Chapter 10 The King of Cheating

After a boring stereotyped speech by the invigilator, the exam began.

The test is divided into three hours in the morning and three hours in the afternoon. The test paper is actually a file folder. After getting the paper, Wang Xu's first reaction is...this is over!

This test paper is actually a comprehensive test question covering English, history, language, geography, etc., and many of them are essay questions that need to write personal opinions, and there is no possibility of copying. In fact, the arrangement of Xiangyi's exam is meaningful. The afternoon exam is a comprehensive examination paper focusing on mathematics, physics and chemistry, and most of them have fixed answers. The questions in the morning that are biased towards liberal arts will be immediately after the students' exam. For the first rough review, there are a lot of blank questions, and there are a lot of people who just fill in it. Congratulations, you won't have to take the exam this afternoon, and you won't be admitted to the exam room.

Wang Xu was sweating like rain at this time, and it would be useless if he didn't talk about many questions first, even if he succeeded in sneaking a peek at the answer. The key is that the girl next to him was scared to cry by him. Every look of Wang Xu was like killing her half-life. As long as he turned his head, the girl was obviously aware of it, and then she was too scared to use it. Just looking at him, Wang Xu couldn't bear to look in that direction.

It was easy for Wang Xu to peek at this cheating method. With his skills honed in underground casinos, his instant memory and dynamic vision are amazing. If you throw a deck of poker upside down in front of him, and then grab a few cards from it, he can definitely know which cards you have caught, and he even remembers all the cards that had been touched by his eyes and fell to the ground. Of cards.

For example, when Wang Xu is shuffling the cards, as long as he shuffles the cards, he can clearly know the order of the first to the last, and then accurately place the desired card in the proper position when cutting the card. . This technique can be said to be the basis of poker in gambling, but it is easy to learn but difficult to master. It's like letting you find a three of spades when shuffling the cards, then remember its approximate position, and cut it to the last one when you cut the cards. As long as someone who can shuffle the cards for a few hours, it will definitely succeed. Times. And Wang Xu's ability to control a whole set of poker is really like a god of gamblers in the eyes of ordinary people.

Therefore, cheating is actually very simple for Wang Xu. As long as his eyes can have such a momentary contact with the words written by the other party, the peeking is completed. This short-term shorthand method can be said to be a genius who never forgets. The copycat version of ability, the good players at the table basically have such a hand.

But now this situation makes Wang Xu's teeth ticklish with hatred, "This woman absolutely believes that I am a stalker, so that's why I have this kind of performance. Last time there was a group of'black super special police team' guys who were quite arrogant with her. Now he looks like a bear, with a standard chest and brainless, bullying and afraid of hardships, I deeply despise you." Thinking of returning, he was in desperation before him, so he had to scratch his head there.

Two times, Wang Xu suffered a lot from this crush, and both times because he was wronged was caused by a stalker, he sighed that his fate was fooling, and sat in his seat and sighed. The old man who invigilated the exam had noticed him a long time ago. What a good boy, you have been watching other people's girls since the beginning of the exam. You can't see people doing the exam well, and now you have to hand in a blank paper again. You come deliberately. What is the trouble! So he walked to Wang Xu's side, blocked his vision, and looked down on Wang Xu's blank examination paper to express his deep contempt.

Suddenly, the old man who was invigilating the exam trembled, and none of the other candidates noticed. His eyes suddenly changed, "What's wrong... It's a strange feeling, this is not my hand... This is!"

It turned out that when Wang Xu was stared at by the invigilator just now, he had nowhere to vent his anger, so he used his eyes to pay back to the old man. At this time, his mind was highly concentrated and his emotions were very excited because of anger. As a result, he suddenly lost consciousness after this stare. After a short while, he found that he was not in his own body, but in the body of the old man invigilating!

Wang Xu suddenly fainted when he saw "self" sitting in the position, just like sleeping on the table. Then he tried to move his current body and found that he was able to move freely. Although he didn't know the principle of initiating this kind of "possession", he knew that now he was going to look at other people's test papers and it would be easy!

He sneered at the corner of his mouth, swaggered over to the chair in front of the podium and sat down, looking at the group of burnt-out candidates, he was about to laugh out loud, "write it, write it, and when you finish writing, I will look at it slowly and understand. I'll write it myself." Wang Xu's dark heart was self-evident, and he began to leisurely drink tea on the podium and read the newspaper.

