
I stretched languidly before opening my eyes, frowning, blinded by the ray of sunlight, which had slyly seeped between the curtains.I put my hand on the mattress on the side of the now empty bed. It was still warm, a sign that he hadn't been gone for a long time.

I pulled down the duvet, showing my nakedness, then sat up straight. A sharp pain in my waist made me wince. Yoongi hadn't been dead hand last night. But, damn! What was that good!I yawned until my jaw hit, before setting my foot on the floor, then walked slowly to the bathroom, scratching my scalp.

Standing in front of the small mirror over the sink, it was no surprise that I noticed the purple hickeys in the crook of my throat and the bites on my shoulder.

I slowly closed my eyes, remembering the scorching moments of the night before. It all started when a bitch, after Yoongi won the motorcycle race, came out of nowhere and jumped on his neck, kissing him full on the mouth.

Yoongi had no idea I had come that night. Normally I should be revising for my exam for the December session. I liked to get ahead of my lessons.Seeing that I couldn't concentrate. I decided to surprise him at the last minute. I had closed, with a sharp blow, my big book of civil code then put on my coat and my hat before going out, direction the docks.

Knowing full well that my boyfriend was not going to appreciate at all that I came to this infamous place. All alone, moreover. But, I didn't care. He fucked ten times better when he was pissed off. So I had more to gain from going there.I had, without hesitation, jumped at the throat of this too enterprising bitch, tearing her extensions and her false eyelashes. She took a lot of money, until two guys came to deliver her. I had put my boot in his face one last time.

The whole time, Yoongi was casually leaning against his motorcycle, a smirk on his thin lips.

- Who was that bitch? I yelled to him.

- What can that do to you? I thought it was over between us this morning? He replied in his hoarse voice.

I angrily wiped away the trickle of blood that was flowing from my lower lip, then walked over to him. He had crossed his arms over his chest.

- It doesn't matter. You are mine, Yoongi, I whispered, my breath catching his lips.

- Ah! Really, he had whispered, an arched eyebrow.

- Just like me, I belong to you, I added.

He smiled before grabbing my hair fiercely as he straightened up completely.

- On that, though, you're right.

He had pressed his lips hard on mine, in a kiss which pierced the taste of our passion, our distress, our dependence on one another and above all the taste of blood. Blood that we were ready to shed and especially to shed for each other.

My guy was a drug dealer and I didn't care. I was a bourgeois girl and he didn't care. All that mattered between us was this powerful feeling that made us hate each other as much as we loved each other.

This attraction which pushed us into the arms of the other, in spite of the danger, the prejudices, the company. My parents knew he was just a tattooed biker who never looked down when stared at him, nothing more. My father had come close to syncope when I invited him to the family dinner, which consisted of introducing myself to the mayor's son.

A certain Jungkook.

A little bourgeois with pinched buttocks, sweating boasting and pride through all his pores. When Yoongi showed up at my place, we were about to sit at the table, he was wearing his eternal jacket and leather gloves, a cigarette in his mouth.

My mother was uneasy.

Finally, she had faked all this masquerade. It was her trump card to manipulate my father.

- So where do we eat? My boyfriend pulled out, nonchalantly hugging my waist.

The Jungkook's eyes widened so much that I couldn't help but laugh. A laugh that I had stifled in Yoongi's neck. The next day, the engagement was no longer necessary. The mayor had cried foul. He didn't want to marry his only son to a girl with questionable dating.

I didn't like enraging my parents at all, but, I absolutely didn't want them to control my life, as they had done for my older brother. My parents imposed a way of life on Seokjin. His dating, his career even his life companion. My brother, who was once full of life, saw himself overnight reduced to a puppet.

- I'm doing it for you, Sunmi, he confessed to me, crying, one evening.

He made me promise not to let me go because he had already paid the price for me. He made me swear to fight for my passions.

A few months later, I had encountered this whirlwind of strong emotions that was Yoongi, in a nightclub. My friends strongly advised me not to let him come near me, because he was suspicious with all his tattoos. Ten minutes later I found myself on the dance floor rolling a shovel at him.

Our relationship was doomed from the start. Him, with his gang and me, my social rank. But, we didn't care. We made love to each other as often as we fought. We often left each other with cries and blows to get back together the next day to deprive the inhabitants of my building of a night's sleep.

Our relationship was wobbly, unstable and dangerous, but we liked it.

I walked to the shower, stayed there for a long time under the spray of hot water, savoring the slight relief it gave me. I wrapped myself in a bathrobe, headed for the kitchen. I found his cup in the sink. I smile. He hated that I used his things but he always left his dirty cup knowing full well that I was going to reuse it.

How contradictory he could be sometimes!

I poured myself some coffee and then walked to the living room, where I had left my studies lying around, on the small table and the floor. I sat down on the floor and picked up where I left off. It was past three o'clock when I finished. I was even more achy. I no longer felt my behind. I walked over to Yoongi's wardrobe then pulled on one of his sweaters over my panties.

I slipped into the sheets after swallowing a painkiller. I didn't want to go out despite all the invitations from my girlfriends. I just wanted to rest, soak up the scent of my man for the rest of the night. Because tomorrow I was going back to university.

I began to eat before going to bed. Yoongi wasn't coming home anytime soon and he hated it when I waited for him for dinner. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep.

I kissed my boyfriend long and languidly under the amused looks for some students and offended for others. Already, my boyfriend's tattooed forearms were shocking, now let's add the fact of rolling such an indecent shovel in public and especially Yoongi's hands pressed against my buttocks, pressing them.

He bit my lip before placing a final kiss on my swollen lips.

- Be wise! He whispered in his hoarse voice.

- I'll send you the advice. Next time, I'll put your eyes out with your bitch's false eyelashes.

- Stop ! You're gonna make me hard, he growled.

He placed a final kiss on my lips before getting on his bike, the cold autumn wind rushing through his blonde hair.

He put on his helmet then drove off. I tossed my jet black hair over my shoulder with a voluptuous gesture before heading towards the establishment. I headed straight for my first class, after having swallowed my pain reliever beforehand. An angry Yoongi was a disassembling Yoongi.

I was immediately joined by Jojo at the turn of the corridor.

- So? She asked me excitedly.

- So what? I said, stopping, glaring at her.

She knew full well that I hated being pulled out of my nose.

- So Yoongi? She insisted.

- Yoongi what?

- Sunmi, are you doing it on purpose? I saw your penguin walk for miles.

"He put it in my ass this time," I answered bluntly, before resuming my walk.

She choked on her saliva. I rolled my eyes.

Ah! This prude! I sigh.

She followed me into the room and sat down next to me.

- Were you serious? She whispered. He ... shoved it in your ass, she added even lower, blushing.

I took a notebook out of my bag before answering in the same tone.

- And I took a hell of a ride.

I just smiled when I saw her blush all the more. Dawon, late as always, entered the room. It could be seen from miles away that she was having a hangover and not the least.

"Hi girls," she mumbled before collapsing into her seat. Wake me up when class is over. Jojo, take my notes, please.

The respondent rolled her eyes before taking a notebook out of the latter's bag. I took out my cell phone to write to Yoongi, but he didn't answer. It was usual. I didn't care.

The professional English course went quickly. I copied my notes copiously as well as Jojo. The professor had royally ignored Dawon who was snoring on his desk at the back of the room, for the simple reason that the latter was banging him after class.

