Vacation(Part 2)

Third-Party Pov

Backa walked out of Reids thinking she will never let them live in peace.... meanwhile, the couple who were enjoying their vacation in Maldives, got a call from Jack, seeing the caller id, Megan picked Daniel's phone as he was in the shower, and asked

"Hai Jack bro, how are you, anything important, Danny is in the shower..."

"I am good Megan, how are you... is Danny taking good care of you"

"Yaa he's taking good care of me, I am very happy, why do you ask..."

"Why do I ask, hai minion, who ran away from home, making everyone worry about you... Danny is stupid Megan, don't mind him, he loves you too much but doesn't know how to express it to you, sometimes.... someone has to explain it to him, that he needs to be a little more less workaholic... but he's struggling all day in his office, so he can give all comfort and happiness to you, Megan"

Megan was quiet for few minutes...

"Hai Minion...are you there... Megan"

"Yes, Brother Jack, I understand, but sometimes I miss my old Danny... that's all, even I need a little more time with him"

"I understand that Megan... I have spoken to him, he will spend more time with you... ok"

"Mmmm, ok"

"Who's on the phone, Meg??? "

Daniel walked out from the shower, with only his black towel on his waist... his six-pack abs, wet hair, water dripping from his strong upper body.... he looked too Megan blinked her eyes looking at the man in front of her while choking on her own saliva...

"That... That... it's Jack bro... he wanted to talk to you"

"Jack bro I will remember what you said, convey my regarding to Ellie...bye"

Megan gave the phone to Daniel, she hind her burning face and tried to run to the washroom, but Daniel was too fast for her, as he took the mobile in one hand he tugged Megan in another hand and held her in his embrace, the mint fresh shower gel smell on his body, was so seductive... Megan's was losing control of herself in Daniel's embrace... Daniel looked at his silly little wife and smiled happily while asking...

"What's it, your calling.... you spoke so much that day, and left me all alone in mid of the night... why did you call me now"

"Ok, I left you all alone that day so you can hold your little wife in your arms now... so, shut up and listen"

"Ok... ok... don't think I will forgive you so soon for what you did, that day... but now tell me what's it"

"Danny, Mine and Ellie's wedding date is fixed, it's the last week of this month, I want to tell you first, when are you coming back...."

"Really, wow... Congrats... we will be back in another two days... how is the preparation...started"

"My idiotic best friend, why I am calling you, come back soon... there is a lot of work to do, ok... "

"Don't worry I am on leave till the end of this month, so we can manage"

"What's that... you both are so happy"

Megan whispered from Daniel's arms... Daniel looked at his girl and said...

"Jack and Ellie are getting married, it's fixed for this month-end... he wants us back soon"

"Wow... Jack bro congrats... I will call Ellie... now, Danny let me go, please....Danny, please.... "

but Daniel didn't give in to her, and said,

"Jack, we will be back in two days...bye"

"ok bye..." Jack hanged the call with a thoughtful smile on his face... thinking what Megan said.....

After the call was cut, Daniel tossed his mobile to on the side table, carried Megan and sat her on his lap on the bed, while kissing her neck.... and whispered in her ears...

"Hai, Goblin, what were you looking at me like that... am I that handsome... that you were drooling all over me"

Megan lie low her burning face in his strong chest and said...

"You narcissistic... I was just seeing you, I was not drooling...ok..... stop imaging things"

"Oh really... but why are you hiding your face now... look into my eyes and tell, I don't look handsome, and you didn't like seeing me..."

"Danny, stop....why are you so shameless, ok fine, I stared at you... because you looked too hot and sexy...ok....are you happy now"

"Yes... I am happy, that my wife thinks I am let me burn her now with that heat"

as he said, Daniel put Megan on the bed, he rained her with his kisses...

"Danny... let me go, are you crazy..."

"Yes I am crazy... crazy on you Meg, I love you... so much.... You are the only woman, who can drive me this crazy.... come here baby"

as he said, Daniel half knelt on the bed, reached out and took off the towel from his waist, threw it on the carpet, Megan looked at the man above her in a daze, his deep eyes piercing directly her soul, Megan felt hot all over her body with that look of Daniel, however, his hands didn't stop moving on Megan's body... Leaving no room for Megan, to protest, Daniel let go of Megan after an hour of passionate lovemaking, the women on the bed laid weakly on the bed, with eyes closed... Daniel as usual carried her to the washroom, filled the bathtub with hot water, helped Megan wash up, and carried her back to bed in a bathrobe, he put her on the bed, tucked her properly on the bed, so she sleeps for while before dinner, his mobile rang again, as he was surprised to see the caller Id...

"Hello, Mia, what's it... is all ok at home, how is Mom, is her health good, I over did this time... She must be very upset"

"It's ok Danny, Mom diverse it, she was mentally tortured Megan a lot in this past 4 months"

"Then why didn't tell me, Mia... "

"I was afraid of mom, and also thought Megan could say you... so..."

"Ok, forget it, I will take care of her... I will see, that she's not hurt by anyone"

"Danny called you to say, Becka was sent back to T city by Mom, everything must be ok from now on, when are you coming back"

"Oh, ok... we will be back in two days..."

"Fine then, how is Megan...give her the mobile, I want to talk to her"

"She's all good, but sleeping now will tell her that yiu called when she wakes up"

"oh... ok, bye"

"Bye...take care"

After putting the mobile down, Daniel looked at the sleeping little girl on the bed... he walked to her, lifted the blanket, and pulled Megan into his embrace, held her tightly and closed his eyes, while breathing her fragrance... and promised himself, that he will never let anyone hurt her at any point of time.... The next two days passed happily, by Danny and Megan, enjoying the last hours in Maldives...

But Daniel was then not aware, it's going to him... that's going to hurt Megan the most.... and this is the last time they are going to spend their happy time together, all their happy days are coming to end....