My Costar apologizes

Yao Shen probably has the  Sleep Upgrade to thank for for being able to get out of bed the next day and function like a semi-competent human being, because if he got forty full minutes of sleep the night before it was a lot.

Bi Jialu knows that something is wrong with him, but he keeps avoiding her questions and sidestepping the issue.

He keeps looking over his shoulder, afraid of seeing the ghoul somewhere. 

The first scene he shoots is an unmitigated disaster. Luckily he's filming on his own, so he isn't dragging anyone else down with his poor performance, but he needs to get it together soon.

It doesn't help that he has crossed paths with Xin Hulei twice already, and both times Xin Hulei tried to catch his eye. There was something oddly vulnerable to his usually inscrutable gaze, that made Yao Shen feel all the more guilty.

"Maybe we can go for lunch earlier and try again afterwards," Director Chen says, rubbing his hands down his face.