/ Prologue: Reincarnation 2/2


(Disclaimer; The characters mentioned in this chapter, besides our MC, will be obsolete after this for a long time)

Dante King was the average 21 year old, he was about six-foot tall, 185 pounds, born with an average face, charming-hazel eyes, and semi-blonde hair. With some added aesthetic, he also had a single platinum-black dangly-earring, that looked like a Buster Sword. He had some decent muscle from working out and high school sports, a moderate social life, and to top it off a smoking hot girlfriend.

He could be called, an average horny 'young adult' blooming into the prime his life.


Inside of a medium sized flat in the center of downtown Los Angeles, Dante was waking up in an unfamilar place...

'Ughhhh fuck... My brain is about to explode.... I knew I shouldn't have let Jack make me chug Vito's out of her cleavage.....'

As Dante looked around the room, he realized he had no fucking clue where he was.

This was 100% not his house, and looking to the left he saw a glamorous woman with brunette hair and a cute body....

Odd since the hair color of his girlfriend, was most definitively a blonde haired beauty, even though he was still semi-drunk from last night, he realized immediately that things were not adding up.

But as he looked over to the right, He saw his little beauty there as well. With a sign of relief, he realized he probably made the right decisions last night even whilst under the influence. He paused for a moment and silently thanked his subconcious and 'little brother' for looking after him last night, his girl is just too pretty. As Dante went through the memories of the night before, the joking, and smiling face of his was no where to be found. Instead, his eyes turned sharp, and his heart turned cold.

A side of his he does not show to others, not his family, not his women, no one. This is the real Dante, a scheming, cunning, vicious man, who holds logic and his own morals over all else.

'Haha... Thats extremely funny... All I've done for this fucker....'

As he was going through his memories of the night before, things began to become more clear to him.

The night started out after he got off work, he worked an excellent photography job, shooting smoking class model beauties in Los Angeles. The work was exciting and the pay was decent, so he had a modern apartment to himself. But what enraptured him was the lifestyle, the elitists, and upper echelons of society, the glimpses into that life were what pushed him.

He met his girlfriend Savannah, when they were was 18, both Freshman at XXLA University. She was a 11/10, blonde, green eyes, and a jaded voluptuous body that made you want to eat her on sight.

Using nearly all of his charm, he finally managed to get her to go on a date with him after an entire year, starting the beginning of their relationship.

His best friend, Jack, was his brother since young, from sports, school, and even business ideas as Jack's family were a group of old money millionaires. Since Jack had so much money to waste, how could Dante not take him under his wing as a big bro, he helped Jack build his confidence and persona by throwing him social opprotunity and women.

Back to when he got off work, Dante went home to his apartment, and called his girl.


"shhh... Ahem.. Dante? Hello?"

"Whats up baby, you ready to go for the night? Meet me, 8 at Two Oak."

As he finished saying this, two small laughs that plucked at his heart strings rang out from the speaker,

"Hehe, Okay plan! I'll be bringing a surprise with me tonite! Dont guess!"

"Ahem... Are you with Sandy?"

"Hmph leave us alone stupid!"


The phone hung up..

Immediately he was a bit confused about what was going on, but he chose to withhold his emotion and think in a rational manner what this situation was. Putting the pieces together, he was obviously getting cucked, saying it lightly, Dante has read a preverse amount of manga and light novels during his childhood, he could be called a Heavenly Sage in the arts of light novel, ero-novel, and h-manga...

Growing up, Dante was a loner, he was dropped into a dumpster as a child. It took 3 days to find him, and what the people found inside of the trash was an emancipated baby, with pure blonde hair and eyes glistening like hazel gems. Wrapped into a bundle of newspaper, with not even enough strength to cry, he was dropped off at the doorstep of an orphage.

After getting treatment, he was brought up in an orphange as a child. Whether it was fate, or luck, he was naturally gifted with extreme intellect and comprehension skills. Even as a baby, he was concious of what his mother was doing as he was set into a trash can, he remembers the look of disgust in her eyes. Being an intelligent boy, he realized quickly the main source of knowledge was the internet, and books. The boy become enraptured in researching online, it was a gateway to infinite knowledge, life experiences, and he could lose himself inside of the fantasy.

