Chapter 89 - Jana

*( mood song: "Mitski - Francis Forever")

--- Octopeople city ---

In one of the rooms in the residential area, a young octoperson woke up.

"That was a good sleep...nnh..." she stretched herself, still a bit sleepy.

Her room consisted of a small pool dug on the ground as her bed, hers even having a bed net made out of algae inside for extra comfort.

She looked at a table by the side, still lots of papers on it 'sigh... master Erik gives way too much homework every time' she wasn't too bothered about it though, as the subjects were exciting for her, and she could always call or go looking for Erik if she had doubts.

So she stood up and stretched her tentacles too, and then sat at her stone chair, continuing to revise papers, soon concentrating on her studies again 'ohhh! this is fun!".

--- workshop ---

Meanwhile, Erik was working on the alien cube at the workshop, 3 of its sides displaying weird text pannels.

Erik: [what do these mean Rose?]

[let's see... rotate it slowly... it says *Reset Device* then *Owner Selection* and *Select Shape*]

Erik: [okay, so owner selection] he clicked, and a holographic screen with tons of options appeared [Rose? what do I click now?]

[wait, I'm reading it... hmmm there's a language synchronization option... but it says *Not available in this form*]

Erik: [okay, let's see the forms first] he rotated the cube and clicked on *Select Shape*, another holographic panel getting displayed

[okay, it says *Adaptor*, *Helmet*, *Bracelet*, *Tablet*, *Cube (currently in use)*, *Glove*, *Custom*]

Erik: [alright... to synchronize a language, let's try helmet shape] he clicked on the second option, and the cube expanded, changing to a shape of a pitch black metallic helmet with glowing green lines between parts, but there was a problem [It's way too big... how do I make it human size?]

[well... I don't know... maybe in owner recognition settings?]

Erik: [could be... what does that Adaptor option do?]

[not sure, but it has a short description around the edge of the option *integrate to other technologies* well, could be useful to add it to the power armor, but rotate it and let me read more of the owner settings, click on the forehead of the helmet] he did as told and the same panel from earlier appeared [okay... now... third row 12th option it says *New Owner Automatic Sync* click on that] Erik did as told and a green light scanned him, the helmet then changing to the size of a human head, and a hologram message appeared [it says *put on the helmet to synchronize*]

Erik grabbed the black helmet with green lights blinking on its joints and put it on, nothing happening at first 'do I have to- "OWW! what the hell's happening Rose?!"

[Seems like it poked and connected itself to your nervous system, it should be synchronizing]


And after a while it happened, as a neutral voice said inside his head from the helmet *Owner Automatic Sync complete, Link established, welcome Erik* "wow... what the... I think I know how to use it... just like that..."

[yeah, it seems that instead of learning your language it has just taught you its language and functions..., well it's much more efficient indeed]

Erik: [well, I don't need you to translate now at least] he looked at the options on his mind "emmm... change shape to bracelet"

*Understood, changing shape* the helmet scanning his body, and then dropping on his hands, the structure floating and changing shape to a bracelet on his left hand.

*Change complete*

Erik: [wow... can you make technology like this?]

[No... the synthesizers can't make technology like this, these were made off world in their own factories, but since it's connected to your nervous system I can access it too, so... ]

*Hi, Erik*

[ I can access it too and use it to keep connected to you]

Erik: [...that gave me an idea] he went to the power armor "Adaptor, bracelet"

*Understood, scanning in process* a green light scanned the power armor

*Integration possible, initiate? yes/no*

"yes, integrate"

*Integration started* the bracelet detached from his arm and changed shape, attaching itself to the chest of the power armor and connecting to it.

"now, if that is connected to my brain and you can access it, then it should allow a connection good enough for you to move it remotely right?"

[...I...I...I can move it] the power armor started moving by itself [Erik... thank you... this means a lot to me...]

Erik: "well, I have other ideas too like the scanner on the synthesizers, can you make me one to attach to the power armor? that way I can scan things and compare them to your database from anywhere"

[...okay, you can use my database, but I doubt you understand the technology, so... I will install it for you, where do you want it to be?]

