Stall for Time

The two golden-ranked adventurers were assassin types. Basically, they are high skilled burglars who were caught trying to steal Forlorn Kingdom's elven artifacts.

Their techniques focus on surprise sneak attacks, dealing damage and making a quick getaway. It was to be expected that they have excellent speed-oriented skills.

The dozen elven warriors who were the first responder did not see it coming.

While The troll took most of the elves' attention, as the creature possesses a massive attack power along with a huge, indestructible body, the assassins managed to sneak behind them and laid a fatal blow to the elves.


"We- No, forget it, just leave the troll here!" One shouted.

"Agreed, let's get out!"

But, right at that moment, around six elves wearing an ornate silver tunic came. Patterns and stones were sewn on their outfits, their similarity most likely denoting their rank within the kingdom.