I had known as soon as this young and handsome teacher had crossed the door of this establishment that Dawon would put him in the pan. Between them, there were no feelings or at least on Dawon's side. She nicknamed him Joonie and led him by the nose. The latter was not the type to ask. She fucked everything that moves. And Namjoon, had not escaped it.

- When are you going to end this relationship? Jojo asked, staring at Dawon.

We were, in the cafeteria, seated at our table.

"When I'm fed up," the concerned replied listlessly.

- You know it's illegal.

- Jojo, leave her alone, I intervened. He's not a kid either, as far as I know. Then, Dawon is of age, what are you talking about?

"A teacher and his student," Jojo insisted. He risks losing his job.

- Go study Jojo, Dawon retorted, chewing his piece of meat.

- You have to decompress, my beauty, I said, ruffling her brown hair.

- There's not one to catch up with the other, she laughed.

Dawon laughs back before giving her an aegyo. Jojo's smile disappeared as she stared at the cafeteria door. I followed her gaze then sighed in exasperation, seeing the ash blonde make his entrance.

Jojo had been crazy about him since the start of the semester, but he didn't notice her at all. I told her many times, but I couldn't get it into her head that she wasn't the type of Taehyung, seeing as he was flashing a student in his class. A certain Jimin. But, my poor Jojo, lived in denial.

- He can't be gay. Have you seen his face? She said painfully.

- Uhm! He's very bicurious, then, Dawon replied, pushing her deeper.

- Dada, I hissed.

- What?

She rolled her eyes before taking Jojo's hand.

- My dear, you are very pretty. He doesn't like you because you have a vagina instead of a cock between your legs, that's all.

- But, Dawon! I cried, slapping my wand on his fingers.

- Ouch! She said, shaking her hand sharply. You are crazy to attack me like this.

- You don't have to say such things to him either.

Jojo's laugh interrupted Dawon in her tirade.

- You are not possible. Thanks girls for trying to open my eyes.

- It's because we love you, I replied.

"By the way, I wanted to invite you to the dinner my parents are organizing this Sunday to celebrate my brother's return," said Dawon. The prodigy son is back in the fold.

- He's already coming back from boarding school? Jojo wondered.

"I think he's eighteen this year," I said.

"He has twenty Sunmi," Dada corrected. Come on girls! Otherwise, I'll be pissed off at will. Especially since Hoseok is a pretentious little shit who is going to be happy to drive me crazy. I'm going to gut him and I'll end up in jail. You don't want me to end my days in jail for fratricide ...

- Okay. I'm coming, I replied, laughing.

- However, I could not, apologized Jojo. I had promised my grandmother to come see her this weekend.

- Can't you put it off until next weekend? Dawon insisted. I could present him to you like that, I would not have him in the legs and you will change your mind.

- Dawon, you're just a selfish bitch.

- Shut up, Sunmi! So, Jojo? She insisted, flapping her eyelashes, a childish pout on her face.

- I'm sorry. I will not be able to. Find yourself another hen for your brother.

Dawon just stuck his tongue out at her before resuming her meal. The week went by so quickly that I didn't even realize it, I was so covered by tests, court sessions, presentations and my revisions.

Dawon sent me messages to remind me of dinner the next day to a point where even Yoongi asked me the identity of the person who was spamming me so much."That crazy girl," he laughed, before biting the back of my neck while I was doing the dishes. He wrapped his arms around my waist, then buried his nose in the crook of my neck, inhaling my scent.

- Hmm! He sighed, putting his hands up under my white t-shirt.

- Baby, I have to finish the dishes.

- Go ahead! Just step away from the sink, he whispered in my ear, causing goosebumps on my skin.

I did so. He moved between the sink and me to capture my lips. I buried my wet hands in her blonde hair to deepen the kiss. His tongue slipped into my mouth in search of mine, leading him into a most sensual ballet. One of his hands slipped under my shirt again, stroking my stomach in an upward motion while the other went down to my butt and grabbed it. He took one of my flesh buttons between his slender fingers and pulled it gently on it, giving me a sigh of well-being. He left my mouth to sow wet kisses on my jaw and then my throat, while continuing to roll my nipple between his expert fingers. He removed his hand, pulling me out a frustrated growl. I saw a mischievous smile on her pink lips as desire ruled in her eyes.

Without changing his smile, he knelt in front of me. While biting his lower lip, he slid my panties down my thighs. He kissed my pubic area, making my lower abdomen twitch.

"Baby," he growled, parting my lips with his fingers. The dishes.

I dipped my hands in the soapy water as he plunged his wet tongue into my intimity. I closed my eyes moaning. The cutlery clashed violently on the plates as he began to move his pink muscle on that little button of flesh, which was teeming with blood and all my sensitivity. Yoongi lifted one of my legs and put it on his shoulder making me even more unbalanced. I could only hold on to the edges of the sink so as not to give up.

While his benefactor tongue gave me the softest torture, he inserted a finger into my entrance. He groaned noticing that I was already ready to greet him but buried another finger all the same, making a lascivious back and forth motion. I threw my head back, giving free rein to my moans. His fingers and tongue made me see all the colors, but I wanted more.

- Baby, I want you, I say between two sighs.

He turned a deaf ear, preferably entered a third finger. I felt it. The orgasm was there, but, was desired, first disarticulating my brain from all coherent thoughts, numbing my spine, giving me ants in my legs, making my heart pound in my rib cage to the point of exploding. Yoongi's fingers focused on this sensitive point that capsized me in the murky waters of pleasure while shouting his name.

I was so numb that Yoongi lifted me up onto the table, knocking over the chair that was in his way.

It melted on my lips, spreading the slightly tart taste of my orgasm on my tongue. He gripped my waist firmly, pulling me over the edge of the table, spreading my legs as far apart as possible.

- Ready? He asked me automatically.

- Always, I replied.

His smirk resurfaced as he untied his jogger knot. He took his cock out of his pants and then entered me with a sharp jerk, his gaze inked in mine.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing his forehead against mine. The battering always so powerful, always so delicious. My legs wrapped around his slender waist pressed him even more against me, prompting him to go always harder, always further. I dug my nails into his back feeling myself rocking again in a wave of pleasure. I was once again about to cum.

I bit his shoulder as I came. He was not long in following me in a groan so manly that increased my orgasm even more.

- Reassure me ! You took the pill, he said, his head in my neck, trying to get his breath back.

- I switched to injections.

- I had forgotten. He pulled away from me, placed a kiss on my lips.

- Finish the dishes, I told him. I'll take a shower.

I felt Yoongi's gaze devour me from the bed, as I pulled on my dress. He had his computer resting on his thighs and his glasses on his nose. He knew he was sexy with his glasses and took advantage to this.

- Baby, he said in his deep voice. You make me hard.

"Hold back until I get back then," I replied, rolling my hips to put on the vermilion dress.

- It is not my fault. You are so sexy, especially in this tempting color.

I leaned down, pulling on my heels, showing off my butt.

"Bend over this way again and you won't go to that dinner anymore," he growled. How are you going there? I can't see you on my bike with this outfit.

- Dawon sends his driver.

- Tell that weirdo she owes me one. Sting my girl like that, in the evening, when we should be under the covers right now. He said getting out of bed and approaching me.

"She can't smell you," I laughed.

- But it's mutual, sweetheart. It is reciprocal.

I felt his cold fingers pull up the zipper of my dress. When finished, he placed a kiss on my shoulder blade.

"This dress is truly a call to sin," he whispered, sliding his hands over my hips.

