Chapter 20 The Second Night

At nine o'clock in the evening, ripples appeared on the calm artificial lake, and strangely, there was no wind at all. A boy was walking alone by the lake. He was smoking a cigarette, looking at the sky from time to time and sighing.

At this time, it seemed that there was a very light laughter coming from the lake. In the dark night, it was difficult to tell whether it was the wind or something. The boy shrank his neck, put out the cigarette, and then prepared to leave. He didn't notice when he exhaled the last puff, in fact, the breath he exhaled had turned into a white mist...

He walked towards his dormitory building, but did not encounter a pedestrian on the road, which is in line with his lonely and lonely state of mind at this time. I don't know how long he has been walking, but he still hasn't been far away from the artificial lake behind him. He felt very surprised. He didn't think the road was so long before. He looked back at the lake in the night and suddenly found a girl standing by the lake. The back figure was the girl he liked. She was standing by the lake, her long hair drifting in the wind, her shoulders trembling in the breeze, as if it was because of the cold, and as if she was crying.

The boy walked towards her. He wanted to take off his coat and put it on the girl, although he didn't know if he was still qualified to do so...

He walked behind the girl and found that she was not shaking because of cold or crying, but laughing! This laughter is very strange, boys have never heard such laughter, it seems like laughter from the depths of the gloom... This girl is not his lover at all, she is a devil in the dark! He wanted to escape, but he felt that his body was not listening, and he even couldn't make any sound in his throat. He stood there and watched the girl turn around. This face was burned to ulcer, and there was no skin near his mouth. The pale teeth were exposed, and the eyes were full of spite.

He was pushed down the lake by this female ghost. The cold lake water regained some consciousness in his body. He desperately upstream, trying to escape the dark abyss, but suddenly a huge force came from his feet. Pulling him down, he endured the pain and opened his eyes in the water to see what was under the water. In the dark night, he should have been in vain, but he saw it. No one knows what kind of sight he saw, but when he looked down, there was a smile on his face. He smiled very strangely and terribly, and his eyes were fixed on the water. Down, he didn't move away until his eyeballs began to engorge, he just gradually sank into this abyss...

Five minutes later, Wang Xu and Qi Bing trot all the way to the lake.

Qi Bing watched the surroundings vigilantly, and said to Wang Xu: "Not long after he disappeared, this ghost has a very deep way. Use his spiritual sense to carefully find the entrance of the ghost realm."

Wang Xu just said "Oh", and then looked around absently. He was still immersed in the joy of the day, even if he came out to catch ghosts, it would not affect his good mood.

Because this Guiguzi always behaves weirdly, Qi Bing did not make any comments on Wang Xu's passive sabotage. He searched along the lake very cautiously. Just now, he had clearly felt that there were ghosts nearby from a long distance. Reaction, so he found Wang Xu and rushed over. At this moment, Qi Bing looked at the calm lake surface, and he felt an unknown hunch in his heart. This hunch was his instinct for hunting ghosts for many years. He already knew that this time he might face great danger.

Qi Bing quickly found the entrance to the ghost realm. It was a missing railing on the lake, just enough for an adult to fall through the railing and fall into the lake. He asked Shang Wang Xu to walk there together, and then closed it together. The eyes went west for nine steps, and when they opened their eyes again, the surroundings had turned into a shadowy and ghostly look. Although the scenery was the same as before, it always felt different, like a viscous energy. Floating in the air, this invisible pressure is directly proportional to the ghostly resentment that creates the ghost realm.

"Attention, this time the ghost is not an ordinary character." Qi Bing's face became very solemn, and his silver-white fist blade had already appeared in his hand.

Wang Xu just wanted to agree to him, but when he turned his head, Qi Bing was gone. He felt a little uncomfortable and shouted a few times, but no one responded to him. Suddenly, he saw a figure flashing in the distance. The green dress and long hair were clearly Shang Lingxue whom he had encountered during the day. Although Wang Xu knew in his heart that everything he saw now was an illusion, but he was concerned Shang Lingxue's safety, knowing that it might be a trap, or brazenly followed up, unknowingly came to the dormitory building I saw in the telescope yesterday...

The words were divided into two parts. Qi Bing also noticed that Wang Xu suddenly disappeared. He was not worried about what would happen to Wang Xu. In his impression, Wang Xu was a colleague sent by the cat to support his actions. Although he acted perversely, he has never After suffering a loss, maybe he is a hidden master. So he focused on the situation before him.

I saw a corpse gradually floating on the lake. Qi Bing counted it. There were three men and two women. If the ghosts in the lake were Gu Youxin or Li Yaohua 20 years ago, then these corpses, or souls, should be this. The victims within a few months. But Yue Zhen didn't die in the lake, that means another person died here tonight! Who will it be? Could it be that Wang Xu is dead!

Before Qi Bing could think about it, he saw a pair of pale arms stretching out from the lake, grabbing the feet of one of the corpses and pulling them into the lake. When the corpse was pulled, it seemed to have suddenly alive and grinned. Then he opened his eyes and stared down until he was completely submerged in the lake... Then came the second and the third. The ghost seemed to kill these victims again in front of Qi Bing.

When Qi Bing watched this weird scene, he suddenly felt cold under his feet. He looked down and saw that the water in the lake had overflowed onto the shore and had soaked his shoes. The smell of corpses and blood in the lake made him feel like it. People disgusted, he knew that the ghost in the lake wanted him to go down to the lake, where it was like entering the belly of a ghost, letting him kill him.

However, Qi Bing did not retreat but instead advanced, and jumped into the lake. When he jumped into the lake, he felt that the ghost around him was several times stronger than on the shore, indicating that this ghost is definitely a super presence in the lake. Suddenly Qi Bing felt a huge force coming from under his feet. He looked down, but it was dark and invisible. He did not resist, but used a simple breath-holding spell, waiting to sink to the bottom of the lake.

I don't know how long time has passed, Qi Bing felt down to earth under his feet, and he lost the pressure and buoyancy of the water around him. He observed the surrounding environment and confirmed that he was standing at the bottom of the lake, but there was no water, only the corpse odor. And the smell of blood is still there.

Qi Bing was still expressionless. He did not release the breath-holding curse. He knew that although there was a feeling of air around him at this time, if he breathed, he might be choked to death slowly without knowing it. So he said to the darkness in the state of holding breath curse: "I have come down as you hoped, let me see if I have any means."

A man's voice came from the darkness: "I know you are great, I can't even find your weakness, but today you are dead when you go down to the bottom of this lake!"