That Star Part 1

Chapter 1

Christmas is on it's way so I gotta get something for my girlfriend, she's fucking picky, but I still care about her. Looking at Georgie, my best friend since middle school is still taking pictures for the next magazine issue for the Christmas special this year. Looking at him I groan.

"Are you done yet Georgie? Or are these extra pictures that you're taking of me just for yourself?" I ask in irritation. Looking at me, all he does is sigh in disappointment. Yes my friend works for an independent porno magazine and he's a total idiot that doesn't take no for an answer.

"Yes and no sexy Teddy, Philly wants the pictures and to pick out the good—no the perfect ones for next weeks issue, so yes I am a horny man, but a pretty good paid horny man that loves his good boys like yourself," Georgie says winking at me. Dude I'm straight, but it doesn't matter since he's still my horny gay best friend.

"Okay get dressed my hot chocolate God from Heaven! We're done, or unless you want me to continue?" he asks winking at me. I just laugh at him.

"Dude, I'm not interested, plus pussy is all I want," I say to him then going to the table, I changed quickly, and I grab my car keys. Turning to Georgie, I smile small.

"Look, I'll be at Star Bucks for a few hours, are you free to hang out?" I ask him. Georgie just giggles.

"Oh of course my chocolate bar of sexiness! Let me tell Philly and give him the photos and I'll be back, just wait five minutes," he says then runs off. Man, I need him away from my black ass…literally speaking for me.

Driving with Georgie in the backseat since all he does when I drive him anywhere is grabbing me and trying to turn me on. He hates the backseat as he sees it as a jailcell in Hell. A jailcell from black guys that have big dicks like myself. Ha! Yes I am pretty blessed with a nine inch dick, and that's when I'm not hard, he, he, he! As I park the car and I undo my seatbelt, Georgie leans forward suddenly and licks my ear.

"Jesus Christ Georgie! I don't want a tongue that's been at places where I don't know where it has been at!" I say in aggravation. All he does is whine like a puppy that had done something stupid on your brand, new carpet.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm just lonely since I always in the backseat since the last time I wanted to blow—" he says explaining to me, but I cut him off.

"We were in heavy traffic Georgie and if I remember correctly, I almost got arrested because they thought I was a gay prostitute!" I say to him. He just groans and slides out of the car like he was just pissed that this black man—me wasn't going to go and fuck him. Let's just hope Georgie doesn't cause a scene like last time we were here.

Another day of a public crying scene. This time was the final straw for the store as they banned us from there…the third fucking Star Bucks place here in New York City.

"Are you happy with yourself, Georgie? I have—no I had the one and only perfect girlfriend and now she's thinking that I was cheating on her because you told her that you let me give you a blowjob!" I yell at him in anger as we were driving back to his car so I can drive alone.

"Well, she was ugly anyway," he said to me pouting to me from the backseat. Driving into the parking lot of the building, he gets out and slams the door, but not before saying the one thing that just made me even more mad.

"I want you Teddy, I love you, don't forget that," Georgie says then leaves and doesn't turn back. Pulling away and driving back out of the parking lot, I drive back to my house where I know Renee will no longer be in.

Chapter 2

It's been a few days since that argument with Georgie and I'm now living alone now, that present I was going to give to my now ex-girlfriend is not here so I guess it was for the best. But it was all thanks to Georgie, taking a water bottle, I sit down and just relax to the good sport boxing. It's the only thing that helps me relax, surprisingly enough porn doesn't do much for me like it used to, like it's a turn on, but it hasn't been the same since I started working in the industry. As I watch a new boxing game, I hear my cellphone ring and I can sense that it's Georgie again for the third time today.

"I might as well pick up the phone, he won't stop until he gets what he wants…and that's me" I say groaning. I pick it up and I hear him on the phone crying.

"Hey, Georgie, what happened?" I ask him worried. I think I know why.

"Stupid dick Henry dumped me because he's straight for ugly pussy now! I need someone to talk to, can I stop by Teddy?" Georgie asks. I know why he got dumped, but I'm not going to say it.

"Okay—" I say then I hear him knocking on the door. Shit, he's desperate.

"Great, he knew I was going to say yes," I say getting up and walking to the door and opening it up. I see him crying and his mascara dripping with his tears dripping down from his green eyes. Man I need to stop acting like a total dick bag to my own best friend, I know he fucked up my past relationships, but he's still my friend. I need to calm him down.

"Come in, I'll make us some coffee," I say as I lead him inside the house and into the kitchen with the empty coffee pot where I get started making some for the both of us.

"Teddy, I lied, I did something to him and I know you know what it is," he says as I give him a cup of hot coffee.

"Who was it, Georgie? Come on, you can tell me," I say to Georgie. Georgie just sniffles and sips a bit on his coffee.

"It was Philly, he and I had a couple of cocktails and next thing I knew he was fucking me in the ass and he walked in on us and left with his things," he explains. All I can do is put my coffee down and walking over to him, I wrap my arms around him and I smile.

"I'll be here for you man, like always as a childhood friend and you know that Georgie," I explain, then it happens—

"I need you to know something Teddy, I know you maybe straight, but I do love you and it was like this since we became friends for the first time," he says then kisses me on the lips. I know I say like every time he says that he wants to be with me that I'm straight, but this time I know my heart is here and with him and in the palm of his hands. Pushing into his arms I slide my tongue down into his throat and I stop for a moment.

"Let's just do this, I want this and I know you do too," I say to him. Leading him out of the kitchen and to my bedroom where we strip down slowly. My dick is just so fucking hard for him and I don't know why, Georgie climbs into the bed on his hands and knees where I go up from behind him and I place both my hands on his hips when I slide in and began thrusting in and out of him. His moans of pleasure made me full of pleasure and I needed this as if I knew I was gay all along.

"Fuck me harder, baby!" he screams. As he screams out those words louder and louder I take my time to just tease him unlike the other porno stars I fuck on videos. Then I begin going harder and harder, feeling my cock getting bigger and hard to fit in his tight as—

"Ahh!" Georgie screams as I finally cum inside him and all we do is sigh in relief and lay together on the bed where we hold each other in complete joy and bliss.

"Are we a couple, Teddy?" Georgie asks as we hold each other. I smile to myself as I then nod.

"Yeah, I guess we are." I say looking into his big, beautiful eyes.

"There's something I need to do though," I say to him

"What's that?" Georgie asks.

"Changing my Face Book status to gay as fuck,"