I smile as I put on my earrings. I opted for nude makeup, a messy bun, highlighting my bare neck.

- Don't delay too long, Yoongi told me, leaning against the doorframe while the driver opened the limousine door for me.

"I'll do my best," I said, bending over to pick up my set of keys that I had specifically dropped.

- Danm! I heard him swear. You lose nothing for waiting.

- Kisses! I tell him as I get into the vehicle.

When I stepped into the Jung's hall, I was attacked by a wild Dawon. She took me in her arms.

- I thought that your Yoongi there wouldn't let you come any more, she said, freeing me.

- In fact, it was in his plans, I laughed.

- I can't stand him, your man, she cursed.

- It's mutual, sweetheart. It's reciprocated, I replied with a smirk, picking up my black guy's reply.

I looked around me. The room was packed with guests. Waiters passed to distribute glasses of champagne. High society people, chatting in small groups. There was even an orchestra playing. It had all of a social evening in my mother's sauce.

- I thought it was dinner, I commented, I continued, looking around me.

"In fact, it is," Dawon replied. Hoseok will take over the family business at the end of his studies next year, so my parents take the opportunity to introduce him to the company and its future employees.

- Ah! Hoseok has already started his university studies, I wondered. And what is he doing here? We're in the middle of a semester.

- He continues his studies online. My father brought him in so he could train him in the field.

- Ah! I said. And, where is the prodigy son? I asked.

- He's getting ready to make his spectacular entrance. Go! Let's have a drink at the mini bar.

She took me by the hand and walked me to the mini bar near the pool outside. Besides, I was surprised to find that the Jung had opened it. When I asked Dawon the question, she replied that some guests did not appreciate the cuckold side of social evenings, that a bar was sometimes welcome.

I sat down on one of the stools next to my friend, ordered a martini with lemons. Dada and I chatted for a moment before an employee of the house came to tell her that her parents were looking for her. His little brother was doing his own.

- Wait for me! I'm coming, she told me. But, fuck off Hoseok! she cried, startling the servant, then politely apologized for her language.

I sipped my cocktail, waiting for the time to announce the start of dinner. The cold night air crept into my bones, despite the alcoholic beverage I was drinking, I couldn't help but shiver.The moment I decided to enter the house, I felt a warm jacket drop over my shoulders.I saw a young man sit casually on the stool, previously occupied by Dawon.The first thing that caught my attention was his finely muscled chest that the two undone buttons of his immaculate shirt hinted at.

- You are accompanied?

I frowned at so much familiarity.

- Yes, I replied, showing him my drink.He just smiled, leaning on the counter, spreading his legs. How could a person be so scruffy at this kind of party?

- You got lost? I asked him. Who bothered to drag you behind him?

It wasn't my fault that he woke up my rude side. He turned to me, his smile still on his face, looking at it openly.

I frowned. Why did I feel everything all of a sudden? There was something in his gaze that only Yoongi could express. And I found myself liking that he devoured me with his eyes.

- You are very pretty. You are a friend of Dawon.

- How does that concern you? I retorted.

"You don't have to be so aggressive," he laughed in his hoarse voice. Not as much as Yoongi's, but just enough not to leave me indifferent.

He fixed that dark gaze on me again. And I couldn't help but find him sexy. How could this kid have so much sex appeal? The bartender put his glass on the counter. So the young man turned around, revealing his torso even more in his movements. I swallow, trying to look away.

"I'm having an effect on you," he whispered, stirring the straw in his glass.

- Sorry? I offended.

"I know you want me," he said with a mischievous smile, nibbling the straw of his mojito.

I rolled my eyes. More narcissistic than this little asshole, you die. But, unfortunately, I couldn't deny that he was right. I had unwittingly become thirsty, begging, just by imagining that perfect body against mine. But, I wasn't going to give him the pleasure of having the last word.

- I already have a boyfriend, I replied."And I have an exam tomorrow," he retorted, tit for tat.

- Which report?

- Ah! Weren't we making the list of things we were going to cheat on? He said, an arched eyebrow.

- Little jerk! I hissed as I finished my drink.

I threw his jacket in his face, then returned to the house. I had it over the heads of the petty bourgeois who were freaking out.They were pretentious and obnoxious. However, I could detect in the eyes of this boy, all this thirst for freedom that I had earlier. This rage to come out of the clutches of a predetermined destiny.

A rebellion he expressed through his behavior, his way of dressing up to those multiple ear piercings.

And desire.

A feverish desire that acted on my hormones. A little too much for my taste. I found Dawon in her bedroom lying like a starfish on her bed, her eyes fixed on the ceiling.

- Dada? You're okay? I asked her.

"My brother pisses me off," she whimpered.

- What did he do again? I laughed.

- He makes me go crazy looking for him everywhere. And God knows how big this hut is.

- Leave him, duh!

- What do you think I'm doing here?

I sat down on the stool in front of the dressing table, grabbed a lip balm.

- I met a guy earlier, I say, applying the balm.

- A perverted old grandpa?

- No, it's the opposite. A handsome young man. A little rough but sexy.

Dawon stood up on his elbows, looking at me through the mirror.

She frowned, smiling.

- So? Has he caught your eye?

- He looked at me undressed. I felt naked and helpless. The worst part is that he knows about its effect on me.

- Hmm! Bad boy behavior. As you love them. When is it that you fuck him, to teach him good manners?

- No, but, you're nut? I cried. I have a boyfriend.

She looked at me with a wry look.

- We both know very well that this is not what will bother you.

- Now I've changed. With Yoongi, it's serious, I said, running a finger over my eyebrows.

- Don't start with your Yoongi there!

A slight knock on the door prevented me from telling him what I was thinking about. The door opened to a servant.

- Miss, dinner will start soon. Please go downstairs with your friend. They only miss you.

- Okay. Thanks Baek. You can go, babe.

The young boy blushed slightly before closing the door. I turned quickly to Dawon who was adjusting her dress, then laughed.

- No. You didn't dare, I exclaimed.

- What?

- You also fuck the housekeeper? You have no qualms, my word.

- I do not see what you're talking about.

- But, I'll believe you.

- My parents had better not to hire such a nice little lot. Go! We're going, she replied, taking me by the hand.

The first person who caught my attention was the young man from earlier. Sitting in front of me, he kept devouring me with his gaze and I did the same. Which did not escape Dawon.

- Sunmi, reassure me! It's not him, the famous sexy stranger, she whispered to me.

- Hmm! I said, without breaking eye contact.

- Oh! Pity! My friend whispered.

- There is a problem?

- No. Apart from the fact that he's my little brother.

I choked on my mouthful of rice. Dawon patted me gently on the back as I drank some water, my eyes watering. The dinner passed roughly. I was used to this kind of gathering with great pomp. The Jung introduced their son to the guests and announced that he would be the next CEO of the family business.

All this time, said Hoseok's burning eyes hadn't let go of me for a second. And I couldn't deny that I liked what I saw in his eyes.I found myself wondering how her pink lips could taste. I bit my lip at the thought of it as he moistened his, before smirking. This kid was a time bomb that I had to avoid at all costs.

At the end of the evening, I greeted the hosts and a few guests who knew me. Dawon thanked me for coming and then gave me a hug.

- Stop fucking the housekeeper, Dawon! I scolded her gently.

- No, but, did you see his angel face? How to resist him? She replied, amused.

"Your brother isn't bad either," I commented.

