Part 5: What the Heart Feels


Alejandro and the others saw how the children were taken away by the authorities...Alejandro just received a message…

"Ha...Uriel just finished dealing with the Boogeyman…" Alejandro says to the others. Kasumi smiles; "That's good to hear, but why is Chelsea with him?"

"Well...they were on a date and…"

"A date!" Kasumi interrupts Alejandro with a panicked face. Alejandro looks at her nervous; "Oops…"

"Uriel, that damn gigolo…" Kasumi says to herself. Alejandro looks at the hour and enters in a panic:

"Oh no...I must meet Marjorie in 10 minutes…"

Kasumi looks at him and says; "Alejandro, where do you need to go?"

"Fountains…" Alejanro replies, Kasumi takes out another helmet and gives it to him:

"Get on, I will give you a ride to Fountains…"

"Really? Thank you…"

"WHAT THE HELL!" Carlos exclaims as he thinks; "Damn it...I always wanted Senpai to give me a ride and then I would fondle her big boo…"

"HEY IDIOT!" Tiwa says to Carlos, Carlos gets mad and screams; "WHAT?"

"They already left...take me home…" Tiwa says, pointing at Kasumi and Alejandro heading to the city. Carlos feels like an idiot as he exclaims:



"HANG ON TIGHT!" Kasumi says to Alejandro as he grabs her hips thinking:

"Teacher is so slim...come on, concentrate....wait for me Marjorie!"



The Fountains, Sun City

Once again, it began to rain... it has been exactly one hour since the promise...Marjorie stands in front of the fountains waiting for Alejandro…

"Mmmm.." Marjorie waits looking at the fountains, she is holding her umbrella as she waits for Alejandro.

"Ha...ha...ha...MARJORIE!" Alejandro arrives as he runs towards her. Alejandro arrives, he breathes heavily as he says; " took so long…"

"No...actually, just an hour passed like you said…"Marjorie replies, Alejandro smiles and he says with a tired voice; "Good…"

Marjorie puts her umbrella on top of him. Alejandro catches his breath and says:

"I'm had to wait for me…"

"Not at, what did you want to tell me?"


Alejandro feels that his anxiety is rising, his heart beat increases drastically as he thinks:


Alejandro takes a deep breath, he makes his body look straight and looks at Marjorie in the eyes:

"Marjorie Bellerose...the truth is that for as long as I have known you...I've always wanted to tell you that I have been in love with you!"


Marjorie is in shock upon hearing his confession, she is speechless. Alejandro continues to speak:

"You were the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, you're smart, athletic and have a great're perfect...I seriously fell in love with you!"

Marjorie's face turns red, she looks away as she tries to think a reply; "Alejandro...I"

"At least, that's what I thought…" Alejandro interrupts Marjorie, he continues to speak:

"I always thought that I loved you...but I do love you but not in a romantic way...the truth is, I always wanted to beat Aleister because I saw him as my rival…"

Marjorie changes her expression to a sad face, Alejandro continues to explain:

"When we were kids, you always loved Uriel, yes, you don't remember him but I assure you that you were...I felt jealous and I wanted to get your attention...then, you became Aleister's girlfriend which broke my heart...but you always talked to me like normal even though our relationship wasn't normal...I kept pushing to see if you one day would see with the eyes I supposedly saw me, you were a prize and I'm sorry…"

Alejandro begins to cry, Marjorie also begins to cry; "Alejandro…" Alejandro says:

"I'm sorry for doing this but you need to learn the truth...the truth is that I know that you love someone love Uriel, I can feel it and that's okay...I also found someone that I truly fell in love with...she is special, she has supported me ever since I met her...whenever I lost the way, she always put me back on track...I truly love her…I love Valerie..."

Alejandro looks at Marjorie in the eyes one more time; "Marjorie please forgive me...forgive me for being a bad friend for all these years...from now on, I will support you...I will be your real friend…" Alejandro smiles at him; "Alejandro, you have such a kind be honest, I always thought of you as a friend, even more like a brother...thank you for being honest...thank you for being there for me all these years...I forgive you…"


Marjorie gets closer to his face, and Alejandro opens his eyes wider as he feels Marjorie kissing his cheek; "Marjorie?"

"This is just a thank you okay...I have to go...I'll see you at school on Monday…" Marjorie slowly begins to walk away, she stops and says; "You know, you will make a wonderful boyfriend...and I could've accepted you…" Marjorie continues to walk, Alejandro touches his cheek and chuckles.

