Chapter 25: the Fight Zone

Leo sat in the stands waiting he watch over ten fights and throughout watching the bad feeling on his chest kept growing ad growing. Finally, it was Leo's turn. " All right all right it's time for the main event," the announcer says. "oh yea let goo who going o fight which rich family heir is it this time," the guy next to Leo says.

"ok, ok here we go we have Rayan from the powerful phantom family and i new challenger we have never seen or heard of Leoooooooooooo, both of you please make your way to the stage " the announcer yells out. Leo gets up and the guy next to Leo stares at him as Leo makes his way to the stage. Leo jumps down to the right side of the stage Rayan also appears on the left side.

"ok on the right side of the stage we have the unknown person Leo. and to the Left, we have the heir to the phantom family Rayan" Leo is just wearing a sweatshirt with two daggers on his sides. Rayan is wearing full-body armor with two twin swords.

"count down with me starting from 3," the announcer says.

" Are you ready to beg at my feet," Rayan says with an Argnorant tone. Leo looks up at him and says " are you,"




Both Leo and Rayan start to take off they reach each other Leo pulls out his daggers and leads with a diagonal and horizontal slash at Rayan. but Rayan parries them then leads to his own diagonal and horizontal slash. Leo parries them then jumps back and throws one of his daggers. Rayan blocks the dragger but Leo smile the dagger Leo throws starts to glow after Rayan block it. it starts to attack Rayan from the air. Leo starts to charge an attack with his astral energy.

"what going on why is Rayan struggling against this nobody which sect does this Unknow come from," the announcer says. Rayan's mother and father come to the announcer's booth to watch the fight from there. they are both are confused as to why Rayan is struggling against Leo.

(pov changes Announcer)

[ why are the phantoms here in my booth don't tell me they are going to kill me or that boy down there Let me just do my job and get out of here quickly] the announcer says to himself.

" OMG, what is going on the dagger that has been blocked has started to attack Rayan. it looks like Rayan is struggling to parry the lone dagger. this unknown person Leo has a good set of ability but what is that he is charging up. Leo has just fired the thing he was charging up it was a beam of astral energy. Rayan just tanks the beam there is not even a scratch on him. Rayan is laughing at Leo it looks like this has irritated Leo. Rayan releases his astral rank the energy of an astral king starts it pour out of Rayan." the announcer says.

(pov change Risa)

what going on Leo didn't you say you were an astral monarch why did your astral energy not work against him. stop playing and do something before he kills Risa says to herself as Rayan pours out his astral energy.

(pov change Risa's father)

"HAHAHA, I told Risa Leo is just a worthless prick he can't even damage Rayan how is he better than him. after this fight Risa should go and marry Rayan or else," he says Laughing out Loud

( Pov change Risa's mother)

" hmmm, what is this boy doing he could beat that man why can't he beat this little man is he just faking it," she thinks to herself.

(pov third)

As Rayan releases his astral energy in term to show off Leo starts to laugh at him. Rayan is confused about why Leo is laugh "shouldn't he be in fear of me or get down on his knee to begging to live SO WHY IS he LAUGHING AT ME!!!," Rayan thinks to himself.

Leo brings his daggers and puts them both away, and releases his true energy making everyone in the stadium shake from the pure pressure emitting from him. "W-whar the fuk!! How is this sht even possible?! How are an Astral Monarch?!" Rayan exclaims while shaking in fear. "Hahahaha Oh my God, your shaking is killing me! Damn it! I thought you were a big boy considering you said you were going to make me kneel and beg for mercy... So, how do you want to die?" Leo says with a sweet but evil devillious smile.

" please i beg of you please don't kill me i won't ever touch or go near Risa again," Rayan says. "no you won't I have read too many books for me to let you go free because that will come and bite me in the future," Leo says to Rayan.

"mom.. dad help me don't let him kill," Rayan says in tears." oh calm down you big baby, tell your parents to come down here and you all will live," Leo says

"Mother, father, can you please come down here he said he won't kill us if you come down so please" Rayan begs

both of Rayan's parents comes down from the announcer booth they prostrate themselves in front of Leo. Rayan's mother is a short woman with little brown skin and, has brown eyes. Rayan's father has pure white hair and, is white-skinned with hazel eyes. and is the same height as Leo.

" ok do you know what offense your son has committed," Leo asks Rayan's parents. "No, we don't know what offense our son has committed so please spare all of us," Rayan"s mother says with a calm and nice voice.

"I have to think about that one because I know you guys will in the future do something else to make me hurt or kill you so I don't know," Leo says. " please we will do anything Rayan's mother says with a worried tone.

" fin..." before Leo can finish what he was about to say. a huge plasm ball get fired into the stadium.