- Ew! Don't tell me you've got it in your sights?

- No. Then Yoongi will make short work of him.

- Ah! I am relieved.

I greeted her one last time before getting into the limo.Once the door was closed, I found myself in the dark. I sighed.

"Fuck," I whispered, throwing my head back.Why did I have it in my head now?

I breathed again and then dug my nails into my thighs to wake up from this nightmare.

"I wonder what you are thinking about to get yourself in such a state," Hoseok's husky voice whispered.

I didn't even have the decency to jump as I hoped to hear that warm tone in the hollow of my ear. I kept my eyes closed as I continued to dig my fingernails into my flesh to avoid touching him.

- What are you doing here, Hoseok? I asked him, in a barely controlled voice.

- I'll take you home.

I opened my eyes sharply then turned to him. He was no longer wearing his jacket and his shirt was still half unbuttoned. I bit my tongue and tried to look away. The dimness of the cabin made its appeal even more devilish.

- Can I touch you? He asked me softly.

I cast a scandalized look on him. Decidedly, he was not cold in the eyes, this kid.

- Why? I questioned.

- Because my fingers are burning with desire to know the sensation of this pearly skin.

- Get out of that car!

- I'll take you home, even if you tell me no. I'm not going to try anything, anyway.

But it was his presence that oppressed me, because I too wanted him to touch me. But, I wasn't going to show him the effect he had on me.

Shit! What was in my glass tonight?

The journey was made silently. I clung lightly to the door, putting a good distance between this tempting kid and me. But, the warmth of his body was so present that it didn't mean that I forgot his presence.

- Is that where you live? He asked me.

- No. This is my boyfriend's apartment.

- Ah! Do you live with him?

- How does that concern you?

- Just to know.

I didn't answer, just opened the door, then got out of the limo. I didn't expect him to come down and follow me to the landing.

- Well, are you going to let go of me, kid? I carried away.

- No.

- We'll have to, I replied, looking for the keys in my bag.

He hugged me tightly and pulled me sharply towards him, my back against his chest. I felt his nose burrow into the crook of my neck.

Well. He pissed me off. I nudged him hard in the stomach, then slapped him just as hard as I turned around.

- I never want to see you prowling around me again, brat.

He didn't answer. I walked into the house, leaving him on the landing, bent in half, his cheek flushed.I undressed as I walked towards the bedroom. It was in Eve's outfit that I entered it. I challenge my bun as I approach the bed where Yoongi was still concentrated in his computer, headphones screwed into his ears. I climbed onto the bed and took the PC off her legs, capturing her full attention. I sat astride her thighs as her hands automatically grasped my butt. I ran my fingers through her hair, pulling it lightly, then languidly captured her lips. His fingers dug deeper into my skin, making me moan against his mouth. I felt his erection swell in his pajamas, so I rubbed against it, pulling a lustful growl from him. A loud slap fell on my butt, making me moan even more. I bit his bottom lip.

He rolled me over on the bed and hovered over me, placing kisses on my skin in a downward motion. He slid his tongue over my clit, while grabbing my hips. I spread my thighs as much as I could, arching my back. My fingers gripped his hair to make him suck harder.

But, he pulled away from me to get off the bed, giving me a frustrated growl. He disappeared into the laundry room, only to return with a blue velvet satchel. I shudder with anticipation knowing full well what was to come.Yoongi put one knee on the bed, pulled me sharply towards him, by the ankles. In a voluptuous caress, his slender fingers went up to my legs before turning me brutally on my stomach, slamming my butt again.

Face buried in the matress, I felt him grab my wrists. The cold metal that came into contact with my skin and the click confirmed that he had handcuffed me.

- If you fidget, it might bite, he whispered, entering two fingers in my entrance.

Crap! Just his voice, I felt all feverish. So, restraining myself from moving could be a real challenge. I bit my lip as I felt his fingers reach that sensitive spot deep inside me. My breath getting even more choppy. But, he stopped once again. I didn't stop myself from growling. Which made him laugh.

- Patience baby, he said.

I turned my head slightly, saw him dig into the satchel.

- We're not looking! He intimidated me. Otherwise, I'll blindfold you.

- Okay, I replied, closing my eyes.

Depriving myself of sight increased my other senses even more. Especially that of touch. I felt Yoongi urge me to get on my knees. Unable to lean on my hands, I found myself once again, my face buried in the mattress, buttocks in the air, legs apart.


I moaned as I felt his warm tongue creep into my den, his two hands resting on my buttocks.

- Danm! Baby, I want you, I sighed, my voice muffled by the quilt.

A slight vibrating sound arose in the room. I gave a little cry of pleasure when this vibration landed on my clit. I began to fidget, but the bite of the handcuffs called me to order.

- Oh! Baby, please, I cried.

Painfully slowly, Yoongi plunged the vibrator into my vagina. I let out a long sigh, savoring the delicacies that this little device gave me. All my senses were focused on that part of my anatomy that was being pleasantly tortured.I felt, however, a cold substance flow between my buttocks, then a finger creep into my anus. I arched my back even more, hollowing my back even more, when a second finger entered.

Yoongi increased the speed of the vibrator when a third finger entered.

- Oh! Shit! I cried, screwing up my vocal cords.

The orgasm was dazzling, paralyzing. I was shaking in all my limbs when pleasure struck me like lightning, while the device still vibrated against my G spot.

- Take it off, Yoongi, please! I begged.

He did so, laughing. He also undid the handcuffs. I sank down on the bed. But, Yoongi suddenly pulled me towards him by the arms. I found him on his knees, back against his chest. His fingers wrapped around my throat, as he gently bit my earlobe.

"I haven't finished with you yet," he whispered in his deep voice, making me moan.

He placed wet kisses on my shoulder and neck as he undid the drawstring of his pants. It wasn't long before I felt his erection slip between my buttocks, titillating my entrance.

- Ready? He asked me.

- Yes, I whispered in a hoarse voice.

His cock gently entered my anus prepared beforehand to receive it. He waited a moment for me to get used to his width.

- Yoongi, hell! Smash me! I cried.

He did not need to be asked to start his battering. One hand against my throat and the other pressing my hip. He knew exactly where to knock to drive me crazy. A hand around his neck, I let myself down, resting my head against his shoulder.His finger of his free hand went to my clitoris which he began to massage.

- Oh! Fuck! I cried on the verge of enjoyment.I felt his tiny teeth sink into my shoulder. What I loved when he did that. This increased my pleasure tenfold.

- Shit! Yoongi, I cried, skirting.

It wasn't long before he joined me, sticking his fingernails into my hips. Putting a kiss on the back of my neck, he withdrew. I felt the semen run down my thighs. Yoongi disappeared in the shower before coming back with a washcloth and a basin of water. He moistened the cloth before wiping off his seed. He repeated the gesture until I was clean.

- Rest! He whispered, kissing my nose, pulling the quilt up to my chest.

- Come to sleep! I said in a sleepy voice.

I didn't hear the answer because I fell asleep.

A week has passed since.

Yoongi had to leave town on urgent business. To fill the void created by his absence, I plunged into my studies. I did my best to come home late and tired enough to collapse like a mass, tired, every time.I was frustrated both emotionally and sexually. It was always like that when Yoongi was away. The worry that he wouldn't come back and the pain in him made me unbearable. I had just yelled at Dawon because she was hitting my ears at her brother's bullshit. Like I didn't care. Even Jojo couldn't calm me down. I had become execrable.

