We kept walking for about two hours. I coud see that Rachel was struggling to balance her body. She put half of her weight on Camlin yet I could see she was suffering. " Guys. Let's take some rest. It's already dark and it's dangerous to walk anymore. " I suggested.The both of them refused initially but when I eyed Camlin to see Rachel's wound he seemed to understand.
"Yeah Rachel. Let's rest. I'm tired." He said putting the blame on himself.
"Ok" she sighed.
"You two wait here. I'll go see if there is some place we can get some shelter for the night. I said leaving them alone. I walked for another ten minutes but there were only trees everywhere. What else could I expect on an island? A house? A motel?
But what I saw next surprised me. There was a small cottage a few steps in front of me. I got excited. I ran towards the house but just before I was going to knock the door , two hands pulled me from behind. I turned to see who it was. It was Rachel and Camlin.
" Are you mad?" Rachel whispered in an angry voice. I was perplexed . I had not done anything wrong." Dude , we are supposed to be the only ones on this island according to the letter you showed me. What made you think there are humans inside?" Camlin asked. That was when I realised how stupid I was. But it was too late. By the time we could turn and go back , we heard the door being opened. Instantly all three of us turned to see who it was.
The person standing at the door looked like a person. She had two hands , two legs so I assumed her to be human." See Rach. It's only a woman. We can ask her for help." I said to Rachel ,getting up from my squatting position to approach the woman. Before I could even get up fully Rachel pulled my arm with great force. I fell hard on my back.
" Idiot! There is no other human on this island . She is not a woman. See her hands properly!" exclaimed Rachel. I focused on her hands. At first it seemed to be normal, then I saw her fingernails. They were green and about one meter long. She also held a broomstick in her hand." She's a witch" whispered Camlin.
Just when we three were silently about to escape , I tripped on a rock. I fell on Camlin and Camlin fell on Rachel." Ouch. Up. Up.!!" Rachel screamed. After great difficulty the three of us managed to untangle ourselves. Unfortunately we had drawn the attention of the witch. She was staring at us with her beady eyes. Slowly an evil smile appeared on her face. She started walking towards us." Run !" Rachel screamed.
We started running. Not one of us turned behind to check if the witch was following us. After one hour I was the first to give in."Guys I can't run anymore" I said.
"Me too" said Camlin.
" Me three" said Rachel.
We all turned back to see if the witch was following us. To our surprise she was not.
"That's strange " said Camlin yawning.
" Probably luck? Anyways I'm beat . I'm just going to sleep here" said Rachel sitting down and leaning on a tree. Camlin sat next to her."I'll go get some dried wood for a fire" I said dropping my bag the ground.
"Wait!" the both of them said together in a bossy voice." It's not too cold today , Isaac. We wont need a fire today. Just sit down." Rachel said. It was indeed cold but I felt that she prefered being cold rather than being chased by mythological creatures. Anyways I had no other option , as I knew they wouldn't let me go anywhere. I slowly walked towards the tree and sat beside Camlin.Rachel was already half asleep and her head fell on Camlin's shoulder . He turned towards me and I shook my head indicating not to wake her up.Slowly I drifted too drifted into a deep sleep.