Chapter 59: The talk.

"How is Thomas, Merri?"

"...uh...we're no longer together." Merrigold confessed playing with the food on her plate. Trying her best not to vomit at the smell of garlic. Austin immediately dropped his fork. Then apologized when all eyes went on him except for Merri.

"But why? You were both so inlove as teens.."

"It's for the best...for uhm the both of us."

"That is so sad. Mrs Brown what do you think?"

"I have nothing to say Ma'am." Mrs Brown mumbled.

"Is there anyone that has caught your eye maybe my handsome unmarried son here?" She teased. Merrigold immediately felt bile threaten to overtake her throat.

"Oh mother..." Austin chuckled. "You're making her nervous."

Mrs Brown immediately coughed, feeling awkward by how tense it was.

Austin was trying to catch Merrigold's eye but she kept looking at her plate never up. He moved his leg under the table, purposely touching her. She flinched, knowing exactly who was sitting opposite her.

"Sorry.." he muttered.