A New Comrade?

As though proving his previous taunt, 666 directly shot against the man in front of him again. Unlike the previous two times though, the man finally decided to dodge from the onslaught of 666's fires. Unfortunately, when talking about fighting experience, 666's is vastly more experienced than his target, who was simply an ordinary citizen just until a few months ago.

Without suspense, three laser beams managed to land upon the man's body, forcing the latter to use his ability and turn his skin fibers into carbon nanotubes again. From the smoke emitted as a result of the burn, 666 did not manage to get a good look at his opponent's body until his weapon ran out of energy, making it impossible for him to shoot using the same gun anymore.

After the smoke cleared, 666 found that his target's body, which was already half-naked from his shirt being completely burnt earlier on, finally had some changes to it. Although the man still looked to be in tip top shape, his hand is currently placed against an area on the side of his abdomen, which was the location where 666 had previously shot. Since the hand covered a large portion of the blast area, 666 wasn't able to get a good look, but from the edges of the man's palm, 666 could see a faint outline of what looked to be a second-degree burn just on the right side of the man's navel.

"It seems your ability really does have its limits." 666 couldn't help but comment when he saw what was happening in front of him. "Why don't you do as I say and surrender to us? I'm sure there's nothing better than being alive and well, right?"

"And what?" The man snorted in response. "Surrender to you so you guys can start experimenting on me like some sort of lab rat? Wouldn't that be even worse than death? Instead of being stuck in a lab for the rest of my life, I would rather fight to the death for my freedom!"

"What a shame." 666 shook his head as he took another carbon fiber hunting knife from his waist where it originally hung. "And you are just one block away from freedom as well. You can even see the huge logo of the T7 Corporation from here."

666 tilted his head towards a diagonal direction which prompted his opponent to turn his head as well. A few buildings away lay a rather inconspicious skyscraper that looked about the same as every other one within the skyline. The difference though, is that on top of the skyscraper building lit a logo that every citizen within the Solar System would be able to recognize within an instant: The logo of the T7 Group.

"You think that I wouldn't know about the extradition treaty secretly signed between the Lunar Republic and the Terran Federation?" The man replied with another sneer. "I gather that even if I somehow managed to arrive at the front entrance of the T7 headquarters and apply for political asylum, I would instantly be seized by security and pushed out before acting like nothing had happened."

"Then why are you still heading there if you know what was going to happen?" 666 tilted his head in confusion when he heard what his opponent just said.

"It's my last resort! I thought I would have my last gamble and hope they wouldn't just kick me out and listen to me instead." The man spoke in a rather indignant tone. "Who knew that I would get caught up with a kid just seconds away from my salvation!"

666 scratched the back of his head, still looking a little confused. "But didn't I already tell you that the Federation doesn't intend to hurt you? Why must you insist for us to fight? The only result from fighting with me would only be your own death."

Before 666 even finished his sentence, he directly threw the dagger towards his target. Although the dagger looked slim and narrow, it somehow managed to directly slice off his lower leg, directly dicing through the muscles and bones in one go, separating everything below the man's right kneecap.

After a second of delay, the man finally caught on to the pain and immediately howled out loud, almost falling into shock as he fell flat onto the ground while desparately gripping onto his aggregious wound.

"Don't worry, even though you might bleed to death if we don't apply any emergency procedures on you now, I've brought a vial of medical nanobots with me, which will instantly close your wound." 666 explained as he walked towards the man squirming before him.

The pain is too much that the man wasn't even able to speak. The only thing he could do is tilt his head and glare resentfully at the one who caused the misery in his life, looking as though he wanted to directly bite 666's head off.

In response, 666 simply crouched before the man and poured the nanobot solution upon his wound. Within a few seconds, the wound miraculously closed itself. The man now looked no different than any normal amputee.

Of course, not only did the man not feel grateful about being healed by 666, he felt another wave of wrath pour into his heart. Taking a few moments to catch his breath, the man finally managed to speak again in a raspy voice while giving a chuckle that sounded more despairing than his original scream when his leg was cut off.

"Since you know that my ability is to rearrange the carbon atom bonds within my body, do you know what will happen if I were to forcibly sever a carbon atom bond from the rest of the compound?"

"The mass energy from such a sudden chemical reaction will directly cause an explosion that can easily kill the both of us." 666 replied nonchalantly. "However, I think you've already used up all of your quotas for today, no? Do you still have the ability to do such a thing?"

"Try me!" The man shouted. He looked like a man steeling himself before doing something drastic as he held his breath and shouted again, "Yippy-ka-yay! Motherf-"

Before the man could finish his last dying cry though, 666 directly used his hand and made a hand chop against the back of the man's neck, directly rendering the man unconscious from the sudden loss of blood flow towards the brain. At this time, 666 could only give the man a weird look as he thought to himself, "Do you think you're the protagonist of an anime or something? Taking the time to say such cheeky lines before activating your move is basically allowing your opponent to strike first. I had originally thought I would be forced to use my ability again, but who would have thought you would actually be this stupid."

Scratching his head, 666 stood up before mentally dialing the one who assigned the mission to him. When the call connected, 666 directly said through the mental channel, "I've completed the mission. Although, I decided not to eliminate the target in the end."

"How surprising." the man on the opposite side spoke in a somewhat playful tone. "With your personality, I thought you would eliminate all variables before they even have the opportunity to become a threat to the Federation."

"I've weighed the pros and cons and decided that the target's supernatural ability is too useful to eliminate. I think it would be better for him to undergo psychological evaluation and realign his ideological views instead." 666 replied with a monotone voice.

"An abillity so useful that even someone like you decided to be too precious to eliminate?" The man's voice peaked, sounding quite curious as he asked, "What sort of ability does the target have that would actually make you think that?"

"He has the ability to manipulate the carbon atoms within his own body." 666 replied. "I'm sure you are aware of the implications of such an ability, right?"

After hearing this, the man on the other side immediately turned solemn and said with a serious tone, as though he had turned into a completely different person than the seemingly nonchalant personality before, "I'll try and apply for psychological evaluation immediately. Although only death-row inmates would usually get the ideological realignment treatment, I'm sure that an AI judge operated by Minerva would be able to see that this is a special case and give us permission to do so."

666 hummed, showing his acknowledgement. As he moved towards the target's unconscious body and picked it up with one hand, placing the body on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, he suddenly realized something and said to the man on the other side, who was still connected to him, "Oh by the way, you might also need to get the target a biological leg implant as well. His right leg is sliced clean off. There is quite a lot of blood so please ask someone to clean up the roof as well."