Erik: "well..., that sure would save a ton of work... okay, thanks, I was thinking of installing it on on the forearm of the right arm, and connect the emissor on the top part of the hand, to scan things when making a fist"

Rose: *why not all on the forearm, protected from harm you know?*

Erik: "well... I was planning to add other weapons there like a sodium bolt launcher since it explodes underwater, or a hidden plasma blade, if the plasma container is hit and explodes... it would be much worse"

Rose: *just add it on the other hand, anyway, I'm gonna go walk around and install it later, it should take around a day to think it through and install it*

Erik waved her away: "okay, have fun, but don't lose the power armor, that alien cube can't be replaced after all"

--- Octopeople city ---

Back at Jana's room

"I finished!" Jana jumped excitedly as she finished the enormous amount of homework that Erik had given her 'hehe~ he promised to finally teach me how to make that rifle if I finished this, I wonder if master Jennifer finished her homework' running out of the room to go search for Erik.

Meanwhile, in Jennifer's room, she was feeling frustrated as she read paper after paper of documentation 'expansion of gasses, electrolysis theory, gas pressure, force exerted for thickness... what are all these formulas dammit! I refuse to believe Jana can get this faster than me! let's do this!' and kept studying.

--- On the base ---

Erik was taking a rest, on a hammock on the third floor, enjoying the sunlight as he only wore a hat over his face and a pair of boxers, a small table with a cold sweet algae juice to his right, and the sound of the mutant chickens on the background as he had released them while he was there.

Erik took a sip from his drink 'ha... cold and sweet in this heat... this is perfect, this is life....' slowly falling asleep.

"teacher! here you ar- KYAAAA! WHAT ARE THOSE THINGS?!!?!" but Jana came and seeing the foreign chickens got scared.

'sigh... my peace and quiet...' Erik got up a bit annoyed "so Jana, did you finish your homework?"

Jana was proud: "actually yeah, I finished it all teacher, here I brought all the exercises solved" giving him a thick stack of papers.

Erik was skeptical but he got more and more impressed the further he read 'wow, I gave her so much so I could forget about her for some time... but she actually finished all... impressive...' his face turned serious "I apologize, Jana, I didn't tutor you seriously and you clearly have a lot of talent... okay, let's go upstairs"

Jana nodded but her eyes couldn't help but keep looking down at Erik's big member, gulping down.

Erik noticed her but decided to ignore it, he stepped on the diving suit and it quickly climbed up, wrapping his body "alright, let's go to the workshop, I will guide you in building your first rifle alright? Jana?" *snap* he snapped his fingers.

"huh? w-what?" she rubborized, her face getting redder by the second, as she snapped out of her daydreaming.

"let's go upstairs to make your rifle" he noticed her hands covering a slight boner and scratched his head 'guess I'm exotic for them' starting to go upstairs.

Jana behind him walking weirdly as she checked his body, her tentacles almost slipping on the stairs sometimes as she was distracted, she was a shy virgin girl as she was often busy crafting things or doing research, so the sight of Erik's almost naked body had been a bit much for her. 'i wanna try sucking it... ah... I can't concentrate now'

They arrived at the workshop as an attentive Erik and an absent minded Jana finally built a rifle.

Erik inspected it and said, "why is the pressure release valve important?"

Jana: "to avoid an explosion of the deposit due to overpressuring"

Erik nodded: "exactly, and that's why I'm confused why you didn't add them"

Jana instantly blushed "s-sorry! I will add it right now!"

Erik smiled and said, "it's fine, I will go cook something, hope you can concentrate better alone okay?"

Jana bowed her head in apology "im sorry..." feeling a bit dejected, she was so nervous she made a fatal mistake, something like that could have taken someone's life.

Going to the kitchen Erik paused as he heard voices from inside, he got closer and taking a peek inside saw Anhuka talking to Crabina 'how the hell did she get inside here?'

Anhuka: "such a cute girl like you... so you said Erik is your daddy?"

Crabina: "yeah, Erik is Crabina's daddy!"

Anhuka: "but how's so? you don't look alike, and you ain't shiny like him"

Crabina laughed: "that's his armor silly, he can take it off, Erik adopted Crabina"

Anhuka: "oh... is that so? then who's your mom and dad?"

Crabina: "dad... dead? I don't know, mom... I didn't see her... maybe she died..."

Anhuka: "you seem too calm for a little girl saying that, aren't you sad?"

Crabina played with her fork "no... now I have a daddy that likes me, dad and mom didn't love me, they were only mean to me..."

Anhuka hugged Crabina "awww poor girl... you have a daddy now so... wanna have me as your mommy?"

Crabina was happy "yeah mommy! I want!" then her stomach rumbled "mommy I'm hungry!"

Anhuka patted her head "yeah, mommy will make something for you..." she looked around "do you know where they keep the food?"

