My Costar thinks I taste sweet

Hearing Jincan's smug tone makes his blood boil.

Yao Shen clutches the phone to his cheek so hard the plastic casing nearly cracks.

"I need to talk with Xin Hulei. Pass him the phone."

"Master is busy right now, he can't come." Jincan's tone is languorous and silky, as if he's luxuriating around in bed.

The mental images that thought conjures only make Yao Shen angrier.

"Tell him I need to speak with him, it's urgent."

On the other end of the line Jincan chuckles. "What good will that do if he doesn't want to?"

"I don't know what game you think you're playing but it's not funny. I'm trying to help him."

"I don't think he wants your help," Jincan says, his words dripping smugness.

At the end of his rope, Yao Shen takes the only course available to him. He starts shouting: "Xin Hulei" into the speaker in the hopes that his voice will be heard through the speakers.