My Costar invites me over

Yao Shen doesn't have anything else to tell the system. 

He's not interested in, what...having Xin Hulei under his thrall?

He's even less interested in whatever power struggle is going on in Youdu between the ghost kings. For better or worse Yao Shen is no longer one of them, so he's going to keep his head down and just deal with it until he can get away from this madness and go on with his life.

[Host should reconsider.]

He's not going to.

[There might come a time when Host won't have a choice.]

The System falls silent after that. No matter how many times Yao Shen directly asks it for answers, he doesn't get a reply.

"Is everything okay?" Xin Hulei asks, noticing Yao Shen's pinched brows, his serious frown.

"I'm fine," Yao Shen says, just as the car comes to a stop on the station's parking lot.