Erik was impressed 'wow, she managed Crabina so easily, maybe she would be a good mommy but... I don't know, something seems a bit off...' [Rose, can you bring back the power armor?]

[I'm in the armoury doing the upgrades, is it important?]

Erik: [...maybe not, okay keep working] he saw as Anhuka opened the fridge 'now I'm kinda curious, will she be able to cook at all?'

Anhuka: "you have frozen meat here... so impressive... so, Crabina... what's your daddy's favorite food?"

Crabina seemed to think hard "well, daddy eats lots of raw fish dipped in what he called garum, but... he said his favorite dish was the Spanish omelet"

Anhuka: "alright, how do I make that? do you know?"

Crabina: "crabina knows" she ran to a nearby shelf, picking a book and carrying it back "this is daddy's cooking book, it should be here" she opened it as Anhuka looked at it too, not understanding anything "here! I found it!"

Anhuka observed the strange symbols but didn't understand them so she said "can you read it out loud for mommy?"

Crabina: "okayyy, it says you need 5 potatoes, 1 onion, and 8 chicken eggs, and salt"

Anhuka: "got it... what's a potato, onion, or a chicken?"

Crabina: "I know" she got down from her chair and opened a closet in the kitchen, taking 5 potatoes from one basket and 1 onion from another, then she picked the 8 eggs from the fridge, and gave them to Anhuka, "these are potatoes, this is an onion and this is a chicken egg"

Anhuka touched each ingredient and asked, "okay, what's next?"

Crabina: "first wash them and peel the first layer from the onion, and then cut the potatoes in dices and fry them until they are softer, and then add the onions in smaller dices, then in a bowl beat the eggs and add the fried potatoes and onions to it with a skimmer to avoid too much oil on the mix, mix it thoroughly, add some salt, and add to the pan again until one side is fried and then flip it using a plate to fry the other side, that's all daddy wrote"

Anhuka: "well..., I think I understood... but I don't wanna fail at making your daddy's favorite food, don't you have a video of it like the ones Inky... showed me?"

Crabina: "yeah, there should be one, let me look" there were screens in almost every room, so crabina took a nearby controller, turning the screen on, and then reached a /cooking folder, finding a /omelets and finally opening a potatoes-and-onions-omelet vídeo, they watched it and Anhuka felt more confident, finding the tools needed around the kitchen and leaving them on hand reach.

Then Erik saw as Anhuka cooked a perfect copy of the omelet in the vídeo step by step while keeping Crabina busy with simple things 'she does seem capable, maybe I should teach her some chemistry, with such a good memory she would be a great lab assistant... and she's doing great with Crabina, she could be a babysitter for her too if I need to go somewhere...'

Anhuka flipped the omelet like in the video, putting a plate over the pan and flipping them on top, and then sliding the omelet back on the pan, cooking the other side. It was quickly made as she served it on a plate, telling Crabina with a smile "should we go look for your daddy to taste our omelet? I bet he will be happy"

Crabina: "yeahhhh! let's go look for daddy!"

Erik then came through the entrance "were you calling for me sweety?"

Anhuka was surprised, but Crabina quickly reacted "daddyyyy! we made your favorite dish! come try it!" running to Erik and dragging him to the table.

Anhuka on her part was examining Erik's body 'hmm... so he was actually smaller and not shiny... hmm but I still like him... he looks strong...' saying "yeah, we worked hard, tell us what you think" finishing with a smile.

Erik grabbed a fork and ate a piece 'hmm a bit salty... but tasty overall for their first one' he smiled at them and said "it's delicious! come taste it too"

"Yayyy!" Crabina cheered hearing him, Erik blowing on some to cool it and offering it to her, as she ate it "mh! yummy!" turning to Anhuka and hugging her "mommy! daddy liked it! mommy try it too!"

Erik looked at Anhuka inquisitively and she blushed at having her plan be seen through "well... she said she didn't have a mommy so... I offered to be a mommy for her, if you are okay with it of course..."

Erik stood and held Anhuka by her shoulders "I'm sure you will be a good mother for Crabina, please take good care of our daughter then" and gave her a kiss on the forehead, taking then Crabina by the hand "let's go Crabina, I'm gonna present you to your new auntie Rose"

Anhuka stood there frozen after they went away 'he kissed me! it was just the forehead, but even then... aaaaahhhh... YEEEEEEESSSS!!!!' doing a triumphant pose 'PLAN SUCCESS!!! so much time waiting near the door until someone came out paid off in the end... oh, I forgot to ask him for a way to enter if I'm gonna be Crabina's mommy... hehehe~'