Chapter 42: The fallout.

"No no no... I'm so afraid, I might piss my pants." Merrigold said backing away. Austin laughed at her reaction, continuing to remove his article of clothing.

"Fine, your loss. It's a beautiful day out so why not?!" He smirked.

"Is this why you brought me here, on this trail... you knew you would do this."

"It's just a swim."

"I can not swim, Austin."

"I'm here to teach you."


"Fine, malady stay there and watch me enjoy a cold fresh breeze of the lake."

"Why are you removing...your..." Merri facepalmed.

"I prefer to swim nude."

"You're disgusting, traumatizing the poor fish." Merri added. Austin could not help but smile at her overreacting. "They did not at all in any form or manner ask for this."

"I get it Merri, you're a saint."

After a few moments of watching Austin undress and jumping into the greenish looking water. Merri let out a quiver. It looked rather disgusting and unhealthy.

"Why has it hardened..."


"Quit acting oblivious you know what!"