My Costar and I are in this together

Bi Jialu curses under her breath when Yao Shen's face turns pale. 

"Laoshi has seen it already?"

Yao Shen silently hands her the phone. 

"I'm sorry laoshi, I'm sure this is very upsetting," she says, returning the phone to him after only a cursory glance.

"Why the fuck does this keep happening?" Yao Shen hides his face in his palms and lets out a growl. "I mean, who keeps following us?"

Bi Jialu shrugs. "It's a big IP production, it's normal for this kind of drama to attract more paparazzi than usual because there's great online demand for more content."

Yao Shen knows that what she's saying is reasonable, but it doesn't stop him from getting angry at the damn production company, at his own agency, at Xin Hulei's agency.

Aren't they fucking demons? Shouldn't they be able to do something about this.

Of course, since they feed off human 'worship' any kind is probably fine-- from genuine admiration to rabid fan speculation.