"Humor me..."
"Love, please allow me, I need to entirely concentrate, stand still..."
"This is so vulgar." Merri complained.
"What is so vulgar about a man painting a woman with a body of art."
Merri let out a smile. Peaking from the canvas, Austin smiled back at her.
"You're not allowed to hang it anywhere where it is of public view."
"I hardly get any visitors so what is the point?" He mumbled focused on his work.
"Regardless, I do not know where you will keep that be it between your mattress or in the wardrobe but if you hang it up. I will never forgive you..."
Austin chuckled. "I won't put a face on it, just your body. Does that gladden you?"
"...no..." she replied with a stern look.
"You're unbearable."
"But you love me." She added.
"You're still unbearable." He countered.
"That's why you love me."
"I refuse..."
"I must have been mistaken when you pleaded 'Merri, this is not you. I want you to fight me. Argue with me'..." Merrigold mimicked his base.