
I put my hand in my ear and shook it vigorously. I couldn't believe what Isaac told."What.. Are you mad? God! ?There is no god ! How can you tell that God brought me here? You are definitely out of your mind" I exclaimed.

I agree that the words that came out of my mouth were very disrespectful considering this boy had just saved my life. Yet I couldn't control myself. From the moment I set my foot on this earth I had mixed feelings about god. Sometimes I found myself talking to god( not that I could see him) . My brain told me that no such thing existed but my heart refused to accept. Yet over the few months I had convinced myself to stop believing. And here I was now , stuck on an island and god is responsible for this?

"Whoa girl. Calm down...I'm not kidding . God is really reponsible for all this and I have proof." Isaac replied.

He took a piece of paper out from his pocket and showed it to me.By the time I could read it a huge bird ( Atleast that's what I thought it was)swept pass us like a flash of lighting .Before I could realise what happened I was screaming at the top of my lungs.

I looked down and realised I was bleeding. Blood was trickling drop by drop from my shirt. I could see a deep cut on my stomach through my torn shirt. My head started to spin and I felt light headed. I fainted. The last thing I could hear was Isaac screaming not to close my eyes. But that's exactly what I did.

I could see my mother and my father . Wait . ..Was I in heaven.? My parents died when I was was three , so if i could see them now did that mean I was in heaven? It had to be. I went close to my mother , she was smiling. I never got to spend any time with my mother but I never forgot her warm smile that made me never want to leave her. Not a day passed without me regretting what had happened on the day my parents had died. "Mom . Is it really you ? Where am I" I asked . She didn't reply. She just kept smiling. I took a step closer to her but suddenly my head started spinning again. I felt like I was falling in space."Mom! Dad! Somebody help!" I screamed.