An hour passed as soon as the time was dazzling. Wang Xu glanced at the classroom and found that the girl sitting next to him was already answering questions quietly at this moment. It seemed that his "real body" had fallen asleep, and the girl was relieved. . So he stood up and inspected the classroom, in fact, the real purpose was to see the girl's name on the paper. "Shang Lingxue", he silently wrote down the name, then returned to the podium and sat down, looked at his watch, according to his estimation, another hour is the best time, and the answer is almost done by then. He will make the last round of inspections. Everyone will see it. Then it is certainly not wrong to follow the trend of questions with fixed answers, and he can also fool the past by combining the arguments of several people.

Suddenly a boy stood up and walked towards Wang Xu. Wang Xu was a little at a loss, but he immediately realized that he is now the invigilator teacher, and that he is the boss of this classroom, and he immediately stood up: "Classmate, now is For the exam, please return to your place, otherwise you will be disqualified."

"I'm here to hand in the paper." The boy said faintly, then pushed his glasses and walked out of the classroom. Some of the other candidates already started to sigh, thinking that the boy had given up. In fact, they were not struggling, and a few girls looked up at the clock in a hurry as soon as they saw someone handing in their papers.

At first, Wang Xu thought that this person had retired because of difficulties. He didn't expect that when he turned over this guy's test paper, he was immediately surprised that this guy named Qi Bing had done it all! And seeing his handwriting is neat and tidy, there is no trace of alteration, it doesn't look like a random filling!

Ten minutes later, Wang Xu finished reading Qi Bing's test papers. He almost closed the file folder with his hands trembling, and then started the last round of inspections. From his perspective, those who took the test papers in and out of the file folder. Making changes while making changes, the candidates without self-confidence are simply turned into a dregs. Seeing them sweating profusely, Wang Xu could only greet them one by one with three points of sympathy and seven points of contempt, as if he had completely forgotten that he was a blank paper man who wanted to cheat as soon as he entered the examination room.

After a round of inspections, he found that, except for Shang Lingxue and a few examinees, the answers to the essay questions of others could not be compared to Qi Bing's. Even people who graduated from third-rate high school like Wang Xu could see Qi Bing and these. The human answer is the difference between Tianyuan.

"My big brother Qi Bing, if I am the king of cheating, you are the god of exams, admire and admire..." Wang Xu's plan was advanced because of the appearance of Qi Bing. He returned to the podium and opened the Qi Bing test paper again. In his eyes, this thing was no different from the standard answer in the printed version, so he simply memorized it all in half an hour.

After doing this, Wang Xu put on a dozing posture on the chair, then closed his eyes. In the darkness all around, he could sense the direction of his body, just like a compass can always find the south. 'S soul can sense a kind of power in that direction, and can be pulled over at any time as long as he wants to.

I saw that the old man who was invigilating the exam trembled again and then opened his eyes. He didn't seem to remember the situation when he was possessed. He looked around inexplicably, then looked at his watch and scratched his head, thinking that he didn't know when. Fell asleep again. Looking at the situation in the classroom again, as in previous years, unqualified people can basically be seen from their faces, wait, the kid over there, staring at the girl next to him at first, is actually lying on the table. go to bed! He did all this kind of thing!

The old man who invigilated the exam stood up angrily. He has been teaching in Xiangyi for many years and has educated countless people. Although he has retired and stayed in school to do some theoretical research work, his position is still very important. Even the principal will call him "Old Zhang". professor". He had never seen such a student in his life. It is necessary to know how many good students do not even have the opportunity to take the Xiangyi entrance exam. Not only do they have to have excellent academic performance, but also their character and family financial status are within the scope of consideration. Even if you do not rely on those harsh conditions to study in Xiangyi, the cost of maintaining daily life is not cheap. Therefore, countless students from ordinary backgrounds cannot get the recommendation letter from the high school principal even if they study well. These principals are also helpless.

But now there are such nasty students sleeping in such a sacred examination room. Professor Zhang was filled with righteous indignation and walked towards the corner seat, immediately cancelling Wang Xu's qualification for the examination.

Just as he walked to Wang Xu, Wang Xu moved...