Chapter 53: The bitter.

She flinched each time Thomas fondled her breasts. She tried to suck it in and be strong but it was unbearable. They were so sensitive from any touch even if it were soft. They felt... like balloons.

"Are you alright?" Thomas questioned.

"...I'm fine...I just haven't been feeling too well." She expressed.

"We don't have to make love, I simply love playing with your breasts that's all and oddly enough. I do not know if it's my eyes deceiving me but they look bigger than usual." Thomas snickered with excitement like a teenage boy.

"They're really painfully sore, I must have slept on the wrong side of the bed." Merri expressed.

"I suppose so." Thomas replied.

"I have been having cramps too but I will be alright."

"Being a woman is tough!" Thomas chuckled. Merrigold smiled caressing his jaw and the little goatee on his chin.