Chapter Eighteen The Oath Under the Indus

Wang Xu was 100% sure that he did see a hanged ghost just now, so he simply parked the car aside and walked towards the tree. He circled the tree a few times, and he didn't see anything wrong. There were no traces of rope rubbing on the branches, only a few strange symbols were engraved on the trunk, and they couldn't see what they meant.

He stood under the tree and thought for a few minutes, and finally sighed and decided to "make gong". In fact, he tried it seriously. As long as he concentrated his energy and condensed spiritual consciousness, he could be before the ghost found him. Go find the ghost. Of course, the premise is that the ghost's Taoism is relatively shallow.

Wang Xu's mouth was muttering some heavenly and spiritually spiritual spells. Of course, these were not recorded by Guigu Daoshu, but were created by him. He felt that this kind of chanting can better concentrate. Seeing his eyes closed, shaking his head and shaking his head, he looked like a magic stick. After a full five minutes, Wang Xu suddenly opened his eyes, and the female ghost he saw just now appeared in front of him again.

This time, Wang Xu could see clearly. The female ghost was wearing a shirt and long skirt, which seemed to be a common style in the 1980s and 1990s, with long hair, pale face, long hanging tongue, and a pair of eyes that had almost fallen out. All show that she is a standard hanged ghost.

Wang Xu took out his mobile phone and dialed Qi Bing's number. After the bell rang a few times, Qi Bing's indifferent voice came: "What can I do?"

"Hey, Qi Bing, this is Wang Xu. I am on Twenty-Fourth Avenue. There is a lesbian hanging from a tree on the side of the road. It seems that it has been hanging... Um... It's been a few decades now, you Do you want to come here to deal with it?" When Wang Xu said this, there was a piercing scream in the phone, as if he was about to puncture his eardrums. He hurriedly took the phone away and shouted a national curse. Then the call was terminated by itself.

At this time, Wang Xu looked around again. It was no longer the scene just now. The sky was suddenly covered with clouds at noon. There was no one on the road around. The air was getting colder. An invisible pressure seemed to be on his shoulders. He knew it was the ghost. Something started.

Wang Xu looked up at the tree again. The corpse was gone. The rope that had hanged her fell down at some unknown time. It was drifting in the wind at the level of Wang Xu's neck. Wang Xu's eyes were only that. As soon as the rope touched, he seemed to be attracted by a magical force. He couldn't help but walked a few steps toward the rope, and he saw many strange pictures reflected in the circular rope loop.

Countless banknotes and gold and silver jewels are piled up there like a mountain. The fine sand made of gold cascades on this hill like water. At first, the golden mountain was difficult to see in a fuzzy cloud. As the white mist dissipated, There are countless beautiful women lying on this golden mountain. They are twisting their plump and enchanting carcasses, and their white skin is hot red. The expressions on their faces seem to be tormented by loneliness, and their mouths seem to be still There was a moan full of longing.

Wang Xu walked closer and closer to the rope, his face almost stuck to the rope, and his eyes hadn't blinked since just now. I saw him grasp the rope loop swaying with the wind with both hands, as if in the next second he would willingly stick his head in...

The female ghost had no idea when she stood opposite Wang Xu. She watched Wang Xu's every move indifferently. As long as Wang Xu stretched her head out, she could immediately take his life.

According to legend, all the hanged ghosts used to kill people were to hang themselves with a rope. The spirit and grievances of the hanged ghosts are attached to this rope. Before death, the victims will see illusions in the rope loop, or gold and silver jewelry. Or a powerful beauty, etc., and then stuck his head in without knowing it...

Wang Xu was holding the rope with both hands. From the eyes of the ghost, his eyes were completely bewildered. But at this moment, Wang Xu suddenly pulled with his hands and pulled the rope from the branch, and then rushed towards the female ghost. This move was really unexpected and caught her off guard.

I saw Wang Xu put the rope loop around the ghost's neck, and then he held the rope in one hand and the knot in the other. He tightly restrained the female ghost from behind, and then he pressed it forward, and the female ghost had a face. He was pressed down to the ground.

Wang Xu put his knees against the back of the female ghost's neck, and added force with both hands, and the female ghost was restrained by him and could not move. His face sank: "Playing this hand with Laozi? How many two hundred and five have been cheated by the surname Qin with a blank check in the past few years to work for him? Now? Have they got the promised money? !"

"There are a few more stupid. People surnamed Qin gave them a few dying flowers and willows, so they dare to follow the rules on the bad road, now? They are all the same as you! It's over!" Wang Xu was still very upset when it came to this. He spit on the side, "Well, do you want to make Lao Tzu submit with a little yellow slide on such a small screen? You treat me as an idiot!"

He talked more and more, and his hands continued to strengthen. The ghost was strangled enough by him and made a final counterattack. Although she was facing down at this time, her tongue was so long that she suddenly looked like a poisonous snake. The ghost's face sprang up and struck Wang Xu's neck. The female ghost seemed to want to strangle Wang Xu with her tongue.

