I checked up with Yori and told him to attack the guards when they attacked the civilians, and during science class I left a note on my desk for Mayumi to read. The note told her to go start fires near the school and in the kingdom. And to tell Julius to go with her. I then planned an assembly where I instructed the principal to use the envelope I gave him to have a loud dispute in front of everyone, while they were under the assumption they were gonna die. Then once I had won the argument, proven he wasn't bluffing, and made them think even more of me, I was would gain everyone in the school's trust. Then when they saw someone being attacked by a guard while the kingdom was in anarchy, in the name of the king's orders. It made me seem even more trustworthy. And now, no one believes in you anymore, they all see you for the diabolic monster that you are. Everyone believes in me, as their true've lost, your kingdom is mine now".

The king was astonished, he never knew a person to think this far ahead. He knew he had been defeated.