I left the cabinet upset and topped it off, it was raining. I had not taken an umbrella. And to think that I didn't have a bus card. Ironically, there were no cabs around. Standing like a jerk in the rain, arms folded, I sure couldn't ask Dawon to drop me off right after yelling at him. I saw someone running towards me with a large umbrella. I could not properly see his face due to the heavy downpour.

It was only when I got to my height that I noticed it was Professor Kim. Finally, Namjoon.He positioned himself so that I too found myself under his umbrella.

- Mademoiselle, I saw you all alone in the rain. Did you miss your bus?

- I can't find a cab. I replied, chattering my teeth.

- Do you mind if I take you home? He offered me.

- Really?

He nodded, smiling, revealing his dimples.

- Thank you sir. I replied.

- Please call me Namjoon! I know you know about Dawon and me.

I got into his car. The ride was quiet until my cell phone rang, breaking the calm.- Hello, I picked up.


I immediately brought a hand to my mouth to stop myself from uttering a cry of joy. Tears immediately rose to my eyes.

- Jin? I said in a very small voice, my throat tight with emotion.

- Where are you, midge? I have just arrived in the country and mom tells me that you have moved.

- Yes. I am at my boyfriend's house.

- Ah! It's good. But, a bit of a shame for me. I am passing through Seoul. I wanted to see my adored little sister.

- I haven't left town. I lied to the parents to leave me alone. You know mom. Otherwise she would have come every day to hurt me with Yoongi.

- Yoongi? Is that what your boyfriend is called?

- Yes. When are you going back to Britain?

- Tomorrow. I'm here for a meeting. I'm taking the first flight tomorrow morning.

- Oh! Danm! I need to see you before you go. Are you at mom's house?

- Yes.

- I'm coming very soon.

- I can't wait to see you, midge.

I hung up with the first smile of the week on my face. I turned sharply to Namjoon to pour my overflow of emotions on him and ask if he could take me away from the address I gave him by giving him fried whiting eyes. He agreed with a laugh, confessing that it was on his way home anyway. I gave a little cry of joy, stamping in advance. I hadn't seen my brother for six years.

Arrived in front of the gate, the guard who usually stoic, sketched a small smile when he saw me. I had still been away from home for four years.

- Wow! But, it's a great shack we have there, Namjoon exclaimed as the car drove toward the house.

The Kim's mansion spanned five hectares. A house fit for a king. It had sixty rooms including twenty-two bedrooms.I wasn't playing on words by saying that I was a rich man's daughter. But, all I was concerned about right now was seeing my big brother again.

The car pulled up slowly in front of the front door. A servant was already coming with a large umbrella. I did not know this one. Surely my mother had changed the staff again.

- Miss, Did you have a good trip? The young boy asked me.

I stared at him for a moment before realizing I wasn't supposed to be in town.

- Yes. You are ? I asked.

"The new butler, Taeyong, to serve you," he replied, bending slightly.

- Aren't you a little young to be a butler? I asked.

Not waiting for his answer, I turned to Namjoon.

- Come and have tea with us, please. To thank you for this great service.

- Really ? I wouldn't bother, he replied.

- But no. I invite you.

- Frankly, I never knew that from Kim, you were part of the Kim family. Like those Kim's there.

- Ah! But, I understand you. Kim is a fairly common name. The proof, you are also a Kim. Follow me.

- Okay, he replied, smiling.

We entered the living room.

"Let me take your coat," Taeyong offered.

- Take that of the gentleman preferably. I will know how to manage. Thanks Taeyong.

The butler did so.

- Sunmi ah! Seokjin cried from the mezzanine.

"Oppa," I replied in the same tone, instantly forgetting the people around me.

I rushed into my brother's arms. He lifted me up, spun me around. I couldn't fight back the tears that stung my eyes. He put me down, then hugged me, as moved as I was.

- Ah! But we have a guest, he said, noticing Namjoon, standing in the middle of the room, waddling from foot to foot.

I let out Jin's embrace.

- Is that him, Yoongi? He's handsome, he whispered to me, frowning.

- No. No. He's my English teacher who kindly offered to accompany me because of the rain.

- Ah! That's what I thought. He's too old for you.

- Yoongi is older than him, I replied calmly.

- What?

- Come on! Come let me present him to you, I hastened to change the subject.

I almost dragged Seokjin towards Namjoon.

- Namjoon, this is my older brother Seokjin. Jin, this is Namjoon, my English teacher.

- Nice to meet you, they said simultaneously, shaking hands.

- Thank you for leading my sister here, Jin continued, his hand still in my teacher's.

- It wasn't a problem at all. I am honored to meet you, Mr. Kim.

- But, call me Seokjin!

My gaze shuttled between them every time one opened their mouth. I was sure I didn't understand what was going on.If I didn't know my brother. I would say he was flirting with my teacher. There was that gleam in her eyes that spoke volumes. And, Namjoon was like under the spell. Their exchange was interrupted by the arrival of my mother.

The afternoon was spent in the greatest calm which surprised me. I had expected my mother to make a scene for me. But nothing.

She seemed to have lost a lot of weight. Dark circles were visible despite her makeup. She spoke very little. She was eating even less than usual. His livid complexion was almost morbid. She often moved around apologizing to go cough in a bathroom. I knew about it because I had followed it after the fifth time. I had heard him coughing violently behind the door. She had even vomited.

Seokjin's coming was no longer at all harmless to me. He knew our mother was sick.I demanded an explanation as soon as Namjoon took his leave. She confessed to me that she had lung cancer. That she was terminally ill.I remained stoic at the time, but, once alone in my apartment, I collapsed. I had never had a good relationship with her, but she was still the one who brought me into the world.I couldn't reach Yoongi. I left him plenty of messages asking him to call me but he had read them all without answering.

Let him go fuck himself! Reacted, swinging my phone in the corner of the room. I put on my raincoat and left.I needed some fresh air.I did not know how long I wandered the streets of Seoul but I found myself, without really knowing it, in front of the Jung's house.On seeing me the guard opened the gate for me. It was dripping with water, as I found myself in the lobby. I burst into tears throwing myself into the arms of the first person there.


He was surprised instantly but still hugged his arms around me.

He didn't ask me any questions, just brought me dry clothes and hot tea. Once I calmed down, I started looking for Dawon, but she wasn't there. She had gone out with one of her friends for the night, seeing that their parents were traveling. There was only Hoseok on the property.

We stood staring at each other, not knowing, for once, what to say.

- I think I'll go home, I said finally.

He offered to bring me back. I accepted without a hitch. I was like emptied of all strength. I did not see myself taking the road on foot.

I had to move in with my parents to be closer to my mother. I wanted to be there when she needed me. Seokjin had returned to Brittany for business but returned two days later.I still had no news from Yoongi. He did not answer my calls let alone my messages. It was as if the earth had swallowed him up. And that added another layer to my already high stress level.I was worried to death. Dawon often came to see me, sometimes with his brother. This one no longer bothered me. And I was grateful to him. I didn't need all of that right now.

But, he gave me great support. I did not know that behind all this shamelessness he had shown at dinner, hid a being with a pure heart.He went out of his way to make me smile every day. The more I thought he wouldn't get there, the more he surprised me. He was ingenious, racked his brains, inventing a new technique every day to brighten up my days.

