Chapter 19: The Arrogant fiance

The two weeks and two days pass with Leo mastering; demon swordsmanship, flash swordsmanship, phantom swordsmanship, and magic swordsmanship. he combine flash swordsmanship with phantom swordsmanship and made phantom light swordsmanship. the weapons he mastered are; draggers, saber, staff, and scythe. he also mastered his vitality went up to 100,000 and he also got to noble demon body. it was hard for Leo to get to this stage.

{ flashblack}

Leo - What the hell how am I supposed to train this crap I can't even use demon energy system tell me what to do.

[ and here I thought you were smart all you did was sit down and try absorbing demon energy without even knowing what it is ]

Leo - what do you mean?

[ do I have to put it in words sits your ass down and try to sense anything but astral energy. demon energy is going to be the opposite of astral energy which is pure demon energy is negative and corrupt. ]

oh, that makes sense Leo says he sits down in louts position. he closes his eyes he starts to sense the energy in his surroundings but, all he senses is astral energy. he keeps going for about three hours before getting irritated and starts training something else he goes to sleep and goes into the pocket world. Then starts to try and sense demon energy again but he fails and wakes up angry.

Leo - How the fuck am I supposed to train this system please help me.

[ what? do you think this is going to be easy keep trying maybe you get lucky ]

Leo - no their has to be a shortcut to this. a memory flashes into Leo's mind. there is a pill he can use it's called the Demon Nurturing pill. which is used to turn a regular human into a demon by using demon energy in the air "I can use this pill to sense demon energy" Leo thinks.

[ Don't do it you idiot you turn into a demon and you get hunted down in this world forever. the Hart family will take the backlash from it because they were helping a demon. ]

Leo - I will not turn because I am smart and have amazing willpower.

[ haaa the bliss of ignorance]

Leo uses creation to create a demon nurturing pill then eats it. a bunch of negative energy spread through his body from the air. demon energy starts to corrode his body. "AHHHHHH!!!" Leo yells he veins start to pop out skins.

[ see I, told you not to take the pill now look what happening if you give up, you die Goodluck, ]

Leo - wait can't you help?

[ you did this to yourself not me deal with it yourself bye ]

Leo - fuck you are so useless he says in pain.

The demon energy starts to corrode his soul shit "I need to do something" Leo says to himself. Leo starts to use demon energy to temper his blood. "AHHHHH!!!! IT HURTS!!!" Leo yells. his blood starts to boil and changes. he then using it to temper his bone marrow and bone. then the energy runs out Oh shit I made it. I thought I was going to die that shit hurt like hell. it took Leo about 5 hours to finish.

Leo - SYSTEM!!! SYSTEM!!! now, why the hell did you not help me I thought I was going to die?

[ I told you already you did it to yourself so you deal with it yourself ]

Leo - fuck you

Leo tries to sense demon energy now and it works to his surprise. he could feel it and gets a clue about why the demons came to this planet. he starts cultivating his skin after an hour he tries to use the demon energy but it doesn't work. he keeps trying he lead the demon energy around his body and see if his body improvers but nothing happens. he then tries to summon the demon energy and make it into a sword but that does not work. he then takes a sword and tries to infuse it with demon energy but it didn't work either. "WHAT THE HELL!!! why does it not work? hmm how about I try to fuse the astral energy and demon energy" Leo says to himself. it doesn't work he keep trying till he figures it out. so basically he needed to store some demon energy first to use it. he didn't have any because all of it was used when tempering his body. he only had a little amount when he cultivated. which is why he was able to use it at the beginning. Leo then starts to train in demon swordsmanship.

{ flashback over }

Risa walks into the room.

Risa - Hello Leo she says with a smile.

Leo - what up is there something wrong?

Risa - don't you remember?

Leo- remember what?

Risa - you promised to be my fake boyfriend so I can trick that bastard to not marry she says angrily.

Leo - oh I forgot about that don't worry about it Leo says with reinsurance.

Leo walked up to her and places his hand on her then kiss her wha... before she can say anything someone walks into them kissing.


Leo stops kissing her and looks up at the intruder.

Leo - what does it look like Leo says calmly.

Risa - Rayan what are you doing here she says with a flustered face.

Rayan - I Ask you one more time what are you doing with that man whore he says angrily.

"what do you think can't you see," Leo says as he grabs her and kisses her again.