However, when Wang Xu was about to reach the tongue, he suddenly stretched out a hand to hold it, and clenched it tightly in his hand. The tongue actually couldn't make any more money, and then Wang Xu's fallacies and heresies began again: "Well, you shameless, you actually want to lick me! I've seen it a long time ago. You see that I am a little more handsome than the average person, so you want to take advantage of me! This broad day is bright! You are not only in public. Play the pornographic scene, and want to kiss me forcefully! I'm...well... the first time I was kissed forcefully, how could I fall into the hands of a scum like you!"

It is estimated that Wang Xu's rhetoric can only be believed by himself. If the female ghost is still alive, he would probably be pissed off by him again. Then Wang Xu grabbed his long tongue and hurled around the female ghost's neck. He had to say that he was a bit too much for people and ghosts, but he unwaveringly put his behavior into the category of legitimate defense. So there is no psychological burden at all to do anything, basically it is to die.

"You let her go, you can't solve the problem like this." Qi Bing's poker face has already reached behind Wang Xu.

"When did you come?" When Wang Xu saw Qi Bing coming, he was so determined that he let go and stood up. The female ghost was pardoned, and disappeared after she fled to the tree.

"I rushed here immediately after receiving your call. Your voice was strongly disturbed. In this school with an independent transmission tower, if there are ghosts nearby, it means that the mobile phone is very copycat. Anyway, I heard it. Fourteenth Avenue, hanged, for decades, of course the clearest thing is a very loud swear word."

"Hey... when you are sarcastic, you don't have any expression on your face, as if you are stating the facts, how did you do it..."

Qi Bing ignored Wang Xu's complaints, but said to the tree: "Come out, I don't think you want me to do it." The female ghost may be jealous of Qi Bing's strength, and she reappeared very obediently. In front of them, this time she did not look like a hanged ghost, but turned into an ordinary girl.

"Two masters, please be merciful. This is the first time I have come out to harm people in more than 20 years. I didn't mean it, please don't destroy my soul..." She looked a little pitiful now, Qi No sympathy or anything could be seen on Bing's face, but Wang Xu chatted with the ghost again, "Damn, it's such a coincidence that I ran into it for the first time, who believes it?"

"What I said is true! Master, because your bike... is very similar to his, so I..."

So Wang Xu heard a story, a story more than twenty years ago...

This girl was named Xiao Hui. She was studying in Xiangyi in the early 1980s. Xiangyi did not have as many rich children as there are now. Even students from poorer backgrounds can study here, and Xiao Hui is one of them. .

She met a boy named Hu Jianguo here. After they met, they had a good relationship. They finally established a relationship a year later. Hu Jianguo is not wealthy, so the two are dating on the premise of marriage. Looking forward to the days when they will work together to create a happy life after marriage, others are also optimistic that they will be a very enviable couple.

Hu Jianguo would often ride his Phoenix bicycle with Xiao Hui for a drive around the school, and she always sat behind Hu Jianguo with a happily snuggling on his back, it seems that this kind of day will be like this forever... (Digression: Phoenix bicycles are like the Cadillac of the bicycles of the year. The quality is definitely better than the one you bought now for several thousand dollars, and it is also our domestic brand. Younger friends can ask the elders at home, they could ride back then. The last phoenix was very savoury.)

That year, they also carved their names under a sycamore tree, which represented that their love was as long as this tree for a hundred years. But all this seems to be just a dream. When the dream wakes up, the reality is so cruel.

"He...he later fell in love with a girl with a lot of money in the family. He left me... He even said that I was not worthy of him, and he even scratched the name of the tree... Sitting behind her It's not me anymore...oooo..." Xiao Hui covered her face with her hands when she said that, she couldn't cry.

"So you hanged yourself here?" It was Qi Bing who asked this time. Xiao Hui nodded, crying even more sadly.

Wang Xu furrowed his brows and seemed very moved. Qi Bing patted him on the shoulder, but Wang Xu squeezed a sentence from his teeth: "Maybe the cat is Hu Jianguo's son. Dad sold me the bike for picking up girls at a low price. He wanted to yell at me..."

Qi Bing couldn't laugh or cry at his fallacy. Let's not say that there were thousands and hundreds of Phoenix cars left until now, but he said that Mr. Cat is obviously surnamed Gu, and he is 29 years old. He was in kindergarten back then, Hu Jianguo. Where to find such a cheap son.

Then Wang Xu turned out to apologize to the female ghost repeatedly, saying that he should not question the other party's life principles. In fact, she is still a good comrade, but her murder method is more special. Although Qi Bing's face didn't change much, he became more and more unpredictable about this Guiguzi in his heart.

At this moment, Qi Bing suddenly asked, "Since you died 24 years ago, do you know that two men and two women died of fire and water in this school 20 years ago?"