Behind the fountains, two figures stand. One of them is Uriel who says; "Are you satisfied?" The other figure is Valerie who is looking down and doesn't say a word. Uriel pats her head:

"Don't feel embarrassed, you feel the same way as get going…"

Valerie nods without saying a word as she enters the portal Uriel created. Alejandro looks at the sky as the rain has stopped, he sees the stars as he says; "I wonder if Valerie would accept me…"

"That's something you must see for yourself…" Alejandro sees Uriel standing behind him; "URIEL?"

Uriel opens a portal below Alejandro's feet and says; "See ya!"

"AAAAHHHH" Alejandro falls to the fountain located at "La Plaza de los Lagartos" (Alligator Plaza).


"Damn it Uriel…" Alejandro says as he comes out of the water, someone approaches him, it's Valerie with a close umbrella, she looks at him and smiles:

"Hey you like to swim at night?"

Alejandro smiles and says; "Of course, it's so refreshing…" He stands up and says; "I made it like a promise…"

"Of course you did…" Valerie leans forward and kisses him in the same cheek Marjorie did. Alejandro reacts embarrassed; "What was that for?"

"Well, it's something for you to remember me and forget about her…"

"Aaahhh…" Alejandro is speechless, Valerie begins to walk away as she says; "Let's go eat dinner…"

"Of course…" Alejandro begins to run and catch up to her.

Meanwhile, Marjorie walks at the Fountains looking at the floow. Suddenly, she sees someone standing in front of her. She looks up and sees Uriel who makes a little smile:

"Hey there, are you hungry?"

Marjorie smiles; "Of course…"


Sun City…

Victoria and Angela walk towards their houses...Victoria looks very angry…

"I can't believe that Uriel went on a date with Chelsea...I mean why can't you see me...I;m smart, popular and have a rocking why?"

They arrive on the street where Angela lives, Victoria tries to say something:

"W-W-Well...Victoria, maybe he…"

Angela Victoria doesn't listen:

"Like, I am hotter than why can't he just see me...we went to the dance together and even on a date where I kissed why…"

"OH SHUT UP FOR ONCE" Victoria stops walking and turns around surprised; 'What did you say?"

Victoria sees a completely changed Angela. Her face is now more serious and her eyes are hollow. Victoria looks at Angela frightened; "Angela?"

Angela charges and grabs Victoria by the neck and lifts her up; "Angela, what are you doing?"

"You know how long I wanted to do this? Every Time you talked about yourself, I wanted to ring that pretty little neck of yours, seriously...You're so egocentric...I can't believe our Master chose you."

"Stop...please…" Victoria struggles to breathe. Suddenly, Angela hears someone coming; "That's enough Angela, we need her for our operation…"

"Oh alright, I was only playing…"


Victoria coughs as she holds her throat, she looks up and gets surprised as she says a young man with green hair and glasses; "R-R-Raul?"

"Good evening Victoria…"

"What are you doing here? What's going on?" Victoria asks nervously.


Angela punches a wall and creates a giant hole; "Shut up bitch, you're annoying…"

"That's enough Angela, you're temper is always so annoying…"

"This is not right, this is a dream...she is not Angela, I mean she has always been sweet and shy…"

"HAHAHAHA...THAT ANGELA IS JUST AN ACT! THIS IS THE REAL ME!" Angela says as she tears up her dress up to her knees and grabs her hair with a ponytail.

"She's right, Angela has always been like that but you just forgot…"

"Forget? I think I would remember her like that…" Victoria says as she tries to stand up.

"You're won't remember because I took those memories from you…" Victoria opens her eyes wider as she sees a hooded man approaching her. He is wearing a white skeleton mask and black gloves. Behind him is another hooded person wearing a skeleton mask with a red stripe crossing the face.

"Who are these men, and why are you two not panicking?" Victoria says as she trembles.

"My name is El Muerto and Victoria, you are part of our group…"

"You're group?"

"That's right, you have always part of Sabia Regueli"

"What are you talking about?"

"The fact that he's here means that we were given an order right" Raul says as he points at the Red mask El Muerto. The white mask El Muerto nods in agreement:

"That's right, we are about to begin the hunt and for that, we will need all the members of Sabia Regueli to be present…" El Muerto grabs Victoria's face; "GYYAHHH LET GO OF ME!"