Rayan - you bastard I kill you and your family and friends he says with hostility.

Leo - HAHAHAHA!!! that funny. I have no family or friends here and are you going to kill Risa Leo says as he hugs her. Risa is confused after getting kissed by Leo and still has not caught up about the situation going on now.

Rayan - Ok you funny bastard let have a duel in three days he says with arrogance.

Leo - what time period are we in 1980 you old bastard asking for a duel just say fight.

Rayan - fine fight me in three days.

Leo - ok three days till your funeral tell your parent to get ready to lose their child.

Risa - wait what are you going to kill him?

Leo - yes why?

Risa - why do you have to kill him?

Leo - you are still a naive little girl if you don't kill off your problem it will keep growing till it is enough to destroy you. you can leave now what your name is umm Rayan right I want to finish what a was doing.

Risa -doing what?

Rayan - you bastard keep your hands off of her.

Leo - bro how many times are you going to call me a bastard do you even know what it means.

Rayan -...

Leo - get out of here you retard.

Rayan walks out of the door and says "just you wait in three days you be begging for mercy at my feet"

Leo - Ummm ok you be dead in three days so good luck with that.

Rayan finally leaves.

Risa - out of all of the things you can agree with you agree to a fight Rayan at astral king realm. how in the hell are you going to beat him. I don't think in two weeks you could make it to the Astral king realm or higher.

Leo - wait for a second what realm am I system what realm am I now?

[ Astral Monarch ]

Leo - ok I am in the astral monarch realm. I am stronger than him so no need to be worried.

Risa - what? stop playing around Leo their no way in two weeks you made it to Astral monarch realm.

Leo releases his astral energy. the entire Hart mansion was felt pressured by him. the whole has become alerted but no one could move.

Leo - you believe me now as he takes back his astral energy.

Risa - is it possible you are already an astral monarch.

Leo - because I am me what's wrong?

Risa - but... forget it and how dare you kiss me she says while blushing.

Leo - stop complaining about it the way your face is you enjoy it and your parents are about to walk in.

Risa - what?

The door opens and two people walk in one woman and one man. the woman has blonde hair with no wrinkles at all on her face. she looks like a model for some reason. she has blue eyes with a worried face and has a powerful aura around her. the man next to her has white hair he is handsome and has a very defined jawline with gray eyes and an arrogant aura around him.

Risa - Hello mom and father.

Mother - Hello sweetie she says with a warming smile.

father - hello daughter.

Mother - who is that man? she says with a frown pointing to Leo.

Risa - This is my boyfriend.

Father - that is impossible I forbid it. you can not data a weak commoner and you have a fiance. he points to Leo get out before I kill you he says with a hostile voice

Mother - honey be nice.

father - no I will never allow my daughter to date a peasant like him.

Leo - hello to the both of you my name is Leo Reid and if this man keeps insulting me I am going to punish him.

father - HAHA!!! punish me you must be crazy he says laughing.

Leo - no I am serious you don't even know me and you start to insult me out of the blue. You're just asking to be punished. Leo says with a calm but intimidating face.

father - boy let see if have the balls to back up your words.

Risa's father releases his astral energy at Leo but Leo just swipes it away. Risa's dad is at astral lord which is one realm higher than Rayan. Risa's dad is shocked at this Leo just stands in the same position and doesn't move. few people can resist his astral energy with his wife being one of them. Leo yawns which sends Risa's dad in two an angry fit.

Risa's dad takes out a sword and rushes up to Leo and swings down. he starts infusing astral energy into it when it hits Leo it phases through him. Risa's dad is confused by this he keeps swinging but the same thing keeps happening. the sword going straight through Leo's body. Leo looks down at Risa's dad and asks if he is done. Risa's father keeps trying to behead Leo then Leo gets irritated and slaps Risa's dad across the face sending him flying across the room. everyone but Leo is shocked about this. Risa's mother walks over to Risa's dad and shakes him. he passed out and their drools from his mouth and half his face is swollen.

Leo - can we have a civilized conversation now?

Risa's dad wakes up.

Father - Mmmmm what happened? why does my face hurt?

Mother - because you got slapped and passed out

Father - by who?

Mother - by him she says point to Leo

father - WHAT!!! impossible unless he a higher stage or a monarch.

Leo - I am a monarch. Anyways Risa see you in three days bye. Leo disappears.