That afternoon, Hoseok picked me up from the university. It was not his habit. At first I was reluctant to follow him when he refused to tell me where he intended to take me. But, encouraged by Jojo and Dawon, I surrendered. Nonetheless, my doubts resurfaced when I noticed we were leaving downtown and he didn't seem to want to stop. I asked him if he was going to kill me and throw my body in a lost hole. He just laughed and fell silent again.

I kept checking my cell phone for any answer from Yoongi. Not even a text. And I felt myself dying slowly. I couldn't bear to lose him too.Despite myself, tears rolled down my cheeks. I had never been so cutesy in my life. A light sniff caught Hoseok's attention, who immediately pulled over to the side.He got out of the car at the same time as I did. I threw myself into his arms once we were in front of the car.

My face buried in his chest, my hands gripping his shirt, I let go of all my pain, my frustration, my worry, all the feelings that I kept to myself the whole time.All the while, Hoseok had been content to be there for me, not asking me questions, not forcing me to speak. He was content to be my punching bag, my buoy, my clown. All this in silence. And I was grateful to him.

I calmed down slowly and pulled away from his warm embrace. The cold autumn air seeping under my coat. I looked up at him then gave him a small smile that he answered.

- I'm sorry, I apologized.

- No. He said taking my face between his palms. Don't apologize for being human, he whispered. My tears flowed again without my being able to stop them.

- I've spent my life pissing off my parents. I know I was partly right to drive them crazy. When I saw the way they destroyed my brother's dreams. I didn't want them to do the same with mine. I ... I was the most abhorrent girl on earth. So, I got away from them. But, nonetheless, they remain my parents and I love them. The thought of losing one of them hurts me. It takes me by the guts and I'm choking, Hoseok, I sobbed, dropping onto my knees, burying my face in my hands.

Hoseok knelt in front of me and hugged me again.

- Cry! It will do you good, he whispered his voice breaking on the last word.

I looked up at him. He, too, was in tears.

- Oh! I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm sorry. I do not...

Her lips melted on mine. First, surprise, I don't react right away. Taking this for rejection, Hoseok broke the contact of our lips, apologizing.

I only listened to him with one ear, trying to understand the nature of the feeling that contact had caused in my heart. It was not galvanizing but rather devious and heady. Like the slow burning of pepper.

- I should not have. I apologize, he continued.

I grabbed the back of his neck and then gently placed my lips on his. The softness of her mouth, her tongue searching for mine, her icy fingers in my hair. It was all some sort of combo that swelled my heart.

I sighed with pleasure.It was all I needed right now. This feeling was soft, soothing. Like a lullaby that reassured me. A balm on my bruised heart. A lighthouse in the middle of the night.

Hoseok was my beacon.

The kiss was patient, serene, yet conveyed so many tormented emotions. I squeezed my fingers into his hair, deepening the contact. Without realizing it I was astride his legs. His fingers rummaged in my hair without making our contact wild. I placed a final kiss on his lips. I didn't know what to say to him and obviously neither did he. He just stroked my hair and stared at me.

- So, this surprise? I say, amused.

- I don't really want to let go of you right now.

- You'll have to resolve it. I'm starting to feel cold.

He placed a final kiss on my lips before getting up, forcing me to do the same at the same time.

Once installed in the car, we resumed the road. Soon the sea made its appearance. Hoseok parked the car on the side facing it, then got out. I followed suit. He leaned against the bumper as I climbed onto the hood.The view was sublime. In front of me, the sun hugged the horizon perfectly, diffusing its rays on the curves of the water. The few clouds in the sky were tinged with orange and pink.

"I absolutely wanted to show you this sunset," he said, turning slightly to me, his arms crossed over his chest.

- It's beautiful, I whispered.

- I know.

- How about a bath? I suggested.

- Are you serious ? He laughed. The water must surely be frozen.

- Roh! But, what a sissy! I said, removing my coat before jumping the dam.

I took off my jeans and boots on the way. The sand was cold under my toes. I took a deep breath before rushing off to the sea.

The water whipped me against my legs, but I didn't care. I needed this cold shower to clear my mind.The bite of the ice water was nothing compared to the pain in my heart. I didn't know what to do right now. I needed Yoongi more than anything. But, also, the need for a certain Hoseok was felt.

Sneaky but persistent.

I felt two arms wrap around my waist and a chin rest in the crook of my neck. I turned my face to his and he pressed his lips to mine.

- I wish I could kiss you without being uncomfortable, Hoseok laughed, chattering his teeth.

- All right, sissy, I replied, shivering.

We got out of the water, hand in hand, retrieving our clothes left on the sand. Helping each other through the roadblock, we rejoined the car. I rushed into it to get dressed. Hoseok had already put on his pants. It was shirtless that he entered the cabin.

"You're really crazy to take a bath this time of year," he exclaimed, pulling on his sweater.

I did not answer, lost to contemplate his gestures yet simple but filled with an indecent sex appeal. I bit my lip unconsciously.

- Do you like what you see?His slightly rocky voice rose in the cabin. I immediately came out of my trance to plunge my gaze into his.

- Suppose it does, I say.

- Suppose I want to kiss you like crazy right now.

- Suppose me too.

- Suppose I want more than a languid kiss.

- Suppose this is my desire too.

- Suppose I make love to you right now.

- Suppose that's what I want right now.

- Suppose... Oh! Fuck them suppose! He growled, gripping the back of my neck.

The kiss was pressing, fiery, galvanizing, feverish. I reduced the distance between us by climbing onto his knees. Straddling her legs, I had full access to her hair, which I pulled gently as her cold hands caressed my bare legs.

He quickly took off my wet t-shirt, revealing the lack of a bra.

- Danm! He whispered, biting his lip, caressing my bare chest with his gaze before delicately placing his large hand on one of my breasts.

He tickled the pink button of flesh before putting his mouth there. I threw my head back, moaning. His cold fingers dug into the flesh of my bare hips. I felt his wet tongue slide over my skin, leaving a trail of saliva but also, transforming the vital liquid circulating in my veins into lava.

I rubbed against his erection, making him moan against my skin. I quickly challenge his fly to free his cock. I melted on her lips in a wild kiss, sometimes knocking our teeth together. Accurately flicking his stick of flesh, giving him hoarse sighs, as he sucked on the crook of my throat before coming back to my mouth, his fingers penetrating me.Shifting my panties even more to the side, he entered me gently, impaling me. His cock was a size larger than what I was used to. I wasn't a fan of condoms at all, but unsure of what to expect from Hoseok, I demanded that he put one on.

I plunged my face into the crook of her throat, closing my eyes to enjoy the dazzling pleasure that gripped me. Hoseok's thrusts were precise, as if he knew my body better than I. Knowing exactly where to knock to drive me nuts. The indecent sounds of our moans, the clicking of skin and the sound of sucking filled the cabin of the car. I was not long in enjoying. But, Hoseok was at the height of his form and performance. Continuing to hammer my G-spot over and over again making me simultaneously weak and horny and orgasmic.

I planted my nails behind her back when the second orgasm shook me with my whole being. My legs too weak to push me up, Hoseok took over. Supporting me by the legs, he lifted me just enough and resumed his battering.I dropped against his chest after the third enjoyment, sated and tired. Very happy that this little bunny has finally cummed.

- Hmm! Appetizing! He commented, placing a kiss on the top of my head.

The shrill sound of my cell phone brought me back to earth. The name on the screen brought me back to reality.


- Let me guess! Your boyfriend? Hoseok said throwing his head back.

I just dropped into the passenger seat and stared at the screen until the phone stopped ringing.

