Chapter 1: Austin.

Maddened, saddened by the death of Avalon. She was sweet, tolerant and easy going. I had much doubts that I would ever fall for another. I had no patience to start over, no patience to create a new profound loving bond. I marched to the stables in search for a new lover. Perhaps not a new lover, Avalon was irreplaceable my beautiful horse... I needed a temporary companion just as good as Avalon had been over the years. Frustrated, I could not find the stable boy. Grover had said he had to be somewhere in here, going by the name of Thomas. The unholy stench of manure and filthy straw almost knocked my boots off. I came to a halt when I heard giggling from the back where a negro girl was sat on hay exchanging saliva from the negro stable boy. It gave my skin goosebumps. Absolutely nauseating.

"I'd leave you two to breed on hay like the animals you're but I have no time to entertain wild things..." I said cooly making them jump off each other in an instant. A chuckle escaped my lips, imbecile negroes. The girl immediately turned to look away and buttoned her blouse... but my eyes had managed to observe a small glimpse, of her round bosoms that sat on her chest. It did not do anything to me, perhaps I had seen better. Perhaps I should have been looking but it did not matter. I had seen it all, nothing excited me about the body of a woman. It did not ignite fire that made my manhood stand up and refuse to sit backdown like an awakened stray dog.

"I must apologize Master Austin, I had not expected you to be here earlier..." He said nervously. A tall strong built young man with dark skin let out his hand expecting me to shake it but I did not.

"You'd better be dazed if you think for a second I'd shake your hand. Who know's where it has been?" I stared at the girl, who flushed with embarrassment behind him.

"My apologies." She finally spoke. Her eyes on the ground not looking at me, I paid no attention to her. "I will be leaving..." She added.

"As you should..." I muttered. "I can not fathom just how low your standards must be to allow a stable boy to take you on hay. It's revolting, I pity you." I immediately chuckled. "No no actually women like you disgust me." I saw how she died a little hearing me say that. My confidence grow much more, as if a fed on her insecurities and embarrassment. Her lover could not defend her as I gave him a death glare.

Try me, just try me. He wouldn't dare, sure he was my height and strong built but there was not much he could do. I fed off their helplessness. She turnt to walk away...

"You dare walk away did I dismiss you?" She looked at me with fury in her eyes, this was exciting. Letting out another laugh, I looked down at her. Showing her just how much of filth she was. "What if I also wanted a little taste of that piece of pie on hay..."

Strong willed, she marched towards me to give me a hot scorching slap. I had not been expecting it. Disappointing if she thought it would upset me, not at all infact it only awakened my little friend down there.

"MERRI!!!" The young man yelled at her. I bit on my lip. My skin still dazed with heat from her assault. So this was the Merri that mother so often spoke of interesting. They had treated her too way that she assumed we were on the same stature.

"He has done nothing but insult me Thomas!" She whispered yelled at her lover.

"You ignore it, I always tell you to ignore it. Jesus Christ, do you want to get us killed by your recklessness?"

Unfortunately I interrupted their squabble by walking over tasting the bits on metallic on the corner of my lips. I had to give it to her, she aimed really good. I'd aim better.

"Come here..." I told her asking to step forward. She did, her lover stepped back.

"Master Austin, she has quite the temper but we're working on it."

"You're forgiven Thomas." I told him, seeing how relieved he suddenly seemed.

As soon as she was close enough to reach, I returned the favor. Giving her a backhanded wallop that she landed on her arse. Thomas was quick to kneel down and check if she was doing alright. "See Merri, I'm a strong patriot of gender equality. It was only right, I return your assault." With that I gave them a smile, walking away. She stared at me with turbulence, I found it cute. It was really cute that she thought she could assault me and get away with it. My parents had clearly spoiled this orphan rat to the point of her losing her identity.

She was still a negro and would always be a negro. If I kept a wild dog in the house for years, it did not change that it was still a wild dog. Walking away like nothing happened. "Thomas, do you have any Percheron breed?" I questioned.

Forcing himself to move away from her, he followed behind me and showed me the multiple horses that they had in the stable. I caught a glimpse of her walking out with the back door. Tears running down her cheeks, she was quick to wipe them. It was really sad some would suggest but not me.

That night before I slept, I stroked my manhood to the thought of her. Would she hit me while I gave her a thorough loving? Would she put on a fight? I absolutely adored a good fight. Would she bite her bottom lip out of anger and stare at me like a venomous snake. Would she allow me to place my manhood in between her bosoms. I doubt it not that she had a choice anyways but the thought of it brought me to a satisfying climax. The grip on my manhood loosened as I let out my train of kids that have to die in such a shameful manner. Going straight to the linen sheets instead of the warmth of a woman. It did not bother me, soon enough I'd be placing them somewhere warmer. Merrigold was really fascinating, no negro had ever laid a hand on me. It was exciting, now I could have a fair fight of bliss. Soon after I had showed them a good time, they always pretended to not enjoy my thorough shagging... I wanted something different, a good challenge, a hard nut to crack. I was tired of crybabies who could not handle my barbarity. Just how much would it take for her to crack like the rest of them? To fall in love with the thought of me. As soon as they did, I always left them begging. I'd lose interest. Women, I found them inept besides birthing.