Chapter 8 Celery

I woke up this morning extremely exhausted that I let out a yawn. I immediately turned on the tv. My kingdom has never been attacked before, because of the weather conditions that accrue whenever anyone came close to my kingdom. On the news, Hai king was overthrown. The entire Kingdom was renamed to Lyra. The new King has black wings and looks out of place. The best way to describe it is, he looks really good. As if he didn't even belong among humans. I supposed that assumption is correct considering he's a Shinigami. I'm not sure if that's true or not, but that doesn't really matter. He didn't want to show his face in public. I guess he is either insecure or anti-social. The only information I got on the King was that he was a zōkyō user, and his name is Akito. The tv also said he never invaded the kingdom, and was just an ordinary citizen. This is obviously an attack from the inside. So that means the new king only has the advantage inside a kingdom. From what I could tell, he and some others protected everyone from knights who were killing random people in the name of the king. And he set up bombes in a school. They only gave that much out. This was far too quick. And the ruler of Hai would never just all of sudden start killing off people. It seems more like a set up. Sure they had a reason to think it was the king, but that doesn't make it less convenient. This isn't really that big a deal for me. Hai had much less people who had zōkyō's then any other kingdom. Still though, if they did have plans to take over my kingdom, or anyone else's. I'll have to dispose of them. Of course straight up saying that to anyone, will make them question you.

Once I left the capital, I decided to leave in a disguise. It was easier to view how people are doing if other people are convinced your not the ruler. It was a sunny day, the perfect climate for gardening. I went down to V'ento. I named it that after a group in a show I used to watch. I made the structure look like a cat because cats are better than every other animal. When I went in, I saw some people from a church that worships celery. They came here a lot and were close to the kingdom's entrance. This wasn't just a simple restaurant. I specifically used this place to have people worship me. In the celery of this place, are my ability. Whenever someone takes a bite out of it, they immediately act like a cult for me. They all don't really have abilities of any sort, apart from their undying loyalty to me. I left the restaurant without eating or getting anything done. Everyone seems to be fine here.

I went back to the capital. I entered a room and told some people to go print some news papers. I completely forgot this room existed. I didn't even have a name for it. Everyone in the capital aside from me, has eaten a one of the celery's. The only other people who have eaten this celery are people work at V'ento, everyone in the church, and knights. There could be a few people outside of that too.

I decided to record a video that would only air in Lyra. It was only 10 minutes. I disguised it to look like it was a world wide broadcast. In short, I wanted Akito to be inside the kingdom. He would hopefully think that he would be attacking from the inside. From there I can easily eliminate him. Or if he actually isn't a bad person, he'll eat the celery, and become a slave for me. After I finished that, it turned to night. I went back to my room and fell asleep.

I disguised myself again. Since I would need to talk to everyone in the church. When I exited the entrance to my capital, I got a tense feeling. I drew no attention to it. Sometimes I feel like someone is watching me when they really aren't. Still though I should be on alert. When I got into the church, they immediately recognized me. They asked me what I wanted in such a kind manor. I explained to them that you need to lure in Akito when he arrives. And that there are news papers I've had someone set up for if he attacks us. I didn't want to give them any other steps. Should be as simple as that. Of course they are some of the few who know my powers, so they shouldn't be worried. And I also gave hem strict orders not to attack. I went back to the V'ento. I made sure the news papers were in place, and that everything was set up. Since I could peer in through the window from the alleyway I went in. When I got to the end, where I could see the reserved seats for Akito and whoever he brings with him, I heard a shout. "Well ain't this are lucky day? We run into the king unguarded. We are now completely in control". So it seems I was followed. I Ignored them, to see them get even angrier. One of them got really pissed, and grabbed my shoulder. Since I really wanted to make them mad, I said, "You filthy bitch. Get your hands off me". I sounded so relaxed. Like this was the easiest thing I've ever done. He immediately threw me on the ground. "You know, I hardly ever get the chance to let my badass out". I immediately told him that sounded dumb. All of a sudden it started to rain. The clouds looked like there was some lighting in it. There wee 3 thugs, and one of them told me "Come on man stop trying to act cool, no one's even here". The one who grabbed me earlier kicked me right in the stomach. "See, badass". I immediately stood up. And said, "Oh, this is badass to you?". The one in front of me was really annoyed. Then a bolt of lighting hit him right in the back, causing him to fall over. He managed to survive and even more amazingly, stay conscious. He couldn't move at all however. I immediately started stomping on his body, "So who's badass now huh?". The other two immediately started apologizing. One of them said in a frightened voice, "Y- You know just cause we attacked you doesn't mean you can kill us, I- I mean tha- that's wrong". He got struck by lighting right in the mouth. "You shouldn't be going around telling people what I can and can't do". The lighting completely dislocated his jaw. The last one ran away. Just before he was going to make it out of the alley, his head was chopped off by someone at the end. I peered in the window. Akito, Yori, and some other person were sitting down on their tables. When the celery was brought to them, they rejected it. The church people immediately attacked them. And they teleported away. But...I know they didn't escape. This did go against my plan, but I could deal with them later. From the alley, still the furthest I could be in. I saw them, as if they were to my right.