"I'll take you home," Hoseok announced after putting on his sweater again and adjusting his pants.I did not answer, preferring to get dressed. Once dressed again, I motioned to Hoseok that he could start. No words were spoken during the journey. I kindly thanked him for the ride before getting out of the car.I snuggled up against the frail body of my mother who had already dozed off, then fell asleep after turning off my phone.

My mother's condition had deteriorated so much that she had to be hospitalized against her will. The pains were becoming unbearable. She had already lost the mobility of her legs. She also suffered from severe depression.

My father was present only once in four too obsessed with his work. I was very angry with him. Especially with the nonchalance that he had pronounced these famous words:"It takes someone to spin the box while you twiddle your thumbs. Your mother will not get well. Who will secure your future if I start whining like you two at her bedside."

For the first time, Seokjin raised his voice to one of our parents. Like me, my big brother was outraged. Since that day, I no longer spoke to my father.I wasn't answering any of Yoongi's calls or messages. I had it through my throat and also the feeling of not having been fair was tugging at me. I didn't want to feel even more guilty just listening to the sound of his voice.

When he wasn't calling me, he bombarded me with messages that I didn't even bother to read. I did not want. I needed someone else. New arms. To hear the sound of another voice.

I put on my coat and then left the house. Taeyong rushed behind me to ask me if I was missing anything. He was nice but I didn't want to hear him chatter like a magpie. I answered him half-heartedly before getting into the car.

I rang the bell at the top of my head while stamping my foot. The front door opened quietly to a servant who allowed himself to give me a brief wry look, before welcoming me.

"Monsieur and Madame are absent, as are Mademoiselle," said the old man.

- What about Hoseok?

- Monsieur also went out, with some friends.

- It's been a long time since he left? I asked.

- Soon two hours, mademoiselle.

- Do you know where he went?

- Monsieur does not communicate to ordinary employees where he intends to go, mademoiselle.

I darted a surprised look at him. This one had a serious inferiority complex.

I didn't have Hoseok's number. I had never needed it until this moment. I turned to the butler again.

- Do you have Hoseok's number?

- Sorry, miss.

- Okay. Thank you.I readjusted my coat then left the house.

As I was about to climb into the car, I saw Hoseok's car entering the yard.

- Sunmi? The young man wondered, getting out of his car once parked near me.

I didn't answer, just watching him approach me. Dressed in black jeans, a turtleneck sweater of the same color, a beige coat and brown leather boots, he was to die for.

- I didn't know you were coming tonight. Otherwise, I wouldn't ...

I grabbed the back of his neck, resting my lips on his, interrupting him in his tirade. I moaned in well-being, feeling a gentle warmth envelop my heart. Her tongue searched for mine as fiercely as my fingers pummeled her hair. Slowly I felt the lack in my chest vanish.

- Hi you! He whispered against my lips.

- Hi, I replied, smiling.

- Shall we go home? He offered me.

- I follow you.

The motorbike that I saw parked in front of my front gate the next day did not reassure me at all. I had only two options open to me.

Flee or face.

I opted for the first, then turned back. It wasn't long before I saw the car through the rearview mirror. Despite the helmet, I could see the rider's fury, just the way he was clutching the handlebars of the bike, driving like crazy. However, I am not slowing down.The motorcycle was rolling in the opposite lane trying in vain to capture my attention. But, I didn't have the balls to slow down and face Yoongi's gaze. This guy could read me like an open book. The very moment our eyes met, he would sense the problem.

The bike approached dangerously close to my car and the rider knocked on the window of my door, telling me to stop the car. Seeing that I wouldn't obey, Yoongi did something sick.

Worthy of an action movie.

He accelerated past the car a good hundred meters before forking and parking the motorcycle right in my path. I had to brake with all my might, making the car's tires screech, my hands clutching the wheel, my eyes closed.

The violent shock that I anticipated did not come, however. I slowly opened my eyes to find that the car had stopped a hair's breadth from Yoongi's thigh, still sitting on his motorcycle. The latter took off his helmet, threw it on the ground, then got out of his bike, his gaze locked to mine through the windshield. I was like paralyzed. The fury I read in his pupils dissuaded me from even breathing.

He approached my door, tapped violently on the window, shouting for me to open. The horns of other cars only pissed him off even more, in addition to my inactivity.

- Get out of that fucking car or I'll break the window and pull you over there, Yoongi exclaimed.

I still didn't move, fear in my stomach. For the first time, I saw that murderous glow in Yoongi's gaze, finally, directed towards me.

I sighed with my eyes closed before undoing my seat belt and opening the door.I barely had time to step out of the car when I felt myself pressed against it.

- Why are you running away from me? He yelped. I made a whole scenario for myself. I thought those motherfuckers took you ...

- I'm running away from you because I don't want to talk to you at all. After spending over a week ignoring me, what did you expect? I cried.

- I couldn't fucking answer you! My phone was probably bugged. I did not want in any case that these guys chasing me back to you.

- But, I don't care! I lunged at myself. You just had to read the messages and get out of the way. You know for a fact that I would never contact you if there wasn't a fucking emergency.

- I had received a fucking bullet in the chest, shit! I was unable to access my phone. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't.

My anger immediately gave way to worry.

- How are you now? You shouldn't be driving like this. You should be resting right now.

- How the fuck? How could I rest without hearing from my girl? Especially knowing that criminals are after me.

The fabric of his t-shirt had a large dark stain on it. My eyes wide, I rushed over to him.

- Yoongi, your injury!

- Fuck my injury! I want to know why you are running away from me. Knowing you, you would have come straight to stick one on me if it was only for that.

I bit my lip, looking away.

- What the hell did you do, Sunmi? He cried, making me jump.

- I don't want to talk about it. My mother will die soon, Yoongi. He has at most a month left.

He opened his mouth, then closed it. The sound of the siren in the distance alerted us.

- Go up. I follow you, he said more calmly.

- But, you're going to force your wound.

- I'm not going to leave my motorcycle, either.

- Okay. We're going to my house. The journey to your house is too long. You must rest.

- I'm not going to check in with your parents either.

- Roh! I'm taking you home, Yoongi, shit!

He gave the driver a middle finger, who kept honking his horn and then got on his bike, while I started my car.The return trip was made as quickly as the previous one. Once at the property, I rushed over to Yoongi, who had since weakened. His arm around my neck, supporting him, I helped him walk.Taeyong rushed towards me, relieving me of Yoongi's weight.

- Who are you?

The latter rebuked him.

- Taeyong, to serve you, answered the young man.

- But let me go.

- Taeyong, take him to my room. I follow you.

- Yes Miss.

Lying on my bed, Yoongi was dozing a little. I took off his t-shirt to redo his bandage.The stitches had skipped slightly. I had acquired the knowledge and the dexterity for this kind of intervention, since the time that Yoongi came home with injuries, one more serious than the other. I redo the sutures and the dressing.After he swallowed the pain reliever, he dozed off. I slipped into the shower, purging all that guilt. I let the hot water run over my skin, my eyes closed. The memories of Hoseok and Yoongi were fighting the priority in my thoughts.

I couldn't deny that I felt something for Hoseok without stopping being in love with Yoongi. I was trying to get one of them out of my life mentally, but I couldn't see my existence now without one of them.I didn't want to lose either of them. I needed the stability that Hoseok brought in my daily life that Yoongi had become. This tornado of feelings that the latter represented.I neither wanted nor could separate myself from them. One balanced the other.I got out of the shower after a good thirty minutes. Wrapped up in my bathrobe, I entered the bedroom, drying my hair with a towel.