Losing himself in the world of online, his knowledge and pathway for the future was becoming more set, he realized that in order to flourish in this world, people wore masks. Not real physical masks, but masks consisting of emotion. He realized the eyes were the gateway to the real person behind the mask, and began to develop himself to be able to read people and situations through their actions.

Years passed, and the boy grew into an outstanding young man, sociable, well built from his adept planning, along with being filled a plethora of worldly and scientific knowledge, for any and every situation, a puppetmaster, or a grandmaster chess player, that is the current him.

Recollecting himself, Dante realizing that its time to meet up with his friends, takes a quick shower.

Dirty blonde hair waving in his face, wearing all black, with a black silk button up, and a single ear sword-shaped ear piercing, and a platinum chain. Dante left his home to meet up with his girl.

Meeting outside of Two Oak, he saw that Sav came with her brunette friend, Sandy. Sandy could be called Sav's sister, they have been inseperable since young even though they are not related. Sandy was not as beautiful as Savannah, however, her assets were on another level completely. Whilst getting lost in his daysdreams.

Feeling a little pinch of his waist, he turned to see that his little beauty was glaring at him.

"I swear! I was thinking of old grandmothers bathing together! Nothing perverted!"

As Dante heard the words leave his mouth, he realized he fucked up, the two beauties looked at him with a gaze of pity, and disgust. However Sandy's gaze felt a bit odd....

Jack arrived by himself, walking from around the corner.

Jack was similar to Dante, but a midget, cough, short king, as He was around 5'8 but had muscle on him strong enough to punch holes through walls. He had short spiky hair, good looking, a good sidekick. He was a trust-fund baby, and had no care in the world until, when he met Dante, which he was exposed to the real world. He turned into a loyal follower. However, not anymore.

Immediately, the entire situation was concluded inside of Dante's head within seconds, he didn't believe it at first, even after seeing Jack in person he didn't think that he actually had the balls to do it to him. But right now, instead of shock, he was wondering if everything he taught Jack just went out of his muscle-brain.

'I taught that kid how to manipulate and masterfully toy with emotion. However, is he really that dumb to use it on the one who taught him? I'm excited to see..

Finishing the conversation, the smiling experssion on his face did not fade.

As Jack walked up to the group, he could not help but notice and look at the girls, doing a double take at Sav. But from Dante's perspective, when he stared into Savannah's eyes after Jack arrived she became was extremely nervous.

"What's up Jack, Sav, Sandy, yall ready to party? Seems like you guys were already going without me"

"HAHA Dante bro, I just got here from my uber, when did the girls show up?"

'Hmm.. Jack's second mistake, even though I tried to teach him a bit about human nature and how minds work, I can't fucking believe hes dumb enough to do this to me. The one who literally taught it to him, well since he's a bit drunk right now... I can milk this'

"Yeah I think about 2 minutes before you came, really odd, it came at just a perfect time for everyone to meet up aswe-

A cute voice rang out as he was interrupted,

"Dante stop being rude lets just go inside already im bored!"

'Oh, another oddity, acting different already, hmmmm lets see this play out'

As Dante and the group walked into the club, immediately after he stepped in, his sense immediately picked up that something was off, the DJ was playing, the drinks were flowing, but, something was off'

As usual, they roll into the VIP room at Jack's behest, when they sit down, the waiter comes over and drops off a bottle of Pon Derigon Champange, which starts the night off nice.

After a few flirty kisses in front of Jack with his girl, he realizes that Jack is giving him the evil eye, so he starts to push it a bit more, fondling and rubbing her twin peaks. As he begins to move his hand lower, Jack sits up and slams the table.

With an odd expression he fumbles out,

"What are you guys doing haha get a room if your gunna do that?? Are we here to party or fuc??"

Dante replied with a cool expression,

"Hmmmm fine then, how about we roll with.... 1943?"

A few minutes later the waiter came along with 5 bottles of 1943 Tequila, chilled and ready to be chugged.

"Hahahah Dante, take this toast from me, why dont you chug it out of her cleavage?"

As he looked over to Sandy...

"HAHAHAHAH not bad, I dont mind the flavor of brunettes, but I want both"

As Dante said that, he pulled both beauties over the table, and put their cleavage in his face, essentially giving himself a double motorboat chug. As he did that, Sav and Sandy both started blushing furiously, up to the tips of their ears, even though the nightclub was dark and loud they still were elevated in the middle on the VIP section where everyone can see.