"We are to hunt down the Seven Cities of Gold!" El Muerto says as he lifts Victoria. Raul and Angela open their eyes wider. Victoria begins to scream:


El Muerto chuckles; "No one will appear, this place is deserted...Victoria, don't you want to remember what really happened to your parents?"

"My parents? You know what happened to them?"

"Of course and you as well...Now then, time for you to remember who you really are…Time to learn what your heart really feels..." El Muerto grabs her face tighter and black manna begins to come out of his hand.



March 24th, Sun City International High school

Monday, the first day of the week...students went to school as normal...right now, there are 12 students who are in everyone's conversation...the 15 students who will travel to Mexico on Research Program…

"I CAN'T WAIT...MEXICO HERE WE COME! RIGHT ANGELA!" Victoria walks like her usual self. Angela who is acting shy replies:

"Yeah, this is going to be fun…"

"Let's go buy some cute outfits and swimsuits...we will definitely hit the lakes over there...let's tell Marjorie.."

"Y-Y-YEAH…" Angela replies feeling shy. Victoria looks at her and thinks:

"I guess, this is all that we have to do...until "he" gives us the order…"

Uriel walks with Kasumi in the hallway. Kasumi is excited thinking; "I'm walking with Uriel alone...I hope this moment never ends…"

"Kasumi, we're heading to Mexico next month...I have a bad feeling…"

"You do?"

"Yes, it's as if something is waiting for prepared…" Uriel enters the classroom, Kasumi stands in the hallway thinking:

"I hope those bad omens will just go away...but let's see what fate has in store for us…"

Kasumi enters the classroom and says; "GOOD MORNING CLASS...I HOPE YOU'RE READY FOR TODAY!"

***************************************************************************Alejandro came that morning with a sole purpose in mind…after class to find his missing friend...

"Brother, where are you going? The meeting is about to start…" Anastasia says to Alejandro. Alejandro looks at Anastasia and smiles:

"Tell Victoria to begin without me...I have something important to do…"

Alejandro climbs up the stairs, as he remembers some important words:

"Hey Alejandro, please be my friend...I know that I am a loser and a geek...but I don't want to continue being alone..."

"If I remember correctly, he should be here somewhere…" Alejandro says as he arrives at the rooftop. He looks around and finds a student sitting in the corner, he is playing videogames and laughing on his own.

Alejandro smiles and says; "Found him…" Alejandro approaches the student; "Hey, are you Stefan?"

Stefan looks at him and says; " what?" Stefan looks up and opens his eyes wider; "Wait, aren't you the Student Council President?"

"Indeed I am, say, would like to join the HISTOREA Club?"

Stefan stands up, with tears in his eyes he bows and says:

"I would gladly love it too…"

Alejandro smiles; "I knew it, his memories of the mind are gone, but his heart still remembers…'' Alejandro scratches his fist and says:

"My name is Alejandro...nice to me you…"

Stefan and Alejandro fistbump one more time like they did on that night.


On that night… The Romero family finished eating dinner and decided to go to bed...Luis and Lucia's memories were erased so that the events involving the Boogeyman didn't traumatize them…However, the siblings became friends and came to be closer...

Luis finishes tucking Lucia on her bed. Lucia makes a routine question:

"Luis, could you check if the Boogeyman isn't under my bed or in the closet?"

Luis smiles; "Lucia, remember that the Boogeyman was defeated by the Silver Hero...I remember someone telling me that…"

"Please brother…"

"Oh okay…" Luis looked under the bed and there was nothing there. He goes to the closet and says; "Now then, I hope nothing is here…" He opens the door and a stuffed bear falls on top of him causing him to scream.

" fell for it.." Lucia says to Luis. Luis grabs the bear and says:

"That's it, you have won yourself a pillow fight…"

Luis and Lucia begin to play around with pillows and stuff animals like normal siblings.

And in the closet...there was nothing because the Silver Hero and his comrades defeated the Boogeyman...

When you were young...your parents told you about the story of a being that came after those who were naughty and misbehaved...a monster that could come out from under your bed or from your closet…

This is a story that has always existed but where did it originated and is the Boogeyman real?

There is a legend in Sun City that if you go to a deserted region, where a giant tree once stood...if you listen could hear someone screaming:


And a new story began to spread from the children who were saved...the story of a brave hero dressed in silver who fought the Boogeyman and defeated him…

That legend came to be known as the "Silver Hero of Justice"