My Costar watches me be arrested

Yao Shen barely has the time to exchange a look with Xin Hulei before the two Inspectors are announcing his arrest, each of them flanking him and holding on to his upper arm.

"I'm sure you don't want to be handcuffed for this," Inspector Song says. "Everything will go a lot better if you cooperate. We can avoid drawing any undue attention."

"I haven't done anything, I haven't seen that syringe in my life," Yao Shen says.

Both Inspectors ignore him, and frog marching him out of the room carelessly.

"I'm going too," Xin Hulei says, his eyes blazing.

Inspector Wei raises his free hand to stop Xin Hulei's movements. "This is not a couple's spa package," he says, while Inspector Song snorts. "You'll be called down to the precinct soon enough. Wait your turn."

Yao Shen throws one last worried look at Xin Hulei over his shoulder before being escorted out of the room.