After drinking a half bottle to himself out of the cleavage of two beauties, he begins to lose himself in the fun of the night.

As memories fade in and out, he remembers watching Sandy and Sav get up to use the 'restroom' and he decided in his liquid confidence this was the time to strike with his dragon....

Following them to the girls bathroom, he also sees Jack, stalking them to the restroom, looking like he is calling and speaking to someone on his phone.

A glint sparkled through Dante's eyes before his next step, he immediately called his girlfriend, one ring, two rings, 3 rin- answered.

A seductive voice rang out from the speaker,

"Huh?? Dante where are you?? Come save us!!"

'Hmmm Sandy?'

"What happened Sandy? Where are you guys?"

"Bathroom! Something is wrong with Sav, she is sweating with a red face and rubbing her legs! Its like the bitch went into heat! Get here now!"

'Ahhhh it all makes sense now...'

With a devious smile on his face, the scheme of his retarded friend was now seen through....

'Hmph, trying to drug and steal my little blonde beauty? Watch how I steal your shaft and sack!'

As Dante said that in his mind, he heavily cringed, but, since he said he would, he would.

Walking up to Jack, he said no words, and immediately soccer kicked his junk with the full force of 8 years of squatting and athletics. Pinning him down, he used his secret-jutsu, learned from Vol 2 Chap 3 of 'Immortal Steal Golden Peach', the ultimate technique of Junk Smashing Sect, 'Monkey Crush Peach into Peach Juice' and raised his right leg to full 90 degree angle, then stomped with as much force as he could muster


Jack's face contorted into something beyond hideous and a roar sounding like someones entire bloodline was wiped out resounded out from Jack's mouth

With a chunni-smile on his face, and his left hand covering the left side of his face, he started the monologue,

"Hoho, confused small boy? You didn't know, I, Your father, Dante, is at the peak stage of Mastery of Monkey Crush Peach'? It appears you schemed on this Daofathers beauties one thousand years too early, now your little brother will have to pay the debts for this ancestor..."

As his leg lifted down once more with the velocity of a 2 ton rock, the next scream was even more high pitched, and more feminine.

Jacks face was contorted with unbridled anger, hatred, and embarrasement knowing he was seen through so easily.


"Oh, it appears this Daofathers Celestial Peach Stealing technique has just activated the secret technique of the sect.... Very troublesome, Jack, say goodbye to your little brother for me, he has made a grave sacrifice for you"



"Yes, dont worry Jack I know, Did you really think, That I, Your Grandfather's Grandfather Dante, would never let someone as good looking as myself go without beauties for a single night? Hmph. I appreciate you setting me up with Sandy now indirectly aswell, you, even unknowningly are still so kind, I would rate this skill in the top 3 best wingman I have ever had... What a shame.."

As Jack heard these shameless words, he immediately contorted, spit a geyser of blood, spazzed out, and lost conciousness.

After handling the situation with Jack, Dante felt extremely good about himself, even better he had a bit of a buzz going, and was rearing to 'treat' his small beauty and cure her...

Walking into the womens restroom, a few squeals were heard by the drunk cuties in there, but he immediately located Sandy and Sav standing near the sinks, They both were wearing tight, skin-black one piece dresses, with sexy high heels.

Sandy had the same body type as Sav, just two inches taller at 5'8, with long, curly brunette hair, and misty hazel eyes, at the moment they looked as if you whipped out a camera, they would be mistaken for AV stars.

Seeing both of these women, a slight smirk rose on his face, Confidently strutting towards the two women, with no words even being interacted between them, he picked both of them up and tossed them up his shoulders, slapping their butts and eliciting a cute moan out of both of their small mouths.



(NSFW - R-18 version of the novel will not be on WN)

Once more looking down on the two beauties that were sprawled out with bodies like putty from the strenuous activity last night, an immense feeling of satisfaction and content rolled up from inside of him, causing a sweet and pure smile to rise on his face. Which would surely melt the heart of any beauty that witnessed it.

Thinking of the actions of last night, the noise, expressions, and feeling of the fun, it made him completely forget that he stomped out his ex-best friend's junk to the point of no return...

Kissing both beauties on the forehead before lying down once again, he went back to sleep with a slight smirk on his face, little did Dante know, this would be the last time closing his eyes in this world.