Chapter 42: you always hitting us

'I really don't understand why he is helping out so many people but it is good to see the good my brother has done for people in person,' I thought to myself as Leo sat down.

"Time to dig in," he says as he slides some food to himself and starters eating away.

I just watch him and find it funny how he is eating. He is eating fast but it is not messie nor is it nasty. He looks up at me and says "what is there something wrong," I just reply with no nothing is wrong. He takes another bite of food while staring at me. And tell me to eat my food which I laugh at. and reply back ok with a smile on my face.

"Sorry what have you been doing you become stronger and richer since the last time i saw you,"

I say to Leo.

"Ummm do you really want to know," he says back to me with a calm look.

"Yes I do," I said with a firm voice.

"Ok then so what i been doing for 18 years i mean not really 18 i been alive for over one billion years if you understand," Leo says.

[flashback TIME!!!!]

Walking outside a family of four is walking there in a park. BOOM!!! BOOM!!!! BOOM!!! AHHHH!!!

"Dad what's going on, why is there an explosion and yelling," a young Leo says to his father while looking off into the explosions.

Their dad is a tall white man with pure white hair and silver eyes. He is 6,2ft tall. He grabs Leo and Marcella's hands and starts to run. their mother runs after them. As they are running a monster appears in front of them led by Axel's family who run away right after that.

"Marcella Go hide right now you two Leo," Leo dad says to them.

Leo takes Marcella's hand and runs to hide her. After Leo hides her he comes out to help his parents but was taken by a monster without his parents or sister noticing.

"Let me go, Let me go right now," a small Leo says while slapping and kicking the monster. The monster throws him against a wall. This makes Leo stop breathing for a second. The monster is a Lion/ tiger mix with blood red eyes. It starts snarling at Leo in a hostile form.

"No back up stay away," Leo says as he starts to back up right back into a wall in a panic. "HELP MOMMY DADDY HELP ME PLEASE!!!,"" Leo yells out in a panic and in a fearful voice.

"Oh, young boy, do you need help," A voice says to the young Leo.

"Yes please help me," Leo says back to the voice.

"If i help you you will become my disciple," The voice says to Leo.

"I will become your disciple please save me," The young Leo exclaims to the voice.

"I see, don't regret your choice," the voice says as a sword flies down and cuts the head off the monster. An old man floats down from the sky after that and goes up to Leo.

"Give me your hand we shall go to start your training," the man says to Leo.

Leo reaches up to the man's hand and grabs it after he does that he is instantly teleported to a random room.

[Flashback Ends]

"After that I began my training. Time moved way faster than here. I turned 27 when I got my wife. Then the god of chaos came after my wife. He killed my master then put me and my wife into a time loop. which I used to train myself. After a billion something years the time loop become weak and i broke free and killed the god of chaos. Not knowing what to do with my life after that. My wife told me to come down here and relax before anything starts again," Leo says to me.

"So you were taken, trained, kidnapped, and escaped, got a wife, then come to me and you are over 1 billion years old. Do you have some magical pet that you are hiding to," i say to him with disbelief.

"Oh I do, I just don't bring them out," Leo says to me.

"Really sure," I say with a not believing face.

"Ok then RYU!!!, ROAN!!!, ZOE!!! Come out right now before I beat all of you up," Leo says out of nowhere.

Three animals appear floating over the table when Leo says that.

"Don't beat us," Zoe says in a cry.

"What did we do now," Ryu says annoyed.

"Why did you call us mister," roan says.

The three animals that appeared are a blue and red phoenix which is Zoe. A black and red wolf which is roan. Then a black dragon which is Ryu.

"Who do you think you are talking to you want to get slapped," Leo says, raising his hand.

"Nooo we did not even do anything this time," Zoe cries out.

"We will be fine, he is not really going to hit us," Ryu says with a smirk on his face which turns into a frown when Leo slaps the top of his head. "Owww what was that for," Ryu says to Leo.

"You talk too much, that's why," Leo says to him.

"Roan, are you not going to say anything," Ryu says.

"No, I don't want to get hit," Roan says with fear in his eyes.

"The only reason you don't want to get hit is because you got your butt beat by Leo before hahaha," Ryu says while laughing up a storm.

``Umm Leo why don't you summon us out anymore," Zoe says.

"Why don't I summon y'all out. can't you see why. they always do this,"Leo says.

"DO what you are always hitting us for no reason," Ryu says back to Leo.

"I only hit y'all because y'all always doing dumb stuff, and i know you are smarter than that," Leo says.

"But is that a need to hit us," Roan says this time.

The argument continues between the three of them as I look in awe about this argument and the magical animals Leo has summoned out.