Chapter 10: Bloodline active/ heartbroken (1)(revised)

That was too close Leo says to himself I am too weak to let myself get carried away like that. Leo decides to create a new weapon he starts to use creation all the details pop out into his head about a katana he has seen before. It is an anti- element blade and, the blade itself looks like it has a galaxy inside of it. Leo gets up and goes to train himself by fighting some magic beasts in the forest near the school. Leo is facing two fox-type magical beasts. they're, are using the wind element to increase their speed meaning, they're tier-three. when a magical beast gets to tier-three they unlock a spiritual sense in their brain so, they make smarter attacks, and added with element magic makes for a deadly combo. Leo figures out they the plant and animals use the mana as well as humans use profound energy.

One of the foxes shoots a fireball attack at Leo. while the other one runs behind trying to sneak attack, Leo. while the other one fires three more fireballs blocking Leo's path. Leo takes out his new katana gets it in a stance and, focuses when the fires fireball arrives Leo cuts it straight down. The fireball gets cuts in half also the fox that is hiding behind gets cut in half too. Then Leo uses to appear behind the second one ending its life by cutting its head off. After Leo gets the cores from the fox corpses he hears a ding on his watch he is getting a text from Lisa.


Leo < i am training right now later>

Lisa < no right, now I give you a treat>

Leo < oh what type of treat I come but it has to be some cookies>

Lisa < oh but don't you know how to cook and bake>

Leo < yes but I am too good at cooking and baking and you know this I get addicted to my food>

Lisa < well, that true but, still come now>


Leo is wondering why she, calling him like this she, never does this but he doesn't mind. he trusts her so, he doesn't think anything about it. Leo head to Lisa's room he arrives at her room. he is greeted by Lisa also, hands him a cookie she tells him to follow her. Leo does not care where they go he is just enjoying his new cookie. They walk into a warehouse Leo starts to get worried for a second because before he died, he reads a book. The trusting MC gets led into a warehouse by the person he loves. then gets betrayed and killed by her.

When they turn and enter a room, Leo instantly takes his new sword and yells who's there at the corner of the room, a man appears and says.

??? - so you can sense me the mysterious person says in a curious voice.

Leo - yes, it was like you were not even trying to hide your presence. what do you want? he says in a serious tone

??? - you should ask that girl what we want he says pointing, to Lisa.

Leo - what do you mean He says confused.

??? - as I said, ask your girlfriend what we want from you he says in an irritated tone.

Leo - Lisa, what does he mean

She starts laughing in a devious way.

Lisa - you could not even see they I was betraying you. since you saved me from that magical beast and saw you cultivate.

Leo - what do you mean are you not happy I saved you? and, what do you mean when you saw me cultivate? I cultivated like everyone else.

Lisa starts laughing again really she says your breakthroughs are the faster I have seen or heard of. your rapid breakthrough are faster than all the geniuses in this world put together. Enough!!! the mystery man says just hand over your cultivation method and, you can go, he says. the mystery man releases some blood lust that makes Leo shudder Leo breaks out of it and says. How will I know you are telling the truth. you don't and, you can't even run if you wanted to we have you surrounded Mystery man says. What Leo says in disbelief when he activated his divine sense it's true. They have him surrounded they're all higher realms than him so, their no Escape even if he wanted to run.

He tries to teleport but, to no avail, he is still there he, asks Lisa, why are you helping them I thought I was your friend. I have helped you throughout all these years I save you I cared and trusted you so, why are you betraying me now. If I died back then it would not even matter I always hated you for saving me Lisa says. It was the worst shame I have been through she continues to say. Now I can remove that shame by killing you but, not after you give up your cultivation method she says. Why do you want a cultivation method you could have asked for a long time ago. even if I had one I would have given you it Leo says. I don't care because every act and every sleepover every hug and handshake was all fake I was acting in front of your pathetic ass. I can't believe you believe me and didn't see through me for someone so smart you sure are dense.

Leo felt his heartbreak one of the only people he trusted with all his heart. No the only person he trusted with all his heart ends up betraying him. For a cultivation method that he doesn't even have for god sake. Tears start to flow out of Leo as he feels all his emotions from his past life flow back. Into his brain, the memories he thought were gone came back in tides he tries to move but he was stuck.

Before Leo could move again he was knocked out by the mystery man Lisa and the mystery man took Leo somewhere. They brought him to a shelter. The people who were surrounding him before following them. This shelter is far away from the academy so nobody will know what happens here. they pour water on him to wake up when Leo opens his eyes the first thing he sees is Lisa.