- Who is Hoseok? Yoongi's deep voice slammed into the room.

I froze. I didn't expect him to wake up so early.

- He hasn't stopped calling you for a while. That's what woke me up if you're wondering, he continued.

"He's Dawon's-brother," I replied.

- Ah! I didn't know this bitch had a brother. So you should call him back. It seemed to be important. He said handing me the phone.

I took it from her hands with a tight smile. Yoongi's gaze was worryingly neutral.Did he suspect something?

"I'll go home," he announced, already getting down the bed.

- I'll take you.

- No. It's okay. I have the motorcycle. I promise to drive safely.

"I wasn't asking your opinion," I retorted, throwing off my robe and pulling on panties.

At the sight of my naked body, he sat down immediately. His gaze darkened, shamelessly sliding over my nakedness. Still under the pressure of her desire-filled orbs, I finished dressing.

"You really are a witch," he said, his voice even deeper. I'm having a hard time now and you don't even give me a kiss.

I smiled slightly, walked over to him, then put my lips lightly on his. In a blink, I found myself on his legs. His tongue searching for mine.

The shiver that crossed my spine made me moan. The adrenaline that took hold of me, this heat in my lower abdomen, my heart pounding, this feeling of well-being. I felt safe in Yoongi's arms. I felt at home.I clung to him, careful of his wound. He ended our kiss.

- I love you Sunmi, he whispered. It doesn't matter what happens between us. I am with you to anything and everything. Anyone, he added, his gaze fixed on mine.I felt my heart sink.

He knew it. And he knew I knew he knew about it. He placed a final kiss on my lips before huffing.

- I'll go home. You should go get your garter from Hoseok, apparently you forgot it.

Chocked, I watched him walk through the bedroom door and shut it gently. Days passed. Days turned into weeks. I had no news from Yoongi. He was not responding to my messages or my calls. I couldn't blame him this time.

My mother's health had deteriorated to the point where she had to be placed in an induced coma to prevent her from further suffering. Seokjin and I had had time to say goodbye to him. Hoseok was always there with me. Supporting me as best he could. Jojo and Dawon brought me the lessons I missed. My mother passed away one Saturday as the first snowflakes hit the ground. I was holding my brother's hand firmly at the time.

Seokjin allowed himself to shed a tear for the first time since taking care of my mother and me. He burst into tears in my arms. My brother has always been the strongest, the shoulder I could cry on, my anchor. And seeing him for the first time so vulnerable broke my heart.

I was sitting on the wall, my feet dangling in the air, watching the snow wash up on the cold waves. Bundled up in my winter clothes, I felt the cold creep into my bones.The lack in my heart kept getting bigger. Remembering all the times when I could enjoy my mother's presence instead of fighting with her didn't make me feel any better at all. Besides not hearing from my Yoongi.

I didn't dare go and see him at his house since he apparently didn't want to speak it anymore. About Hoseok, I was getting more and more addicted to him. It had become part of my daily life. I felt good with him.

"I knew I would meet you here," a voice rose from beside me.

I smiled when I saw his bunny-eared hat.

- First smile of the day, eh?

- Yeah, I replied.

- How are you feeling?

- It's okay.

Hoseok climbed up the wall and sat down next to me. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

- I know it's wrong. And I think I know why.

I didn't answer.

- You miss him, huh? He whispered.

I turned sharply to him. He gave me a sad little smile.

- Sunmi, I know you'll never be mine. No matter how much I give you all the love in the world, your heart will remain his.

- You're not totally right. You have claimed your place in my heart and you are as important there as he is.

- You mean ...

- I love you Hoseok, I interrupted. But, don't ask me to choose, please.

Her gaze was clouded, tears threatening to fall at any moment.

"Because it will be him," I added. It's always been him, since day one.

A tear rolled down my cheek. I bit my lip, preventing a sob from escaping my throat.

- I know I'm a bastard selfish for wanting to keep you both, but, I can't see myself without one of you. You are part of me.

I wiped away my tears with the sleeve of my coat. Hoseok fell silent, gazing at the horizon.I challenge his embrace then went down the wall, in the direction of my car.

- Sunmi, he called out to me. He in turn descended from his perch and approached me. He hugged me softly before putting his lips on mine.

- I don't care if I don't have the first place in your life. I just want to love you, it doesn't matter if there is X or Y. I love you and I don't want to lose you. Even if it means sharing yourself. I will always be there.He smiled at me before kissing me again.

The guests wishing me their sympathies all the time, and the tears that I had not been able to restrain at the time of the funeral gave me an impossible headache.Despite the fact that Jin and Hoseok were there to support me, I felt like I was in a depression. I felt alone. Sad. The gaping hole in my chest still hadn't healed. I was missing an essential part of my life.

- You want me to stay with you tonight? Hoseok suggested.

- I...

The roar of a specific motorcycle interrupted me in my tirade. I got up abruptly from the couch I was sprawled in and rushed for the front door. My heart skipped a beat when I saw my favorite rider take off his helmet. Not giving a damn about the cold that rushed under my dress and my stiletto heels, I rushed towards him and jumped into his arms.

- Ouch! I'm not totally healed, Sunmi, Yoongi moaned, still burying his face in my hair.

"Sorry," I sobbed.

- It's okay. It doesn't hurt as much as you think.

I could hear the double meaning of his words. I clung to him even more.

- I'm still sorry.

- Baby, I'll always be here. It doesn't matter what choice you make.The return of this little nickname made me smile.

- I love you, Yoongi, I tell him.

- I know. Just as much as you love him.

The tears streaming down my cheeks blurred my sight and the tone, with which Yoongi spoke broke my heart with each syllable spoken.

- I'm not asking you to choose. I know no matter what you decide, I'll always be with you. I am not mad at you. Well, not too much.

"Yoon," I whispered, burying my face in his chest. I can't decide between you two.

- So don't do it! If you want to have us both, fine! Unless sir has any objection.

- No.

- So, present it to me!

I looked up at him with wide eyes. He gave me an inviting little smile.

- Hold on! Are you serious ? I questioned.

- I want to know this little son of a bitch who stole my girlfriend for a week and a half.

- Don't scare him off, eh!

"I'll try," he replied, leaning nonchalantly against his motorcycle.

I gave him a loud kiss on the lips before jumping happily towards the house.

Weeks later, Seokjin moved to Seoul after filing for divorce. He had never consummated his marriage anyway because he had never felt desire for his partner. He had struck up a most dubious friendship with my English teacher.

Dawon, always true to herself, jumped on anything that moved. She was not very enthusiastic at first about my relationship with her brother. She had finally discovered the rose pot when she surprised Hoseok and I, kissing us languidly in the bathroom. But, over time, she gets used to it.Jojo, still crushed on Taehyung, refused the advances of SeongHwa, a student in the political science department. Nothing had changed on his side either.

As for Yoongi, Hoseok and I, it was not always the joy between us. Yoongi being the stubborn possessive, was happy to spoil my dates with Hoseok. Blows as childish as children.

These days he was developing an alarming interest in Hoseok. What freaked out the concerned. The little slaps on the butt, the winks and the smirks, it all made Seokie, almost crazy.

- Sunmi, your guy is freaking me out! He whispered hysterically.


Hope you enjoyed the story. Please let me know in the comments. 💖